
where is enlightenment?

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Literally the you that thinks its you, is not you. but the you that is in the moment of silence , is contemplating its own isness and that is not you. then you close your eyes and go meditate and you ask, ohh who is the one who is aware. I am the one who is aware but that is not you. then you go further and inquire that the thing that thinks it is you is contemplating if it is you, it is not you. but the thing your missing out on is that you have to become that very thing that is awarness, contemplating falsely. then when you become awareness itself without needing to contemplate who or what you are. you have reached literally the most obvious of answers, you being the awarness was the awarness you were seeking for. 

then you need to mental masturbate, ironicially to prove conceptually how this is you, i have hands, no i dont have hands. I have thought, i don't have thought, i have mind, no i don't have mind. you literally. you literally are attempting to back ration, how ironic is that! and we think were forward rationing. because in truth you are always pure awarness at all times your just not conscious, or to say- you just don't know its you. Seriously then you realise ohh if i had just sat down and meditated for a couple of years on it, i will come to the true realisation without the need to constantly create mind noise, that the very thing i was searching for is right infront of me when i close my eyes. Its so obvious.  

its actually so amazing how obvious it is , that it eludes all of us, including myself and it still continues too. 

moral of the story: is don't make the same mistake i did 

dont do so much conceptual work and ignore the benefits of meditating or some other form of practice, that can only yeild results needed that only that technique can apply. It actually saves so much falsehood and delusion! 

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash Nice post. Ya, nobody is looking into things really. What a difference it makes, just one deep trip, one breakthrough, glimpse, etc. Just one experience of other than ‘reality’, so there is some kind of possible comparison. It is unfathomable that, what, maybe 99.9% of the population, doesn’t seriously question their existence ever in their life. It’s certainly perfect.



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Where is perception occuring? Good inquiry question. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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5 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Why does everything have to be you?  Isn't that just another linear statement and belief about reality?

Here's my best advice to you: Being has nothing to do with belief.  Forget about "What am I?"  That's an Egoic question.  

There is nothing but you. The only thing you will ever find are deeper levels of yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Rilles awarness feels like its still happening in my head still , since i haven't got a feel of expanding it too much yet. but this awareness/perception is occuring everywhere. its omnipresent. i haven't experienced this in my direct experience and what it feels like, just inside my head, since its the only place i can access it lol

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You know you are there when the term 'enlightenment' makes no sense anymore. Enlightenment? As opposed to what? 9_9


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom yeah but i can't seem to maintain the presence of void, pure awareness, nothingness 

@Nahm it really is amazing at having one reference point, one moment where it reveals itself to you and your like i have it, and i want it again, how do i get this. its definately because it reveals itself to you, in my opinion. gotta keep trying until you get a breakthrough

@Joseph Maynor you in this context is third person referring to me, or us or we, all of us. ahh man when i tried to meditate again. that question completely blocked my path, as if it were stopping me from the thing revealing itself to me because i'm trying to conceptualise this is what it is and this is what it isn''t, instead of just it being what it is completely

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5 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Preetom yeah but i can't seem to maintain the presence of void, pure awareness, nothingness 

This just means that the war hasn't been won yet.

Self inquiry.

Until the ego never rises again as the I-thought. 

The irreversible transformation called self-realization. The total extinction of latent mental tendencies or vasanas.

Don't sell Enlightenment short.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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15 hours ago, Aakash said:

dont do so much conceptual work and ignore the benefits of meditating or some other form of practice, that can only yeild results needed that only that technique can apply

I noticed that conceptual work, meditating, practice, techniques, as in being motivated and acting on the demand for results, is really all one and the same thing. 

It was a enourmous insight that ended all such resistance. Energy skyrocketed once that resistance was not fed into. 

Edited by Jack River

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@Jack River what you can have different experiences that allow you to guide to to the same place 

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24 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Jack River what you can have different experiences that allow you to guide to to the same place 

I understand what your saying I think. 

This insight I’m speaking of isn’t experience based. It’s a perception/energy that is so free that it ends all movement towards the desire for experiences. Its instantaneous. The insight is action(the doing) 

That action simply stops moving within the field psychological evolution(progress-cultivation/content of consciousness accumulation). 

To see that whatever i do, is futile. Its stepping out of the river of time. 

Edited by Jack River

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Then with that total unconditioned freedom may be actualized the sacred. 

And its not a place/state to arrive. 

Edited by Jack River

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16 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Enlightenment is nowhere

Haha nice. 

15 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Jack River what you can have different experiences that allow you to guide to to the same place 

Ultimately there’s the surrender (with no surrenderer) of our mind made experiences. Until this happens let the ego do its thing and watch all of its urges/reactions/patterns etc 

the quicker we can see the extent of our identity in play, the sooner it will vanish without a trace

the state of being has no controller, identifier, judger or resistor 

If and when the ego returns continue with the insights through experience.

The mind plays a vital role in life but it is so very liberating when put in its place

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On 1/18/2019 at 8:56 PM, Aakash said:

Literally the you that thinks its you, is not you. but the you that is in the moment of silence , is contemplating its own isness and that is not you. then you close your eyes and go meditate and you ask, ohh who is the one who is aware. I am the one who is aware but that is not you. then you go further and inquire that the thing that thinks it is you is contemplating if it is you, it is not you. but the thing your missing out on is that you have to become that very thing that is awarness, contemplating falsely. then when you become awareness itself without needing to contemplate who or what you are. you have reached literally the most obvious of answers, you being the awarness was the awarness you were seeking for. 

then you need to mental masturbate, ironicially to prove conceptually how this is you, i have hands, no i dont have hands. I have thought, i don't have thought, i have mind, no i don't have mind. you literally. you literally are attempting to back ration, how ironic is that! and we think were forward rationing. because in truth you are always pure awarness at all times your just not conscious, or to say- you just don't know its you. Seriously then you realise ohh if i had just sat down and meditated for a couple of years on it, i will come to the true realisation without the need to constantly create mind noise, that the very thing i was searching for is right infront of me when i close my eyes. Its so obvious.  

its actually so amazing how obvious it is , that it eludes all of us, including myself and it still continues too. 

moral of the story: is don't make the same mistake i did 

dont do so much conceptual work and ignore the benefits of meditating or some other form of practice, that can only yeild results needed that only that technique can apply. It actually saves so much falsehood and delusion! 

May I suggest something only. That if it is enlightenment you seek. that you spend the time you call meditating. on a worthwhile problem.

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