Cortex Is The Holy Grail

81 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you guys refuse to do empirical research, that's not my problem. I told you from day 1 that is an empirical enterprise and that none of your beliefs or opinions mean squat unless you put them to the test.

A person who did the empirical research will not just go into a forum or wherever and say exactly what happened. That will be too "woo-woo."

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4 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

A person who did the empirical research will not just go into a forum or wherever and say exactly what happened. That will be too "woo-woo."

That's what happens every week on this forum ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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52 minutes ago, Shin said:

That's what happens every week on this forum ?

I know that the proper way to teach it is how the Cloth Bag Monk did it -- 'teaching it through the pores, hands outstretched.'


The best way to present such information tactfully (that I could think of) is through a life purpose sparingly. Otherwise, it may sound like a "woo-woo" sales pitch.

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Is there an episode from Leo on how to do the empirical research? 9_9

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@iGhost  When your coach points out your mistake as you're doing sport, is that him, who did it? Critique is important.

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On 1/22/2019 at 3:47 PM, Key Elements said:

the physical environment--our everyday ordinary life.


On 1/22/2019 at 3:58 PM, Key Elements said:

the physical environment that we're in


On 1/22/2019 at 4:10 PM, Key Elements said:

The answer to my question is still a no.


On 1/22/2019 at 7:05 PM, Key Elements said:

I do not want to look like a "show-off" or an "authority." Ppl do get such labels.

Physical environment is a thought, that there is a separate you (we) “in” it, is a thought. Discovery of life purpose is wise, but wisdom is relativity, “within” The Self, immeasurably beyond these thoughts.  The map is not the territory in either case, thought is a thought and only seems true because ‘you’ are so convincing. Thinking about what people think of you can be limiting. Our deepest fear comes to mind. The appearing paradox of fear / God & self is really worth contemplating. Hopefully this comment reaches you in love, and not fear. The intention is for your awakening - I am a fool and know absolutely nothing, and don’t think you should take psychedelics any time soon. 

Like @Serotoninluv...20 years of daily practices and still there was the belief in a physical me & reality, Zero truth. Thinking Chinese turned out to be a thought, a map. It’s shocking how sneaky the mind is, how convincing “physical” is. It would be next to impossible to open up emotionally and spend a half hour or so contemplating what he said in this thread, but just one opinion here, do whatever it takes to do so. Relativity, the younger the better. At the very least, contemplate that Nahm, Leo & Serotoninluv are all in agreement. Value that or don’t, again, the intention is opening the mind & awakening, not saying you need psychedelics. It might be hard to hear, but is worthwhile, that the answer to the question is that your answer is still no. Can you imagine knowing, and not having that question?

@Serotoninluv The way you reference the unexplainables, the patience there,  is sooo appreciated. Thanks. The Spanish / Chinese analogy is so simple and effective, it’s like it was right there all along! Nice!



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@Nahm yes, I understand that everything around us are just thoughts, including our physical environment, but that wasn't my point to Leo. :) No, I'm not bothered about what other ppl think when I'm going into my LP. I know that's limiting. But, from what I'm learning in the forum, sharing what happened in your spiritual path directly in your LP may not be a good idea. Not everyone is able to relate to it. I'm only saying share it carefully in your LP. That's it.

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45 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Key Elements I want to understand, but I honestly don’t. What is the risk / loss of sharing?      Aren’t they already one and the same, this, now? 

Yes, it is one and the same. During an awakening, you'll actually see yourself as the entire universe (aka, no-self, nothingness, infinity, whatever you call it) going back into your "small, little" ego. If you include such a description in your LP, be tactful in how you say it. That's all I'm saying.

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45 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Key Elements For the muggles, basically? 

Yes. It's just like Shaolin monks. They teach kung fu and spirituality. But, they mainly teach kung fu. Everyone can relate to kung fu, but few can relate to an awakening and apply that to everyday life, even in kung fu. So, they teach that sparingly.

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@Key Elements No wonder I wasn’t hearing ya. That’s a good reminder for me! Thanks! I came into it, relatively, backwards. Life purpose realization came to me in a trip. At 40. Lol.  It’ll do me good to keep that in mind. 



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That's actually pretty interesting Key Elements, I want to know in 100% that I am the entire Universe 

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@Cortex yes, you are. You are nothingness (no-self). Then, you transform into everythingness. From there you transform back into your ego. While this is taking place, you are at peace--no suffering at all. You're completely detached from what is occurring. You're complete and free (even while making such a transformation).

When you go back to your physical ego and this physical world, you'll think that this experience is absolutely amazing! Oh wow! It's so massive being that infinite black hole and collapsing into myself! Because you felt a love (bliss) when you became embodied again--which indicate that you're in the to love realm--earth.

However, even though it's amazing to the ego, it's really nothing. Later, if you look carefully, life itself (you) operates on the "principles" of an awakening. Yes, sometimes life may seem hard. You have to struggle to work. Some ppl really are in a "horrible" situation. But, "horrible" is an illusion and it's temporary. This is just a scarcity mindset. There is no distance between you and success. Your awakening points out that distance is an illusuion. Everything is temporary. There are always ways to learn to get out of it and go with the flow of life. Transformations in life are flows. Flow into love. You did that in your awakening. Learn to love yourself first and eventually others. Teach them how to live and love. When you mastered this, you become "enlightened."

Beautiful life lessons from the deepest awakening that can be applied to living life to the fullest:

Easier said than done. :) Sometimes we have to unlearn many things. 

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@Nahm the majority are muggles. They're not ready to hear it. It won't be correct to make them believe. That would be "cultish." :) It has to start from the basics. Everyone understands that no one wants to suffer in life. So okay...where do we go from there? Then, start learning a skill--like kung fu. :P Well, it doesn't have to be kung fu. It could be something else. A skill could be used to help you survive. Therefore, reduce suffering. Then, you could teach the skill. It goes with the quote: "Give a man a fish. Feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; feed him for life." But see, you got to teach without harming others or the environment. (Stage green :P) and so on and so on. It would be helpful if the LP goes in this way. Show, not tell, right? Show in the LP that you're doing this.

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On 24/01/2019 at 11:59 AM, Nahm said:

@Key Elements For the muggles, basically? 

"No one is more hated than he (she) who speaks the truth." -Buddha

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