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Any advice for me, a teen who will be joining the business world?

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Hello everyone. I am a very young guy compared to you guys, but I am kinda starting my own business. My friend, also young (and really good with computers), is learning me how to program/make a website. He is learning me literally everything. We call very often, share our screens and go to work. I have already planned out a lot of stuff that I want in my business. 

I made my own goal list because I thought it would be helpful for both my personal life and my business. However, I can already see that there are hidden traps in this. So far I have encountered these:

  1. Being too much in the future, making me unable to focus on the present (I have mostly dodged this bullet and knew that this was coming from the start)
  2. Not planning everything out
  3. Not having proper expectations 

Now I can already see new traps from a mile away, I just don’t see them clearly. Any advice?

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I'd say learn to talk, to convince, to make presentation in front of people, to manage stress. There are a lot of books about this, but the best is to confront yourself in the real world.
Those are the most important skills in any business

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