
The universe is a freaking miracle...

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2 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Preetom i love you, you tell it like it is. 

I'm sorry if it felt like that. I think another person named Sockrates claimed similar charges against me haha.

Gosh this is weird. Forgive me 9_9

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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25 minutes ago, Preetom said:

I'm sorry if it felt like that. I think another person named Sockrates claimed similar charges against me haha.

Gosh this is weird. Forgive me 9_9

oh well, its all self reflection in the end :P   

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@cetus56 Right! 

Not only does it exists but it's also intelligent down to every particle.

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3 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

I do observe myself as limited.

You could fantasize about a future after my death when Consciousness will be "in" different bodies, so in that sense I would be unlimited. But all I will experience and remember is this limited body experiencing a limited amount of stuff.

If I would be unlimited I would for example be a millionaire and have a girlfriend. But I don't have that, so I observe myself as being limited.

You actually don’t. That’s a thought about a limited “self”, but the thought is just a thought.

There is no such thing as death, that is an uninspected belief, and imo it’s foundational to a lot of your perspectives which seem to be giving you trouble. 

On the millionaire note...I would suggest you’ve got it backwards. There are something like 2,000 new millionaires everyday, just in the US. There are exceptions to everything of course, but by and large, it is the thinking of yourself as limited, which limits you. 

Holding perspectives which don’t feel good should be a major clue. It is because you are the Truth that falsity will never feel right. The Truth is nothing if not trustworthy. 



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@Mikael89 There is not death of, nor reincarnation of, individuals. 

33 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

But yes, Consciousness never dies

You are honest in that you identify with a body / mind, and in that you really are not aware that you are the consciousness you refer to. 

But, you are not honest when you express self limitation, when you say you know what you can’t do, when you say you know the future, when you say there is a next life & what you will or will not remember. This is speculation, it’s false, and it’s a cry for attention. 

You could however, be at peace, in the honesty of “I don’t know”, rather than trolling with your self depravation. 





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I don't really care how advanced I am compared to other species in other galaxies. I'm just me.


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On 1/16/2019 at 6:42 AM, Mikael89 said:

It's a really awful piece of work. The one who designed this crap should get fired.

Maybe, you should take up responsibility and make it better.

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45 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Most advanced living creature in the universe until proven otherwise. (Instead of innocent until proven guilty.)

But, you are not the most advanced human on this planet. You should compare yourself with other humans.

Comparing yourself with the dumbest chimp in a zoo is not inspiring.

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

There is no such thing as the most advanced human on this planet. Because what would the definition be? People would have different opinions about it.

What is your definition, then? I use whatever definitions I feel are appropriate. For example, I often use TJ Reeves' deathproof scores to measure how advanced as a human I am.

In any case, there is no joy to be had in comparing myself with the dumbest chimp in a zoo.

Edited by CreamCat

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22 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

TJ Reeves score system, IQ system, spiral dynamics, whatever, they are all horse shit.

Take SAAFE, and tell me your direct experience. TJ Reeves created SAAFE to measure personal development in many aspects of life. It takes about an hour to take the test and get the result as a PDF file.

Reviewing SAAFE report on a regular basis has been helpful to me.

Edited by CreamCat

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That one can not give a reason in forgetting, and that there is no such thing as knowing. Miraculous. 



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5 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

And now I read the results.

What a massive joke.

It doesn't even give you any suggestions what to do, or anything. It's just a rating system.

The report contains motivational phrases and explanations that were enough to guide me in my daily life. I wanted to constantly remind me of which areas of life I needed to work on. Your mileage may vary.

TJ created deathproof university to provide people who read SAAFE report with specific instructions on how to improve scores.

Personally, I ran out of money, so I decided to not pay $100 per month for deathproof university subscription.

You might want to watch some videos on deathproof youtube channel if you want to know why SAAFE focuses on worldly problems. The videos are short and fun.

In a nutshell, his reasoning is that if you are enlightened, you would be able to excel in the real world. He thinks pushing yourself mentally, physically, socially, and creatively can push and grow you spiritually. Excelling in the game of life and renouncing the material world involve a similar process. Both push you spiritually. Both require you to clean up your diet and clean up your mind. Deep work is like a form of meditation.

Other than that, he just likes personal development which I like, too. If you are not into personal development, he is not your man. If you want to play the game of life well, check him out.

Edited by CreamCat

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All that intelligence and greatness and potential just to create misery, it's really weird. It would be like someone having $500 000 and he/she would use all that money to buy gasoline, and then dump it all out, lit it on fire, and then walk into the fire and die in pain.

Amen to that.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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I agree with @Mikael89 life can be brutal especially what has become of modern marriage and how unfair it is now to find love if your not genetically superior. I have made two posts regarding the gender wars and have been blocked on both occasions. Something either tells me what side this forum is on or people want to remain ignorant to wrong doings. 

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Maybe one miracle of life is that we are not freaking the fuck out of how mind blowing it all is :)

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We realize that we have billions of small, little cells all cooperating in consistent movement. They cosmetics organs that inhale air, digest food, smell blossoms, see rainbows, siphon blood, develop other individuals, battle diseases, mend wounds, and cover us with a layer of skin that recuperates itself.

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