
what is worthwhile in life?

42 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Everything is touching and amazing when you're joyful.

Everything is not worthwhile and boring when you're in depressed mood.

The same things that are worthwhile like food, sex, etc. When you're depressed nothing taste good, nothing has no meaning :D when you're happy even doing simple things  like watching at a sky become beautiful and worthwhile :)


i guess then food and tv bring me to a place where i enjoy things.

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Why do you ask for validation for your own happiness and values from others?

If you are genuinely happy with things you are doing, why bother seeking validation from others?

I'm asking these questions because developing a false image of perfectionism and what you 'should' do in life can be a very common trap in this self-improvement business. That's a potent recipe for permanent frustration.

Instead, just look at your own life and contemplate how things are going for you. Like really. 

Take care

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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30 minutes ago, Viking said:

i guess then food and tv bring me to a place where i enjoy things.

Enjoy things,

Or mask the pain enough not to act on it ?


99% of people fall in the second category when those two combine.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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26 minutes ago, Viking said:


You've been on the forums for a long, long time asking the same or similar  questions, you've been spinning your wheels and stuck in mental masturbation.

Some hard truths:

1: if hasn't made you more productive or you have nothing to show for it after years then I'd suggest dropping it, clearly it's not working for you, not every system is for everyone, spiritual stuff is just distraction if you need to handle your financial problems first.  Leo's barely does any content anymore on business, money or work.

2. What you need is not more compassion and love, or peace.  You need to get kicked up the ass military style until you shift gears. We should all be thankful and fortunate enough that governments don't just filter and execute people who pretty much forfeit thier lives. 

3. Try a more direct approach, try reading David Goggins book, he's not enlightened but probably lives life better than 99% of wannabe enlightened people.  He had a messed up childhood and came back from it all.  He learnt to love pain and discomfort, he's done marathons on broken legs and flayed his hands doing pull ups. He has chapters describing how he enters his own mind, the battle of it, how to overcome the mind so you can push way beyond what people think is humanely possible. 

4. Be glad god doesn't smite your pathetic ass out of existence for wasting a life. You're taking life for granted. 

5. There is no inherited purpose in life, enlightenment means you become aware that all there is you and your awareness, you only live your life or story. So if you say dancing, wrestling or art or whatever is the purpose of life then that's what it is, and it can even change if you want it to in the future. 

But anyone telling you that your goal or life purpose isnt worthwhile or good is BSing as long as you accept the consequences of whatever you chose. 

You're the only you and no one can decide what's best for you besides yourself, it's just a matter of which way you want to steer the movie, like a boat with sails. There's no guarantees but there is creating chances and opportunities. 




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13 hours ago, Viking said:

i hate contemplating my own death because it makes me bored and i get all tangled up in my own mind.

though the other 2 things are interesting. what do you mean by "sitting" in different places? also why should i sit? and why should i focus on my breath? for what reason?

oh thats a good point

Read that again - you are obviously stuck in your mind, you are too rational, stop overthinking everything like this...

If you ask a question here and you are just waiting for others to prove your points... what do you expect?

Contemplating your own death can show you the hidden love inside you, it is very important, don't take survival for granted.

When you walk for a long time, you become tired, that's why you sit :D And you can also take your time to just look around.

Focus on your breath, because that's what keeps you alive, your ego is idiotic for questioning the importance of breath, do you see it now? :) 

If you just focus on climbing to the top of the pyramid, you will end up egotistical, just look at TJ Reeves. Be grateful.

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1 minute ago, bejapuskas said:

Focus on your breath, because that's what keeps you alive, your ego is idiotic for questioning the importance of breath, do you see it now?

it happens automatically, why do i need to focus on it?

9 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

Read that again - you are obviously stuck in your mind, you are too rational, stop overthinking everything like this...

so you want me to just believe everybody who tells me to do something and do what he tells me to?


2 hours ago, alankrillin said:

There's no guarantees but there is creating chances and opportunities. 

opportunities for what? that was what the topic was about. i wanted to ask people here what they see valuable in the world because i dont see much value except the things i listed. maybe if they showed me some valuable sides of life i would also see it as valuable and i would have another thing which has value.

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@Viking  So many things that are awesome happen automatically, they just become a lot more enjoyable if you notice them :) 

That's obviously not what I want you to do. It's not that you should thoughtlessly believe others, but you also shouldn't only believe yourself like that, do you see it? There is a big self-deception going on, this all is ego - it cannot be satisfied in the present moment, but that's exactly the place you have to go to in order to find happiness. That's also the place where you find love and genuine beauty - the things you've listed, but haven't experienced yet :) 

If you believe Leo and not me, go check out his happiness spectrum video, being and gratefulness are high up there ;) 

Edited by bejapuskas

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13 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

if you believe Leo and not me, go check out his happiness spectrum video, being and gratefulness are high up there ;) 

ive seen that video, but he also said in the video that you have to develop a taste for these things. i dont understand them yet. i tried to do a gratitude practice but it became hellish. for appreciating being i guess you would have to eat tons of mushrooms and have like 700 enlightenment experiences and im not in that realm of development yet.

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@Viking Of course, if you are ego-driven, you cannot experience gratitude, because you don't live in the present moment, you are striving for more, which keeps you away from what you already have NOW. Don't think of Enlightenment as something, that will satisfy your ego, that's bullshit.

