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Conspiracy Theories and the Ego (Alex Jones)

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Are conspiracy theories just an ego distraction? Looking at Alex Jones for example. Alex Jones thinks that some higher power is controlling the system and it's his job to fight against it. But the evil controlling higher power that he believes is out there somewhere, is really just his ego! It's this twisted backwards mix up in his mind.
Am I on the right track here?

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you are and you are not; conspiracies do exsist in my opinion. but as leo once said they're literally just peanuts to the conspiracy that is "YOU"

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@Cameron A classic case of the lesser Jihad to avoid the Greater Jihad.

All cults create an evil "other" to fight against. This allows the ego to feel good about itself, thus avoiding self-reflection.

Self-righteousness is a dead giveaway of egoic behavior.

When you are deeply conscious of Truth and Being, you will not act self-righteously or judgmentally. Judgment automatically disconnects you from Truth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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50 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Self-righteousness is a dead giveaway of egoic behavior.

When you are deeply conscious of Truth and Being, you will not act self-righteously or judgmentally. Judgment automatically disconnects you from Truth.

It seems that self-righteousness can be expressed in many different and new ways. It can be sneaky and doesn’t want the spotlight on itself.

A sophisticated ego well-versed in spiritual and self-help concepts that is convincingly genuine could veil itself past most psychologists. 

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