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Question to all that have exeperienced absolute infinty, Enlightment, non duality etc

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Think that you have had a deep deep deep deep deep  crush on a girl for 5 years. Your perfect 10 in everything. Looks, personality etc There is No girl that is like her in the world. She has not been in a relationship, had sex etc so there is No one you envy or worry that She is gonna compare you to them. And everyday you almost can't live because you want her. Think about her every second, dreaming about her. On day there is a School dance. You finaly ask her for a dance. Romantic music gets on. You look her deep in the eyes for 10 sec. Then you kiss her. 5 years of suffering and deep crushing on her. In that moment you are the happiest you ever been. It is pure magic. And it's for a Good reason. It's not like a "happy" drug where the happines Feels Very cheap. No this Is real happiness. How does that experience compare to takeing 5 meo dmt and becomeing god. Awake etc 

Edited by Freakrik

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It not depends on You. But You depend on it.

Edited by tedens

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That's not even in the same ballpark. The experience of 5 Meo is empty of self, while that experience you described is very much full of self and egoic neediness/ clingyness. 

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33 minutes ago, Maya_0 said:

That's not even in the same ballpark. The experience of 5 Meo is empty of self, while that experience you described is very much full of self and egoic neediness/ clingyness. 

Mean how does  the magical feeling compare?

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So, I have actually kissed with the preetiest girl in school that I had a crush on and to top it, it was my first kiss ever in life. It was cool, but rather dissapoinitng.

I have also had samadhi where I forgot who I am and merged with reality. It grounded me to the floor and left in shock from awe for an hour. It was unexpectedly magnificient.

Here's your comparison. I think there's none.

Edited by Girzo

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6 hours ago, Girzo said:

So, I have actually kissed with the preetiest girl in school that I had a crush on and to top it, it was my first kiss ever in life. It was cool, but rather dissapoinitng.

I have also had samadhi where I forgot who I am and merged with reality. It grounded me to the floor and left in shock from awe for an hour. It was unexpectedly magnificient.

Here's your comparison. I think there's none.

How deep was your crush?

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@Freakrik That would be one grain of sand in the beach ; a drop of water in the ocean.

Trying to imagine it can stimulate motivation, yet in the end all imaginations fall short.

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@Freakrik Lol

That would be 0.0000000000001% of what your happiness would be at the moment of full awakening.

Try to imagine how happy you would feel if realized that death is impossible and that you are immortal and nothing in the universe can ever hurt you and that you personally own every galaxy and all of the stuff in them. And this condition lasts forever.

P.S. If you want true happiness, stop thinking with your dick.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura p.s. You've just spoiled such a romantic moment..

Edited by tedens

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26 minutes ago, tedens said:

@Leo Gura p.s. You've just spoiled such a romantic moment..

Gotta wake up and smell the coffee at some point. Better now than any time. 

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42 minutes ago, tedens said:

@Leo Gura p.s. You've just spoiled such a romantic moment..

What you call romance is actually pure devilry.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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there's so many flavors of happiness, romantic, energetic, wildness, fleshly, humor, etc. can't say one is better

but goodness is the best

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there are so many different understandings of what romance means - there are also so many ways in confusing the dick with the absolute. one is a jouth virginity i’m the first one wet dream the other one is a childlike grown up in his i‘m the greatest, i‘m the only one, super power dream - i don’t see any romance though...

ps: maybe sometimes it’s better to have none

pps: sorry for the discrimination just wanted to show a third perspective

ppps: was that good enough?

Edited by now is forever

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@Freakrik It doesn't matter. Spiritual experiences are waaay deeper. Even the early ones. They always surprise you with a depth, even though you think you know what to expect.

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You know what, this experience is valid.  This is me when I was like 25 years old.  For somebody in their 20's this is life.  I lived it.  I don't try to change people in their 20's anymore.  It's a unique stage of life.  It's a valid stage of life and a special stage of life that has certain characteristics.  Things will change for you in your 30's and 40's.  I'm 41, for what that's worth.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Freakrik A passionate first kiss can be enlightening indeed. Would not say it sticks around, nor can it compare to serious consciousness work; but it sure puts you in the here and now and makes you completely merge with the present moment...even if just for a few brief seconds :)


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10 hours ago, tedens said:

@Leo Gura p.s. You've just spoiled such a romantic moment..

Ahhahahah What do you mean? I Don't think he spoiled it. It's hard to belive how anything could top that 

Edited by Freakrik

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Think of it this way.

All that happened that you explained was a dream and eventually you died in the dream and what happens when we die in dreams? That's right, we wake up. Now you're back to your real life and probably think about the whole dream for a little while at most then forget about it soon after as you go on about your day living the similarly as you did yesterday and so on completely forgetting the dream that you thought was a lifetime at one point which in reality was only a good nights sleep.

Now think about that kiss :)







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What you described is: getting exactly what you want the most.

What non-duality is: realizing that you don't want anything because you're already whole. :)

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