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Here’s how to approach this kind of question without getting caught up in idle and abstract theory.

=> List 50 things that you find worthwhile in your own life.  Just brainstorm and write out a list.  If you can’t make it to 50 then do the best you can to reach 50.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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10 hours ago, Viking said:

it happens automatically, why do i need to focus on it?

so you want me to just believe everybody who tells me to do something and do what he tells me to?


opportunities for what? that was what the topic was about. i wanted to ask people here what they see valuable in the world because i dont see much value except the things i listed. maybe if they showed me some valuable sides of life i would also see it as valuable and i would have another thing which has value.

Value is subjective unless you're talking about currency value.  For example your dog might be your best friend in the world but for another it might just be food/meat or just another animal to ignore. 

The question you're essentially asking is "guys what colour is your favourite so I can choose my favourite colour". 

If you want your life purpose to be watching TV then do that but there are consequences one is you probably won't make money from it unless you find some unique way (think how streamers make money). 

Two,  it probably wont help you grow and feel fulfilment. 

Spend a few days getting to really know what you want and do it. Doing something is better than doing nothing and if it ends up not being what you want then you discovered that is something you don't want. 

Once you commit give your life to it, make your entire life revolve around it. Drop the ego and serve it. The ego's whole purpose is to keep you comfortable. Ego is the thing that keeps leading you to the path of least resistance. It stops you from growing. 

If I said that hey being a monk and meditating in a cave 24/7 is the most valuable or being a hardcore athlete is the most important thing would that help you? 

Did you see Leo's blog about the enlightened master telling a disciple that hes not enlightened? The master knows because he who is enlightened wouldn't be seeking to be verified, he wouldn't care if a master told him otherwise, because it is just more illusion.  As soon as you put that power in someone else's hand you're obviously not awake enough. 

Don't ask for answers from others seek to find it.  (through yourself, you can't find intimacy/love with a girl through others opinion) 

Video games are the most fun when you accomplish it alone,  if you read a guide through most of the game you might as well just watch a video of someone completing the game. 




Edited by alankrillin

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6 minutes ago, alankrillin said:

Video games are the most fun when you accomplish it alone,  if you read a guide through most of the game you might as well just watch a video of someone completing the game. 

actually i played dark souls with a guide and it was very fun.

@alankrillin wait, so what you're saying is that i shouldnt look at perspectives other than my own? i shouldnt try to discover new things? ok, so ill just sit in my room and watch tv until the end of my life, bye. 

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32 minutes ago, Viking said:

actually i played dark souls with a guide and it was very fun.

@alankrillin wait, so what you're saying is that i shouldnt look at perspectives other than my own? i shouldnt try to discover new things? ok, so ill just sit in my room and watch tv until the end of my life, bye. 

At this point youre just arguing for arguement sake, I wasn't expecting much I remember a few of your posts from 1-2 years ago.  I'll see you two year from now asking the same questions. 

You're not going anywhere asking for different perspectives, once youre honest enough you realise the ego is just distracting you from actually doing shit.  

So keep asking the same questions, insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. 

Seeing as you like guides for video games, Google the guide to life.

It's funny man how weak ass society has gotten they buy a hardcore game that's designed to challenge people,  a game known to be hard and then they get a guide so they can take the path of least resistance even in that situation. 

Just to be another "me too" person (I played/beat that hardcore game too) .  

It's like buying a Where's Waldo book, but having big circles all over it, kinda like the party pooper ones in the library.

Edited by alankrillin

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I have been asking this question for a long time, and all my life I struggle to give a definite answer.

We can talk about virtue, love and serve others in helping them, but really Emotions define your life, your mental states, your attitude, your mood. They play a huge role in your survival, right? Otherwise you would not care. IMHO, if you are an Infinity, then you encapsulate already everything: all the experiences, knowledge, emotions’ pallet and so on. Maybe we should treat it as a game, I don’t know. Sounds horrible but when thinking about life and its purpose it diminishes everything, leading you to depression. There is no such thing, really. Make up your own values and play with it.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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On 1/16/2019 at 0:04 AM, Truth Addict said:

Pleasure, is what everyone is after.



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Sleeping, dreams and waking up within dreams

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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55 minutes ago, inFlow said:


Dude, food and sex are clearly not mere dopamine (pleasure).

Please read the whole conversation.

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On 15/01/2019 at 10:54 PM, Salvijus said:

Everything is touching and amazing when you're joyful.

Everything is not worthwhile and boring when you're in depressed mood.

The same things that are worthwhile like food, sex, etc. When you're depressed nothing taste good, nothing has no meaning :D when you're happy even doing simple things  like watching at a sky become beautiful and worthwhile :)


yea second that, so maybe the only thing worthwhile in life is to be happy and joyful, because then everything will be happy and joyful. 

Edited by noselfnofun

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12 minutes ago, noselfnofun said:


 the only thing worthwhile in life is to be happy and joyful

Yes. When you're happy then simply living is a worthwhile experience. When you're sad, living is just meaningless torture :D


Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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On 16. 1. 2019 at 11:47 AM, Viking said:

it happens automatically, why do i need to focus on it?

When your parents and grandparents love you unconditionally, do you just overlook them, without even saying thank you?

When you have a huge passive income, do you think about what to spend it on, or do you just gamble with it?

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