
what advice would you give a 20-year old?

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2 hours ago, LoveandPurpose said:

@ivory Thank you! What would be an example of a creative outlet? 

You're welcome! Learn guitar, martial arts, draw, paint, etc. The thing is you want to have stuff to do so your'e not wasting your time on Facebook, playing video games, jacking off, etc. Having a creative outlet is very healthy and rewarding.

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@LoveandPurpose Wake up early, drain the shallows (clean up any items that need to be put away, this helps me do something low level to wake up)

Make some tea, maybe eat some oatmeal. 

Then i take a moment to consider what dreams i had last night and their significance.

Then, i start my affirmations as i make my bed :) 

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If you're here, you know about enlightenment. My advice is keep studying it. Do meditation. And spend the next 10 years partying your ass off and fuck as much as you can. Seriously, be a slut. Do lots of drugs. Experiment with everything. Travel. Go to festivals. Expand your mind. Enlightenment will be there for you when your older. Enjoy your 20s. Bask in the joys of Ego. All the lust, debauchery, and hedonism. Then when you've got all that out of your system, then dedicate yourself to enlightenment, so your next 40 years can be egoless bliss. 

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Buy quality earplugs and wear them when you go to raves, concerts, clubs. Get your friends to do the same so you can all still party together when you're old.

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10 minutes ago, outlandish said:

Buy quality earplugs and wear them when you go to raves, concerts, clubs. Get your friends to do the same so you can all still party together when you're old.

Yes, this! Tinnitus is a bitch. 

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My advice for you would be to begin building positive habits and outline some goals for yourself for short, middle and long term. Start thinking seriously about what you really want to do with your life. Read books and try new things so you are opening yourself up to information you didn't previously have. Have an open mind, take care of your health and mental state, lastly explore your relationship with your finances. All of these things can snowball into very practical and powerful cornerstones in your life if you give them the proper attention.


Edited by Erroneous

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This is such a powerful thread. Everyone at 20 should learn from this.

I would also recommend studying spiral dynamics, keep on watching videos and check out Leo's booklist.

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@Jed Vassallo Hmm yeah I'm currently neglecting those aspects of life. Are you sure I will regret not changing that? Why not live your whole life in higher consciousness?

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Find your life purpose

Read Leo's book list and apply it to your life. 


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Don't go studying wrong stuff and waste years going wrong direction, wish I was told this earlier in life. 

Find out what is the best way to serve the world and what skills do you need for it. Once you do pursue those relentlessly. You already have a massive headstart against majority of population, make a good use of it. 

@outlandish man that's a life changing piece of advice

Edited by Michael569

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@Michael569 Don't scoff! I'm not kidding. When I look around at my (~40yo) peers and I see a bunch of them struggling with tinnitus, it's heartbreaking. Then I go to a club or party and see 20yo kids with their ears getting hammered with no protection, I just think, these kids are going to be like my friends with constant tinnitus in 15 years. So easily preventable with some $20 earplugs that let you hear the music just as well. Best gift you can give to your future self.

Your health is your greatest weath :D

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@LoveandPurpose Yes damage occurs every time you abuse your ears, and follicles don't grow back. You know when you go to a loud venue and your ears are ringing after or the next day? That's a huge warning sign, you should never let that happen.

Buy some reusable quality earplugs like these: - they are comfortable, they don't muffle the sounds like foamies, and they will protect your hearing when you expose your ears to loud music. Best $20 or whatever you can spend.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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