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How should I view my history classes knowing all the stuff about SD?

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Hello everyone. Next week I have a test about America in the Roaring Twenties, the rise of fascism in Italy, the rise of stalinism in USSR and the rise of nazism in Germany (basically a test about the interbellum). Now I don't want to talk about all these things in particular, I am just wondering if I should look at these things from a SD perspective and how exactly I should do that. Is it even helpful to use SD when learning history in school? For some the answer might be obvious, but I am not sure.

Leo, for example, said that all history you get taught in school is mostly not real and that you will recognize this if you fully study history. Of course he meant it in the context of ''details'', not like he meant that Hitler never lived or anything. If this is true and my history books contain a lot of lies, would it even be needed to use SD to look at them? And would it even be possible? When I try to put all the communists in the USSR in one stage, I mostly get lost. I mean Stalin was in a completely different stage than his fellow ''comrades''. The guy started industrialization by exploiting his citizens.

If I use SD to look to these historical events, how would you recommend me to do it in a way so that I understand the historical events better? Use the Stalin situation as an example if you feel the need to.

Take care.

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