
is taking action without vision a waste of time ?

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I've been taking some action in my life, self development, reading, meditating, yoga... But I feel like my focus is so dispersed and im not gonna get anywhere with all of this, bec ultimately idk what I want of my life, I feel like a vision is what I need the most at the moment, a sense of direction, but how does one go abt creating such vision ? Does the vision come after taking lots of action or do you need a vision b4 you start taking action to make sure that your action is leading you somewhere?

And how do you deal with indecisiveness ?  Do you just pick a vision and stick to it, ignoring all doubts and what-ifs, or do you spend weeks and months thinking every possibility through and driving yourself crazy with all the possibilities ?

Kind of a vague and unfocused topic, but that's the state of my mind whenever I think abt this issue

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I've found that a vision helps keep you motivated, focused and directed. Currently, I have a vision for my life. But it's not my supreme/ultimate vision I guess, and I'm altering it and changing it overtime as I learn new things. I believe it keeps you driven and motivated, even though it's not the perfect vision, but it keeps you moving to the desires that you currently want.  

So I'd say, make a vision now, but as you learn new things, optimize it 

Edited by d0ornokey

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No.  But don't turn that into an excuse to be lazy and never work on a Vision.  There's takeaway from everything you do, and you're not gonna premeditate all your actions anyway.  That said, it's an important part of Personal Development Work to think about Vision and to appreciate the importance of Vision for motivation and for improving your life beyond where your baseline is right now.

Video on point to watch:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Pernani Figure out you Life Purpose and then create a vision for that purpose.

At this point, I can see my vision so clearly if almost feels like physical thing. I break down crying of joy and inspiration every time I think about it for a few minutes. It has become the guiding star of my life. The vision is primary. Any development that is involved towards a vision is secondary.

Even if you make the best vehicle in the world, it's of no use if it just makes you go around in circles. You need a destination.

Not to mention that having crippling daily self-doubts about what you should do with your life will get you depressed, confused, scatter-brained, unable to focus on one task, uninspired and unmotivated eventually. I know because I was personally there for more than three years.

Once your LP and vision lock in, you can start to live a passionate life and be of service to the world. It doesn't pay to be depressed and full of doubts.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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21 hours ago, d0ornokey said:

I've found that a vision helps keep you motivated, focused and directed. Currently, I have a vision for my life. But it's not my supreme/ultimate vision I guess, and I'm altering it and changing it overtime as I learn new things. I believe it keeps you driven and motivated, even though it's not the perfect vision, but it keeps you moving to the desires that you currently want.  

So I'd say, make a vision now, but as you learn new things, optimize it 

how long did it take u to come up with that vision ? did you get it through the lp course?

21 hours ago, Dan Arnautu said:

@Pernani Figure out you Life Purpose and then create a vision for that purpose.

At this point, I can see my vision so clearly if almost feels like physical thing. I break down crying of joy and inspiration every time I think about it for a few minutes. It has become the guiding star of my life. The vision is primary. Any development that is involved towards a vision is secondary.

Even if you make the best vehicle in the world, it's of no use if it just makes you go around in circles. You need a destination.

Not to mention that having crippling daily self-doubts about what you should do with your life will get you depressed, confused, scatter-brained, unable to focus on one task, uninspired and unmotivated eventually. I know because I was personally there for more than three years.

Once your LP and vision lock in, you can start to live a passionate life and be of service to the world. It doesn't pay to be depressed and full of doubts.

for three years you've been struggling with your lack of direction, that's what I've been feeling ever since I was a kid, and even more so this past year since I chose to face this problem once and for all, what made you get out of that rut ?

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21 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

No.  But don't turn that into an excuse to be lazy and never work on a Vision.  There's takeaway from everything you do, and you're not gonna premeditate all your actions anyway.  That said, it's an important part of Personal Development Work to think about Vision and to appreciate the importance of Vision for motivation and for improving your life beyond where your baseline is right now.

