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Fish Jumping out of the Water

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YOUR TRUE NATURAL STATE = the body of water. totally at peace. in bliss and joy.


Then a fish jumps out of the water.  The fish jumps out of the water and lands on the riverbank. It flips and flops as it suffers... It longs to return back to the water.

Another fish also jumps out, lands at the riverbank... flips and flops and then eventually goes back into the water.

There are many fishes which have jumped out of the water, they flip and flop and make their way back to the water or die while trying and suffering at the riverbank.


The fishes are your thoughts. All desires/projections/questions you ask are fishes jumping on the riverbank... and until that question is answered, or desire is had or a fear is overcome, the fish remains at the riverbank... suffering... you are not at peace. you have an itch.

when you ask how do i get enlightened or how will i have an awakening - you are jumping out of the water and you suffer in the search for the answer... the answer is the water! jump back into the water and stay there. while in the water, realize that you are already where you need to be. that is enlightenment. that is awakening. that is the pathless path of ignorance.

when the ego/mind is told to be still and remain calm and remain silent. it does not get it that the peace and silence is a simple ordinary experience. that is happiness. the end of the activity of the mind.


asking questions about it... like how will that help me get awakened or enlightened is another fish jumping out of the water...

you cannot be awakened/be at peace until all of your fish are back in the water. and remain there. 

now fishes still may  will jump out of the water even after you get this. however, you will then know that you are water, which is at peace, in bliss, in happiness. you will simply watch the fish as you watch the clouds in the sky until the fish jumps back into the water

you will not suffer from it's suffering because you are no longer identified or giving weight to the thought/question idea.


rest in your INNER PEACE <3 

Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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You come under the law of karma […] when you believe you're not awakened, you're not free, you're not liberated when you react to person, place or thing. […] I know there are many people in Advaita Vedanta who tell me, "Well you know Robert karma does not exist. Only the Self exists. Only effortless pure awareness exists. So why are you telling us about karma?" In truth you have to look at yourself and ask yourself, "Have I experienced pure awareness? Have I experienced absolute reality? I can't afford to put on an act. It will only go against me." […] So while we're on the path to liberation we have to be very careful what we do with our lives. Every little thing is karmic. It is only when you awaken, when you are liberated that none of this exists. This is why I tell you so often, "Do not fool yourself." Look at how many times a day you become angry. You feel cheated, you feel exploited. You feel something is wrong someplace. You feel depressed. You go and do something to cause this condition to stop and whatever you do you're accruing karma. There is only one way to overcome this. And that is to forget about the world, forget about your body, forget about situations and go deep within yourself inquiring, "To whom does this come? Who is experiencing karma?"


Karma seems to be real and you're affected with it all day long. Whatever you do, wherever you go you're always affected by karma. It is karma that moves your body. It is karma that makes you do things. It is karma that causes situations to come into your life. Do not try to change a condition. Do not intend to change the situation. For you may appear to change it but this is only an appearance. It will come back again in full force. There is only one way to get rid of it and that is to transcend it by forgiveness, mercy and love. And as you practice forgiveness, mercy and love you inquire,

"To whom all this is coming to?

Who is experiencing these things?

Who is going through all these things?"

And again you will discover the I-thought,

"I am. I am going through all of these things. I appear to be going through karma. I appear to be suffering. I appear to want to get even with someone."

You're beginning to realize it's not you. It is the I. Which is only a thought. Just knowing this alone makes you feel good. For you begin to see that you are free. You are bright and shining. You are sat-chit-ananda, nirvana, ultimate oneness.


It is the I that appears to have the problems. You separate yourself from the I, by self-inquiry. And then you can go further by inquiring,

"Where did the I come from?"

You never answer that question. By inquiring that is sufficient. And you will find that you're in the silence, the void. Just by going this far you will feel better than you've felt in years. You will feel such joy and such peace. This has nothing to do with enlightenment. But you're going to feel joy and peace. More so than you ever felt before. Just by inquiring,

"Where does the I come from?"

The reason that you feel such joy and peace is because you begin to realize that you are not the I. You have absolutely nothing to do with the problems of the I. It is the I that feels anger. It is the I that feels pain. It is the I that feels rejection. But you ask yourself,

"What have I got to do with I? I have absolutely nothing to do with the I."

