Aaron p

ok...how is the synchronicity possible.....like, really how's that shit possible

35 posts in this topic

@Nahm there's nothing ominous about it, it's funny more than anything! xD 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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2 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

My finger just clicked on the "Submit Reply" rectangle, and guess what?

it’s unbelievable, i read that!!! and i did the same. how is this even possible!

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On 1/19/2019 at 1:13 AM, isabel said:

can you change some things about my life by focusing really hard? I need money tee hee

@isabel actually I have yes. I'm starting teaching piano soon, hopefully I'll have business cards and a full 6 week program for beginners. I need to research a little more. Also, I don't really want to say too much, but I'm selling some other stuff that will double my money lol. 

And in general, when I take the time aside to allow God to mould my consciousness concerning that which I wish to develop...I find these kinds of things really easy now. It's like they come to me.


My practise is this; sit, become aware of what I want to happen (the next step in what I want to happen), visualise it and feel I to it's energy (it'll feel quite, wishful and imaginative), then I completely let go of it and everything else for 30 seconds and then listen to God. For me, an important part of this is not having any sort of expectation regarding what kind of answer I will get...for example, instead of asking "can I have a yellow car or a a blue car" and waiting for either yellow or blue...I completely open myself to abstract answers like "take the bus" haha. The way I know the answer is truly God is because the answer typically feels very solid and as if I was blind and now I can see it clearly. It feels right, and concrete.


Like today I was communicating to the energy source that I would like to start having a daily 15 minute kryia yoga sit on top of my hour of 'self enquiry/vepaasana" sit. I presented what I wanted, let go of reality for 30 seconds, i returned and listened and he said..."you are kryia." 

Also learning how to recognise the voice of the energy source needs to be experiential. It's got to the point, for me, where I just know what it sounds like and I can trust it. That's how I do it

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p That’s awesome. If you can play the piano & post ads, and read about seo, you got no business sellin ‘the other stuff’. I just double checked with the universe. It said keep your head on straight.



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5 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Aaron p How’s synchro-world goin? 

@Nahm lol, good. It freaks me out a bit so most of the time I ignore it

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6 hours ago, Aaron p said:

@now is forever @Truth Addict am I missing something here?

no not really, but as far as it concerns me, i didn’t miss your beautiful instructions on how to, either! sometimes it’s all about presence/openness what makes synchronicity possible, but being there is also not really a coincidence, it’s a follow up of coincidences, it’s a seemingly random meeting of coincidences and if there is synchronicity, there is a meetining of seemingly random will or unwill to meet. who searches/opens up to this magic, finds. (even though there is certainly more to it, than the obvious)

Edited by now is forever

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3 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

@Nahm@now is forever


@Aaron p

Everything is synchronicity. It's all one, happening in the present moment.

The ego is just looking for some similarities that are of its concerns and dismissing others that are not.

yes this is dismissing the magic! xD

but it doesn’t matter as magic is met in the moment.

Edited by now is forever

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