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Deep Ramana Verse

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In this verse Sri Ramana explains in a few very simple words how we can put an end to the illusory appearance of this primal thought ‘I’. Since every thought that rises in our mind is formed and known only by our first thought ‘I’, and since our first thought ‘I’ rises from and always depends upon our essential consciousness of being, ‘I am’, whatever thought may rise, we can know it only because we first know ‘I am’. Thus every thought can serve as a reminder to us of our own being. In order to show us how we can make the rising of any thought an opportunity for us to remember our being, Sri Ramana gives us the simple formula, ‘To whom? To me. What is the place from which I rise?’ By giving us this formula, Sri Ramana does not mean that we should constantly question ourself, ‘To whom has this thought occurred? Only to me. What is the place from which this “me” has risen?’. What he means is that we should use any thought that rises to remind ourself of our thinking mind, which we now feel to be ‘I’, because remembering this ‘I’ that thinks and knows each thought will in turn remind us of our essential consciousness of our own being, ‘I am’, which underlies the feeling that we are thinking and knowing thoughts, and which is thus the ‘place’ or source from which our thinking mind arises. That is, whatever thought rises, we should remember, ‘I know this thought because I am’, and thereby we should turn our attention away from the thought towards our own essential consciousness of being – our real self-consciousness ‘I am’. When we thus turn our attention towards our consciousness of being, ‘I am’, our mind, which had risen to think thoughts, will begin to subside in our true self-conscious being, which is the source from which it has risen. If we are able to focus our attention wholly and exclusively upon our consciousness of being, our mind will subside completely into the innermost core of our being, and thus we will experience our own true being with absolutely unadulterated clarity of non-dual self- consciousness. When we once experience our true being with such perfect clarity, we will discover that we are the non-dual infinite spirit, and thus we will destroy for ever the illusion that we are a body, a mind or anything other than that spirit. When this illusion is thus destroyed, the dream of duality,which depends upon it, will also come to an end.

-- Michael James
Chapter 3 - The Nature of Our Mind
Happiness of Being

via Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK

Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei That's a good practice as you can do it where ever you are and at any time a thought arises.

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48 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@SoonHei That's a good practice as you can do it where ever you are and at any time a thought arises.

Yup. All of them. Including this.

The seeing is getting stronger

Love Is The Answer

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23 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

Yup. All of them. Including this.

The seeing is getting stronger

@SoonHei One of the ox hearding pictures must depict this. Not sure which one tho

"the seeing is getting stronger" -Riding the ox maybe? If so then next comes both ox and rider disapear. "all of them including this" :D

"Stay in the I am and in doing so you will trancend it" -Nis

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