
I have lost touch with the energy to read, any advice?

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Hello everyone. I know this might sound silly, but let me explain my situation.

The last few days I can't read longer than half a hour. It used to be 1-2 hours each session. I feel very guilty for not being able to read. I tried forcing myself, but my mind keeps telling me: ''OK after this page I can stop right?'' Which results in me looking at the clock after having read a page. This problem occured when I started to read ''The Power of Now'' by Eckhart Tolle. I don't blame Eckhart for this, but getting through a small book like that was harder than it seems. Currently I am reading ''The Anatomy of Loneliness'' by Teal Swan and I am facing the same problem. Any advice?

My personal guess: My ego doesn't want to face the truth that lays in those books, so it wants to keep me away from them at all costs. I mean I learnt a lot from Eckhart's book. Unfortunately it took longer than needed.

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@Ampresus Don't force it, maybe try listening to the audio version if there is. To be honest i think it's best to read a small little segment, take it away with you and just let it seep in as you contemplate it. If you read through the whole thing faster you're more likely to forget it and want to re-visit it anyway.

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When you read a book like the power of now it's not like reading a romance story. The information could be heavy and your mind maybe needs time to digest and to contemplate what it has read.

When I read sadhguru's book, i read 1page and that's it. It's too heavy. It takes time to let that information to sink in. There's just to much wisdom in there. 

One sentence you could be contemplating for a long time. It's not just about cramming everything inside like dry knowledge.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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11 hours ago, Ampresus said:

Hello everyone. I know this might sound silly, but let me explain my situation.

The last few days I can't read longer than half a hour. It used to be 1-2 hours each session. I feel very guilty for not being able to read. I tried forcing myself, but my mind keeps telling me: ''OK after this page I can stop right?'' Which results in me looking at the clock after having read a page. This problem occured when I started to read ''The Power of Now'' by Eckhart Tolle. I don't blame Eckhart for this, but getting through a small book like that was harder than it seems. Currently I am reading ''The Anatomy of Loneliness'' by Teal Swan and I am facing the same problem. Any advice?

My personal guess: My ego doesn't want to face the truth that lays in those books, so it wants to keep me away from them at all costs. I mean I learnt a lot from Eckhart's book. Unfortunately it took longer than needed.

I wouldn't force it. You may need something else right now.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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You might be fatigued.  

I had a similar experience last year - I read about 10 self help books back to back in about 6 months, more than my usual pace. After the last book, I felt 'full', like "I get it". I needed to do the exercises and practice some of what I was reading. I had no desire to read anything else. I took  about 6 months off and  eventually the urge and excitement of reading returned. 

Perhaps, it's a sign you need to focus elsewhere for now.

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That's ok.  most of what I read now is research I do online.   I sort of transcended "need to know" which is the impetus of a lot of reading.  I still read but only when it's relevant to some actual problem that has arisen in my life.  I do a lot of Web Research on issues I care about -- practical issues in my life.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 1/19/2019 at 4:52 AM, Ampresus said:

'OK after this page I can stop right?'' Which results in me looking at the clock after having read a page. This problem occured when I started to read ''The Power of Now'' by Eckhart Tolle

How ironic, because the entire premise of the book is that we are always looking at the clock wishing we were somewhere else... I mean, of course that was the book you were reading! How could it be any other way!

Your ego was so startled by the contents of the book that you're exhibiting textbook ego backlash behavior that was outlined within the book. It's all laid out right in front of you. Do you see? 

Ask yourself, "Where is it I'd rather be? Where am I trying to go to when I read? Why am I resisting the present moment?" If there isn't a legitimate place your intuition is trying to pull you towards, then consider that "anywhere but here" is precisely the place your ego wants you to be, which is quite neurotic and a never ending loop of anxiety. You are controlled by psychological time.

In order to apply the wisdom in the book, you're going to have to self-inquiry into the inner workings behind this uneasiness. Perhaps you should stop reading for now, until you have processed everything in Tollé's book. You might even have to read it again. But all this is a sign you haven't absorbed all the new info. You're still probably trapped in psychological time, and you won't be able to move on until you become conscious of it. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Go to nature and hike, meditate, be and motivation will come. I would also reccomend fish oil every day


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