Video on point to watch:


Thank you for your reply Joseph, that's the number one thing im struggling with in my life right now, I feel like I got so much potential that is not being used in any effective way cause my compass is all fucked up

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You don't need a vision. Just improve yourself and then life will come at you. Whatever  you're capable of that you will achieve. 

Don't go creating goals and visions for yourself. Focus on improving yourself, how much you improve yourself that much you will achieve in life.

If you you create goals right now it's gonna be a meager, constipated goal. Your eyes should not be on a finish line but on your steps you take right now. How far you go depends on how capable, balanced you're are. 

If you want flowers to grow you don't need to do flower maditation. Just take care of the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture. You don't need to pay any attention to the goal. Just pay attention on the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Pernani I think intention comes before vision, vision is a tool to flesh out or make an intention tangible to the mind, but intention itself can be general and as long as you take actions in alignment with an intention you'll find your way to bringing the intention into concrete form. One general intention helps to keep things open where if one concrete result didn't work there's many other ways to manifest the same intention, and sometimes life throws in surprises and new crossroads while still going along to the same intention. It's like a life purpose statement which is general but can be expressed in many different ways. 

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4 hours ago, Salvijus said:

You don't need a vision. Just improve yourself and then life will come at you. Whatever  you're capable of that you will achieve. 

Don't go creating goals and visions for yourself. Focus on improving yourself, how much you improve yourself that much you will achieve in life.

If you you create goals right now it's gonna be a meager, constipated goal. Your eyes should not be on a finish line but on your steps you take right now. How far you go depends on how capable, balanced you're are. 

If you want flowers to grow you don't need to do flower maditation. Just take care of the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture. You don't need to pay any attention to the goal. Just pay attention on the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture.


I dont think that's a very effective way to live life, if I just go on about my day to day life without a destination in my head then I'll just end up with whatever falls into my lap, maybe in some dry ass desert, I definitely wouldn't want that for my life

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Think again. I didn't say be mindless. I said focus on improving yourself rather setting goals. What goals you set has no impact, it's only a distraction and a trap actually. You could be stuck chasing a stupid goal all your life. That's how most humans beings end up.

By focusing only on improving yourself you will eventually achieve something. Something that you can't imagine right now. Something that only a better version of you could think of it. 

Sadhguru also says. How fortunate that things that I wished for when I was 18 didn't come true :D don't you have things like that? I definitely have. How great that all the things I wanted to become didn't come true because when you grow you realize it was a stupid goal. Then a new goal arises ant then it gets outgrown as well. 

It's better not to have any goals. Just become the most capable and balanced. What you can do you will do. What you can't do you will not do. 

5 hours ago, Salvijus said:

If you want flowers to grow you don't need to do flower maditation. Just take care of the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture. You don't need to pay any attention to the goal. Just pay attention on the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture.

Focus on improving yourself, goals will sprout like flowers.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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5 hours ago, Salvijus said:


If you want flowers to grow you don't need to do flower maditation. Just take care of the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture. You don't need to pay any attention to the goal. Just pay attention on the soil, water, sunlight and tempreture.


I read that in Sadhguru's voice haha

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Lol :D

And also just to help understand this better an example.

when you play football you don't need to focus on how many goals you want to make. Just focus on being at your best, that will determine how much you will score and succed in football. It's the same with life also. How capable and balanced you're will determine how far you will go.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Taking action is never a waste of time. It´s always better to do something than do nothing. Grand Cardone has this CDFD system for doing things (that´s why he can do so much). 


Do it

Fill your calendar

Do it again 

These 4 things he does over and over. Only one rule, nothing has to be done perfectly, but it needs to be done. 

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17 hours ago, Pernani said:

how long did it take u to come up with that vision ? did you get it through the lp course?

for three years you've been struggling with your lack of direction, that's what I've been feeling ever since I was a kid, and even more so this past year since I chose to face this problem once and for all, what made you get out of that rut ?

Taking the life purpose course.

Honestly, it's the best investment you can make in this lifetime. Legit, for me it's worth more than 10.000 dollars, yet Leo gives it dirt cheap. 

