
What is "it's so obvious" about?

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Had a deep seeing yesterday... Which kinda got clouded...

After listening to some guided tracks and seeing a post today on a Facebook page i have a question.


That which i discovered is the state of peace and happiness, the I AM feeling state... Where is all questions, once answered, return to. Thus the end of seeking knowledge about who Am I?

Remaining in that I AM state and marinating in the peace.

Spiritual teachers and those who have had awakenings always say, "it's the most obvious thing" (once you get it, that is) as it is normally always overlooked in our moment to moment experience

Is this, the I Am state of peace, the obvious state which is missed?


Or is seeing thru the entire thing and getting full non-dual awareness is what's referred to when many often say it's the most obvious thing


The I AM feeling, is that where one ends up after exhausting their spiritual seeking, pertaining to the mental/mind questions?


Because i feel that's where i am right now.

I didn't have a full non dual awareness


Maybe i am taking what i have heard too seriously... Just wanna know what that "it's so obvious" refers to... Seeing of the whole oneness or just missing the fact that peace and happiness lies in that I AM state.. ?

Love Is The Answer

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It may be seen that the ‘I am’ state is be-ing and seems to be an ending to conflict(subject-object divison) seen with holistic insight..

As awareness(action of truth) seens to shine light on that of reality and no longer reacts positively/negatively to that field. 

The ground of be-ing or non-be-ing is the “ending”.

This to me is a very sacred non-state/literal ending of experience. In that ‘no-thing-ness’ seems to be dependent upon awareness (undivided action that brings about a cessation to positive/negative reaction(thought-reality). 

It will be quite obvious though... ‘your’ head literally falls off. 

The realm of pure mystery


Edited by Jack River

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31 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Is this, the I Am state of peace, the obvious state which is missed?

This is a momentary state, and not it. That which is constant between states is it. The only reason to not see the obvious is the desire for more and more. Let go of desire and see that you are there, and you were there all along, before you were born, after you die you will be there.

Hint: You can't let go of desire. But you sure can pray it away. Check out my post about prayer in my blog.

Best prayer for this case is: "Your will be done."

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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@SoonHei as long as we move within the field of reality we continue to be limited by that very field. 

I would bring awareness to that field with all its subtle distortions. 

Edited by Jack River

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@SoonHei It's so cool watching you have all these direct experience insights. Thank you for sharing them.

I would say "it's so obvious" is a common reaction to having direct experience with things that once seemed so elusive.

Consider your avatar. I see two black faces, yet people tell me it is actually a white vase. I search and search for the vase. I try to figure out where the vase is. I get frustrated. I give up and then return. People tell me to relax and the vase will be revealed. Yet no vase. How do I know the vase is real? How do I know the "vase-seeing people" aren't full of crap? 

Then, one day it appears. I catch a glimpse of the vase. OMG!!! There is the vase!!! There is amazement. Yet, now that I can see it - it's totally obvious. It's nothing special at all. I forget about how elusive the white vase was. I may assume everyone can see the vase. It's so obvious and simple. 

Similarly, I've had many amazing insights that become "it's so simple and obvious" humdrum stuff, including: the I AM, nonlinear thinking, relativism, pure being emptiness, post-rational thinking, social fields of consciousness etc. It's easy to forget how many years of practice and study came prior to these revelations. And I often find myself assuming it's nothing special and obvious to everyone.

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I have been asking this question for a long time, and all my life I struggle to give a definite answer.

We can talk about virtue, love and serve others in helping them, but really Emotions define your life, your mental states, your attitude, your mood. They play a huge role in your survival, right? Otherwise you would not care. IMHO, if you are an Infinity, then you encapsulate already everything: all the experiences, knowledge, emotions’ pallet and so on. Maybe we should treat it as a game, I don’t know. Sounds horrible but when thinking about life and its purpose it diminishes everything, leading you to depression. There is no such thing, really. Make up your own values and play with it.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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30 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@SoonHei It's so cool watching you have all these direct experience insights. Thank you for sharing them.

I would say "it's so obvious" is a common reaction to having direct experience with things that once seemed so obvious.

