
Eager to evolve - Getting my shit handled journal

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Wrote a second article for my website today.

I had other plans, but I suddenly felt inspiration to write, and had the wisdom to go with it.

Every day I am putting some work, and if not some work, at least some thought into my upcoming coaching business.

Today's accomplishment was putting that article online, as well as including a link to book a call into my facebook profile summary. Something I didn't dare to do last week. Also I am having another mutual practice sales call with my friend Brian later today.

It seems to become a pattern that whenever I have just talked to my lover, the next day I feel extra inspired to work on it.

Not all women are distractions xD


Edit: SOMEONE BOOKED A CALL WITH ME????‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️????‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️


Double edit: THE SALE CALL WENT AWESOME??️‍♂️?‍♂️

The guy came in to "first orient himself" and thanks to my amazing sales skills I convinced him that he wants to start coaching right now, so he's super bought in!!!

However, he may or may not be able to come up with the money. He's figuring that out right now.

Doesn't even matter. What matters is that my sales pitch works, my message works, my whole thing is resonating because I know my market, because I AM my market. And whether this particular client works out or not, I now KNOW that I can sell this and help many people, and make money in the process.

This calls for celebration.

Edited by flowboy

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In the latter years of the 19th century, there were several instances where apparently perfectly ordinary human beings landed aircraft on dusty roads, spoke briefly with farmers who were haying their crops, and then flew off!

So what does this mean, in the light of... by fifteen years later, aircraft had been invented, and these things were happening?

Is it that the future arrives incrementally, almost as a particulate gas, first in fantasy and dream, and then more concretely later?


A quote I just heard Terence McKenna say and I had to look it up and transcribe it. I can listen to him for hours and just enjoy the amazingly unusual thought patterns. It really is like music to me. Or a live painting happening in your mind.


Edited by flowboy

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I don't need a 20+ year career in professional boxing. I'm already not able to eat soup without spilling.

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I'm definitely in that mode where I'm super tired, but still able to do mental work because I put stress on myself. Benefits of clean diet. Although I feel a bit like a crackhead, ironically. My eyes feel a bit hollow and I get random flashes of randomly negative thoughts, some thoughts feel stressful that totally are not.

Context: I was supposed to finish this thing for work. But also work on sales script for biz. But also process idea X, Y and Z.

I started out today feeling already with a feeling I can only describe as dry brain.

I was able to force myself to focus on programming and produce something beautiful, but I had to strain a lot. Same as yesterday.

Is it my diet? Am I just not taking enough downtime?

I'm just...happy that I can do it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to and that would give me a disadvantage.

Haven't been outside today at all.

Edited by flowboy

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Amazing mental clarity and ENERGY this morning.

The day started with it being quite hard to get out of bed and feeling still stressed from yesterday. Which is not good.

However, after some shopping, I felt more energetic, and after a cold shower, the stress transformed into clarity and energy. Did some cleaning, too, which I was completely and effortlessly focused on.

Something that is pretty exceptional for me. Usually when I do something like cleaning, I have to put on a podcast or something so I don't get distracted in thoughts all the time.


* flipping pancake break *

Also, the intermittent fasting thing is SO much easier when I'm doing something physical. Like right now, during shopping and cleaning, it feels amazing. During seated meetings, I struggle with hunger pangs a lot more.


I wonder whether I am in ketosis right now. Probably. Given the fact that I feel energetic and also light as air.

I guess we'll know after I eat those pancakes ?


Doing some diamond push-ups while the pancakes are pancaking.

Did 6 (or 7?) sets of those. Chest nicely pumped. Good thing I added some protein powder to the batter.

And, you know, eggs.


Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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Not gonna lie, the process of soaping up my butt and shaving my ass did turn me on a little.

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I am so sharp, focused, and energetic it's ridiculous. I'm also a substantial dick to people. But in a loving way :D

Going out for gymnastic rings humiliation in a moment, that'll set me straight. It's a very kinky workout.


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After 8 weeks of not ejaculating, and also fully decaffeinated...

My energy levels: INSANE.

Before, working out was something I made myself do so as to feel strong. Now, it's something I HAVE to do in order to calm down and feel sane.

Cold showers used to make me cold. Now, after one minute I am already overheating and want back in. And my shower goes seriously cold.

This is basically my frequency:

I've liked this music for a decade, but I can appreciate it on a whole new level now.

The man who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man.


I think I ran one of my best 4km laps this morning, too bad I forgot to charge my phone so I didn't record it.

Working out and then not eating until 12.00 makes me feel like a beast. A hungry beast. Especially with this breakfast?


Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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On 24/08/2020 at 9:28 PM, flowboy said:


I realised today that I've never been this okay before.

I'm delighted to announce that I am so much MORE okay today :x

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I am slowly and stubbornly learning that I have to take powernaps as soon as possible, when my sleep was not sufficient for any reason, if I want to be any measure of productive. Yes, I wish that I could just power through it on 6-7 hours, but no, it totally doesn't work. I will learn this lesson over and over until I remember it.

