
Banning Any Critique on Actualized.Org?

106 posts in this topic

I don't really know... I only read / watched very little on "red pill". But my impression was not that "higher values" are not "online" for the people but somehow because of hurt they closed their heart (or at least tried) and now rationalize that "love" or "commitment" are not important and money, sex, power is what really counts. They probably really don't believe it themselves and secretly yearn for real connection with people and the world. But yeah, was only my first impression.

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@Toby  Of course, it's just ignorance from their side, everyone is doing the best they know :) But you hopefully know better than that.

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Sorry I haven't read through this whole thread, but I think I have the gist, and wanted to weigh in.

It's not an easy decision closing a thread or banning a user, and I know Leo (or any of the mods) don't take that lightly. It's not correct that he is "banning any critique on" - for example this thread is wide open and full of critique, which is a good healthy sign.

The forum works better if we try to keep discussion balanced, open, and kind.

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17 hours ago, smd said:

Interesting.  I wonder what happened?  Can you give any general details?

Someone yesterday put in your YouTube comments section on the recent Cult part 1 video (posted by Russel Walker) about wasting a great deal of time in Rali's Discord.  Then they kicked him out over some bs & he didn't like that.  It was a pretty long description detailing the problems on the Discord.  I've been there & saw some of the overall weirdness, but I didn't take it seriously & I don't have time for all that...probably because I'm not interested in joining cults, but trying to harness useful tools, where I can find them. :)  

From a few months ago about Rali. :D 


Edited by Raldemar

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I have a huge cult but nobody gives me any money, nobody listens to a word I say, nobody even realizes they are in my cult and you can't even get out of it even if you try..... it's the ultimate subliminal cult. Haha

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1 hour ago, SOUL said:

I have a huge cult but nobody gives me any money, nobody listens to a word I say, nobody even realizes they are in my cult and you can't even get out of it even if you try..... it's the ultimate subliminal cult. Haha

as long as you know you are in the cult all by yourself. hehe 

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