
Having a hard time replacing weed with good habits - advice wanted

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I'm currently in the process of quitting my weed addiction. The hardest part of this process isn't really quitting, its replacing my bad habit with new ones. This is especially hard because weed took up A LOT of my time, and now that I'm quitting Im trying to find better habits to replace that time with, but it has been extremely difficult.

I was wondering if anyone has any tips on some things that I can replace my habit with. I know Leo talked about just sitting with your urge when you are addicted, I am aware of that, I am more asking for tips that are productive/fun to do.

Here are some things I do daily, although they don't even come close to taking all day to complete, these things take around 3-4 hours in total to complete, leaving me with a solid 10 hours I would like to find something to do with, which was the time I used to use to smoke weed.

  • Read
  • Meditate
  • Work on my YouTube Videos
  • Research Self-Development Theory
  • Lift Weights

But that is the extent of it. I have thought about watching a documentary everyday but I don't really enjoy watching Netflix/YouTube in excess. 

Any advice is appreciated, thanks

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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What worked for me with weed was what I call vanishing the habit, I explain further:

First, make a little calendar where you check daily if you smoked or didn‘t on that day.
If you smoke daily, you begin by not smoking for one day, and the next day your‘e free to do it, do that for a week or until you‘re comfortable with that, you‘ll see in your calendar one day checked, one not. 
Then you smoke one day yes, two days no.
When you feel like you mastered that do one day yes, three days no;
When you feel like you mastered that do one day yes, four days no;
and so on keep growing the weed-free days until you don‘t even feel like you need it. 

Be ready to work for this for months or even a year, depending on your mind-emotions dependance of that gratification.
Also try to find the emotional source of the habit, why is that habit there?, what are you distracting from?
Also don‘t buy weed!, if you buy it‘ll be there haunting you haha

Also check my latest post on this discussion section, might help. 
Hope it helps, much blessings:D

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@Oliver Saavedra Thanks! I will try this out

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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