Therefore again you ask,

"Then where did the I come from? Who gave it birth? What is its source?"

And you keep quiet. A feeling of total love will overpower you. For you're learning to sit in the silence.


That's the most important point. You want to get to the place where thoughts do not bother you, where things do not annoy you. Where there are no problems and there are no solutions. Where there is no good and there's no bad. You want to get beyond duality and rest in the silence. Many of you are getting a glimpse of what I'm talking about right now, as you rest in the silence. You're not thinking about it, you're not trying to analyze it, you're not trying to make it happen, you're just resting in the silence. Perfectly still. All of a sudden thoughts come up again. You start over again. You begin again. You inquire,

"To whom do these thoughts come?

Who is thinking these thoughts?

I am?

If I is thinking these thoughts then it has absolutely nothing to do with me. It appears to me as if everything is attached to the I. All of the emotions, the fears, the frustrations, it's all attached to the I."

Again you say,

"Where did the I come from?

What is the source of I?

Who gave it birth?"

You never attempt to answer. You sit in the silence.


Some of you are beginning to feel how good it is to sit in the silence right now. The mind is completely empty. The fears are gone. There is nothing left to tell you anything. You are quiet, still. Thoughts pop up again. It makes no difference if they're good thoughts, bad thoughts or in-between. The whole idea is to empty the mind of all thoughts. You inquire again,

"Who is thinking these thoughts?

I am?

Who am I?

What is the source of I?

Who gave it birth?

Where does this I come from that is giving me all this trouble and keeps thinking and thinking?

And bringing up to me all these morbid thoughts, all sorts of happy thoughts, all sorts of thoughts.

Where did this I come from?

What is its source?"

And again you enter the silence. Where everything is totally still. Where there is no movement. The vasanas have disappeared. There is just perfect stillness. You're beginning to discover something very interesting. You're beginning to discover that you´re able to sit in the silence for longer and longer periods without thought. It's taking longer and longer before a thought comes to you.


Yet you are not falling asleep. You're feeling a peace that you've never felt before. You're beginning to feel an all encompassing love. You begin to experience that the whole universe is an emanation of your own mind. And what you have done is you have pulled the entire universe into your heart, everything! All of the galaxies, the milky ways, the planets, the earth with all of it's manifestations, everything has vanished. That's total silence. […] […] When you're sitting in the silence and the world is still available to you that is not silence. That's a false silence. The true silence is when the whole world, the whole universe, people, places and things have all disappeared. You have pulled them back into the heart centre. That is the true silence. For there is no longer anything to think about. Everything is gone. There is just the void. The beautiful precious void. And you're beginning to sit in that void, in that silence for longer and longer periods. When you come out of it the world appears to you again but it's different. It begins to be different for you. You no longer look at the world in the same way. You no longer see the universe in the same way. You begin to feel everything as an image. You see images on the screen of life. The images keep changing, changing, changing but the screen is always the same. And something begins to tell you that you are that screen. You have always been the screen. Unchanging, absolute pure reality.


But you are not free yet. This comes and it goes. Little by little the thoughts come back again. You begin to feel anger again but less than you did before. You begin to have less interest in your body. The things about your body that used to bother you stop bothering you, stop annoying you. People no longer make you angry or frustrated. This happens little by little. And you can't wait to practice again. When you are by yourself and you're not disturbed you sit down in your favorite chair and you begin to inquire,

"To whom do these thoughts come?

Why they come to me. I still feel thoughts. Maybe less than I did before but I still feel things,"

you further inquire,

"who is the I that feels these things?

Where did the I come from?

Who gave birth to this feeling I?

What is its source?"

And now you begin to feel that the I is only a thought. It is one of the thoughts that you've been thinking about all these years called the I-thought. Yet everything is attached to it and you keep seeing it and thinking about it. But now you're inquiring,

"To whom does it come?

Who's feeling it?

What is its source?"


And you go back into the silence. Now every time you get into the silence you feel better and better. You feel lighter and lighter. The world again, the universe they're getting sucked into your heart. The whole universe has gone. All existence has disappeared. Including yourself. There is nothing but the silence.

(long silence)


Om ... shanti, shanti, shanti, peace.

-- Robert Adams, T136: The True Silence

Love Is The Answer

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