Today I actually did that well, and I do indeed now feel like I can sit still at a desk and focus on a screen.

Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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New Morning Routine

Old morning routine:

  • 7:45 Make bed and do Wim Hof Breath
  • 8:00 Brush teeth, shave, shower
  • 8:45 Hopefully be dressed in time to start morning meeting at my dayjob

The problem with it is, that I (and people in general) tend to be slow and sluggish in the morning. So before I know it I have meandered around for twenty minutes before doing the breathwork, leaving me no time to shower.

Also, the breathwork doesn't sufficiently wake me up and get me going. I thought it would, but it doesn't.

So instead, I have come up with a solution I really like:



Just one cup will immediately get my adrenaline pumping and get me in a state to finish my routine quickly and start my work excitedly.

It's actually great!

I can't believe I demonised it for so long!




Hah, jk. I'm so happy to be off that delicious dirt water. Perhaps I'll drink it on special occasions, but it's just so spectacularly bad for brain chemistry balance (and also hormonal balance).

No, instead I just do a quick workout. That gets my blood pumping, gets the dopamine production started (it feels like) and I actually feel awake in no time.

I let go of the morning workout in the past, to save time, but it turns out that I really need it, or I lose hours of effective time in the morning.

New morning routine:

  • 7:30 Make bed and do workout (Freeletics or running or yoga)
  • 8:00 Brush teeth, shave, shower
  • 8:30 Empty my email

Turns out that if I work out, I also do my shaving and showering faster. Very happy with this improvement.


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I actually feel like I've had coffee, except my body is way less stressed.

It's a familiar level of energy and motivation, without the negatives.

So I am a maniac... it's not just the caffeine...

How long did I have to be clean for? Let's see... 30 days.

It took 30 days to function at a good level again after cutting out caffeine.

Well last time I did it, it was 50 days, so I suppose I'm getting more adaptable :)

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Is This What Taking Care Of Myself Feels Like..?

I noticed yesterday when I went to bed, how it is actually a joy to go to bed now. And how I'm actually looking forward to the next day!

And how unfamiliar and new that is to me.

My bed is freshly made. I have food prepared for days. My floor is clean. My desk is clean. I have a good plan for the next day and the next week, that is not impossibly stressful. Everything is taken care of. And I love it... It's like someone else did it.

Not too long ago, it would be months sometimes until I remembered to refresh my bed again (Ew, I know). I would get up and it was just an immediate "ugh" with the dishes stacked up in the kitchen, the couch covered in random objects, messy desk, no clear plan, dust and hair on the floor everywhere, and an impending sense of doom stemming from the abstract notion that I had "many things to do"...

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Do you do this for more than 2 years? Great job man. Gymnastic rings belong to my long term buying list xD


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Benefits of shaving your ass: feels nice.


Drawbacks of shaving your ass: farts are LOUOUDD

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Insight of the day: it's not just about the money

Sometimes I worry that I'm so focused on financial freedom that I might be forcing myself down the wrong path because of it.

But as I read about how others are building their website and funnel, I realise that I actually CRAVE to build something. A resource that helps people. Something I created. A "thing" that I built and is now out there.

That will be so exciting.

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Everything in my life is going great. I can't really say otherwise. And I feel grateful.

But here I am, not sticking to my good habits, doing things that I know are going to make me feel guilty and bad, for like no reason. Coffee, bad work ethic, bad food, wasting my energy on forum discussions. Why?

If I wasn't in it right now, I bet I would have a great advice for this person I'm being right now. Mr. Answer-to-everything, has the universe figured out. 

Lets's test that theory. What would you say sir?

Chris: When I am doing my practices and sticking to my schedule, I feel serene, productive and content. Today and yesterday I went against all those, predictably making myself feel guilty, stressed and ashamed. I don't know how to prevent this self-sabotage that seems to happen regularly. What do I do?

Flowboy: you are giving yourself something you crave subconsciously: guilt, shame, stress. If you didn't like that on some level, you wouldn't go back to it. The cheap thrill of caffeine is not what you are looking for, it's the delicious feeling bad and guilty that you want. You have a humiliation kink. Times of success and feeling great about yourself bring this kink to the surface. Another way to look at it, is you have a thermostat that regulates you back to a certain level of contentness that you are used to.

Two things you can do here: add an affirmation about feeling great about yourself for doing your practices so consistently. Using this regularly can adjust your self-image and thereby your thermostat.

Secondly, your craving for self-humiliation won't be resolved until you make the enjoyment conscious. So do the EK practices on that. You know how.


If you think that's best, almighty Flowboy?

Time to get to work.


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New affirmation added:


I know the practices that make me feel good and productive, and I am always doing them consistently without exception. Feeling great about myself is my everyday normal. I don't need self-sabotage and shame, and I can accept the highest levels of contentedness and serenity and feelings of greatness into my life every day

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