But it won't work unless you do the work. There are hundreds of exercises and it can sometimes take more than a day to finish only one. It's a grueling process, but it's totally worth it. 

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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15 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Think again. I didn't say be mindless. I said focus on improving yourself rather setting goals. What goals you set has no impact, it's only a distraction and a trap actually. You could be stuck chasing a stupid goal all your life. That's how most humans beings end up.

By focusing only on improving yourself you will eventually achieve something. Something that you can't imagine right now. Something that only a better version of you could think of it. 

Sadhguru also says. How fortunate that things that I wished for when I was 18 didn't come true :D don't you have things like that? I definitely have. How great that all the things I wanted to become didn't come true because when you grow you realize it was a stupid goal. Then a new goal arises ant then it gets outgrown as well. 

It's better not to have any goals. Just become the most capable and balanced. What you can do you will do. What you can't do you will not do. 

Focus on improving yourself, goals will sprout like flowers.

I can relate to that, I've already surpassed some goals that I had before and I feel like any goals that I set up right now will just become irrelevant in a couple years. But it also makes sense that having goals can fire you up and make your actions and attention focused on a single direction, which is a basic rule for success, and with time as you're pursuing this goal you grow enough to spot a bigger fish which is where the importance of flexibility comes... and so on and so forth.

Although this can make you disconnected from enjoying the actual actions that you're taking and become too focused on results,

Just speculating here, not speaking from direct experience,

3 hours ago, Dan Arnautu said:

Taking the life purpose course.

Honestly, it's the best investment you can make in this lifetime. Legit, for me it's worth more than 10.000 dollars, yet Leo gives it dirt cheap. 

But it won't work unless you do the work. There are hundreds of exercises and it can sometimes take more than a day to finish only one. It's a grueling process, but it's totally worth it. 

I am taking the course right now, so far I've only done the values and strengths assesement 

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23 minutes ago, Pernani said:

But it also makes sense that having goals can fire you up.

You got me there :D

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Pernani a vision will not complete you. First, there is consciousness and acting from that space. First, there is complete acceptance of the present moment. First, there is the knowledge that there is ultimately nothing to do and nowhere to go. Get the basics down first.

The only true waste of time is to lead an unconscious life. Even "doing nothing" consciously could be the most powerful thing you'll ever do. All meaning, purpose, and value are constructed by the mind. That isn't to say it's not important, of course it is! But you have to understand what it fundamentally is and why it's not actually the thing missing from you life. You're missing being. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Sounds like you need more life experience. Go on dates, meet different people, travel, try new things but don't bounce around all over the place. You come to know yourself by gaining life experience. You're confused because you don't know what you value. It takes time to get clear on those things so take your time and enjoy the ride.

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On 20/01/2019 at 10:11 AM, TheAvatarState said:

@Pernani a vision will not complete you. First, there is consciousness and acting from that space. First, there is complete acceptance of the present moment. First, there is the knowledge that there is ultimately nothing to do and nowhere to go. Get the basics down first.

The only true waste of time is to lead an unconscious life. Even "doing nothing" consciously could be the most powerful thing you'll ever do. All meaning, purpose, and value are constructed by the mind. That isn't to say it's not important, of course it is! But you have to understand what it fundamentally is and why it's not actually the thing missing from you life. You're missing being. 

I hear ya man, but if youre my age you better figure out what direction you want to take your life in and work on it before you dedicate yourself to meditation. 

Gotta handle the practical stuff first, right?


On 20/01/2019 at 7:42 PM, ivory said:

Sounds like you need more life experience. Go on dates, meet different people, travel, try new things but don't bounce around all over the place. You come to know yourself by gaining life experience. You're confused because you don't know what you value. It takes time to get clear on those things so take your time and enjoy the ride.

I like that, I tend to think i can figure out everything by sitting and thinking about it, thank you

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@Pernani what does age have to do with it? What isn't practical about meditation? 

I'll say again, the only mistake you can make is to live an unconscious and uninformed life. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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