Consider your avatar. I see two black faces, yet people tell me it is actually a white vase. I search and search for the vase. I try to figure out where the vase is. I get frustrated. I give up and then return. People tell me to relax and the vase will be revealed. Yet no vase. How do I know the vase is real? How do I know the "vase-seeing people" aren't full of crap? 

Then, one day it appears. I catch a glimpse of the vase. OMG!!! There is the vase!!! There is amazement. Yet, now that I can see it - it's totally obvious. It's nothing special at all. I forget about how elusive the white vase was. I may assume everyone can see the vase. It's so obvious and simple. 

Similarly, I've had many amazing insights that become "it's so simple and obvious" humdrum stuff, including: the I AM, nonlinear thinking, relativism, pure being emptiness, post-rational thinking, social fields of consciousness etc. It's easy to forget how many years of practice and study came prior to these revelations. And I often find myself assuming it's nothing special and obvious to everyone.

look again it’s not a vase... 

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Sorry for my previous post, wrong thread! 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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2 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Sorry for my previous post, wrong thread! 

maybe it’s not the wrong thread ;)

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@SoonHei It is a flip of the entirety of all there is, you, experience, reality, everything. It is shockingly obvious and veiled by nothing, and you are right, it is very easy to say after the “flip” (which there isn’t, of course)

Those words don’t communicate anything though. 

Try this - imagine if you went to bed tonight, and during a dream, you thought, “hey, is this real?”....

In that dream, what would you check? What would you look into, to see if it was real or not?

What is everything ‘made of’?

Are you like every thing else in the dream?   How so?     How not?

Is the experience of you like your experience of other people? How so?     How not?



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To me it sounds like you may be experiencing a new state of conscioness that you’ve labeled as the I am state that you’ve read and learned about.  It may be it may not. That’s for you to understand.   


Elaborate on the I am state if you can. 

In terms of the it’s so obvious question. Serotonin gave a great answer. 


My my sense is your on to something but your still caught up in distinctions and confusion of the mind still grasping and labeling. 

Again what is this I am state in your own words. Not what you’ve read. Why is it an I am state and not just anything else

Edited by Mu_

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Another point I’d like to add after watching Mu’s video;

If a direct experience becomes “this is obvious”, my mind is vulnerable to assume that “that’s all there is”, even if I just caught a glimpse and scratched the surface. Gor example, one good look at nonduality and my mind may think I’m suddenly an expert on nonduality ? ?  

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Hmmm. Thank you all. One thing for certain. Based on what all you have said. The I AM state that i was talking about is very "basic"


Unless it IS supposed to be very basic.

As Jim Newman says, it's just too obvious for the ego and ego thinks it's something magical. I am not talking about the full non-dual experience which I presume is far more obvious and thus much much much more easily overlooked.


@Mu_ the I AM state which I was talking about was simply this:

During one of my meditation sits, had a series of thoughts, question what is enlightenment, what is my true nature, where am I? Etc... When something I had read popped in my mind... That end of seeking these answers is the ending of thought.

And that's what happened, my mind quited in the moment. I just was. Eyes closed. And no thought. I had my full sense of body. Aware that I, this body-mind is sitting and meditating but have no thoughts.

Juat felt at peace. Understood that this is what thoughts loop back into. Question arising or any desire or any voice in the head is exactly what the ego is.


I can go back in that state by quickly asking myself AM I AWARE and just pausing there after I recognize that blank aware state. That's what I am calling the I AM state.


Unsure, if the I AM state is actually a much deeper state which maybe you guys thought I was referring to?


Though, I also spoke with some others and they did advice that's a good recognition in the process and now I should stay in that blank I AM state of peace through the day, working, driving ... Just as much as possible.


So yeah, theres that.


Appreciate everyone's response! Thank you guys. @Serotoninluv @Nahm @Anton Rogachevski @Jack River



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‘the obvious’ I spoke of was referring to the what is of reality. The what is that we perpetually resist/escape. 

When that what-is is not escaped it dissolves and a whole other WHAT IS is revealed. 

The ending of time


Edited by Jack River

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It means that you already know what it is; namely, you've already surrendered to No Ego before.  You already know what that is.  You just haven't labeled it and associated it with Enlightenment yet.  Enlightenment is the ability to see beyond Ego and to be beyond Ego deliberately.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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