
Banning Any Critique on Actualized.Org?

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@Arhattobe There is no need to make it personal and become combative. It’s an impersonal observation and was not linked to your username. 

Relativism is a yellow stage mode of being, while objectivism is an Orange stage mode of being. Selectively pointing this out occasionally within threads can help Green stage readers get a feel for the difference as they evolve into Yellow. Yet, this comes at the expense of triggering some Orange stage readers.

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@Arhattobe it was about eyehight... just wanted to say that it‘s not only about putting oneself above but also not below another - morality or not, i don’t care, as there are no situations involving more than one person where it’s not about either being above, below, or on same level. even though in some cases this is changing dynamically.

maybe i just didn’t read everything from the last page... and we completely talk past each other. i was just tying my thought on your thought.

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever Yep. No real connection. Cool though

@Serotoninluv didn’t see a relation to my username. just a personal observation with a bit of humour, imo at least. 

My bad if it was in bad taste. Just a joke.

Edited by Arhattobe

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On 1/15/2019 at 1:34 PM, Leo Gura said:

You have to understand the trickeries of running such a community.

I crack down on stuff like this immediately because egos will not hesitate to exploit this community to build their own cults and brands.

People like Rali and TJ turn criticism into a marketing strategy. The strategy is to stir up a fake controversy to gain views and free advertizing. In my book, this is unacceptable. What they are looking for is attention, which is why they are denied any air whatsoever.

If you want to criticize me or, go for it. I don't care. But I am not going to let you turn it into a marketing strategy, nor will I allow you to poach members to start your own movement or brand because I do not trust your devilish ego to create a non-cult community.

The mistake people make is they get a little taste of self-actualization or spirituality and then they think they got what it takes to teach or run a spiritual community. But they are so ignorant of the dangers involved.

I take great care to make sure never becomes a harmful ideological organization. People who I judge to be building harmful ideological organizations are not allowed here. 

There's nothing new here. This has happened before and it will happen again. Every year a new Zen devil comes here to start his cult. I spot such devils immediately. I smell them a mile away. I spotted Rali very early on. The trouble is, they cleverly exploit this because a healthy community must allow criticism. So it becomes a PR problem banning such people because it makes me look like an insecure tyrannt. So it's a tricky balance to strike because they will abuse this to craft their marketing strategy.

The bottom line is, if you guys wish to criticize myself or in a serious way, go for it. I will not close such a thread, but if you do it as a marketing strategy or you are doing it from a place of ego as a distraction, then it will be shut down.

The trick with criticism is that the ego loves to use it to muddy up the waters so much that people get lost and confused. It easily becomes a distraction from doing the work. It's so easy to create fake controversy and milk that cow. But even so, criticism and receptivity to feedback is necessary in any healthy community / organization.

So I welcome constructive criticism and feedback which has no ulterior business motive.


I have no idea who TJ is, but we all spotted Rali early on.  He created reaction videos against yours and they were right there in the feed for all to read.

But if we fast forward the clock by the years since his banning here, what has actually happened to Rali?   His channel died & he has a small Discord for chatting which has just a handful of people in it, at any given time.  Maybe 12 tops.  There's nobody giving him money.  There's no programs.  They just seem to look at photos and talk about entities inside them, which I'm not sure which religion that is being pulled from (Hindu?).

I think he completed an MBA or something, but ultimately, there is nothing there.  So for a Zen Devil out to stake a claim on the world, he's a non-starter.

What I think is that if you didn't do anything at all, the outcome would've been the same.  He doesn't have the energy to set up this kind of business & timing has a lot to do with it too.  These other guys trying to build their own self-help business are a dime a dozen now.  The market is saturated.

So in other words, I doubt any of these people really pose a threat to even if they tried to recruit.  They would have to be superior orators over you & that would be a tough nut to crack for many that haven't put in the thousands of hours.  You should dare somebody to do it at this point.  I don't think it will happen, even if they had business motives!

And who the hell is TJ?  Does anybody know?  lol.

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@smd I received various private messages from people who were hurt by Rali's cult.

It's very easy for stuff like this to get out of hand, so don't take it for granted.

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@smd I received various private messages from people who were hurt by Rali's cult.

It's very easy for stuff like this to get out of hand, so don't take it for granted.

Interesting.  I wonder what happened?  Can you give any general details?

Someone yesterday put in your YouTube comments section on the recent Cult part 1 video (posted by Russel Walker) about wasting a great deal of time in Rali's Discord.  Then they kicked him out over some bs & he didn't like that.  It was a pretty long description detailing the problems on the Discord.  I've been there & saw some of the overall weirdness, but I didn't take it seriously & I don't have time for all that...probably because I'm not interested in joining cults, but trying to harness useful tools, where I can find them. :)  

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Excuse me, but do you let people in your house and let them shit all over the carpet?

The only thing I do disagree with is dissing Red Pill. You really miss out if didn't check it out properly. Sure, since it's open, there are many radical strays, but pure red pill theory is amazing. Read Rollo Tomassy's work.

It has some good points about our society' inclination towards romanticism. They are not against woman, but actually explain in the best way how to not create a toxic dependant relationship. Remember, openmindedness.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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Basically, in summary, from what I've learned so far, if you decide to incorporate non-duality in your life purpose in some way, if it is mentioned and taught in some way, it won't work out if you get the definition of non-duality wrong. It will eventually turn into a "cult." The way the information is presented has to be cunning and tactful because ppl understand it in different ways at different levels. The deepest levels of non-duality is never about superiority (grandiose). It's the complete opposite, and there's a lot more to it.

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I didn't know that Rali had a cult. I watched his youtube videos but he dissapeared for some reason.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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2 hours ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

Excuse me, but do you let people in your house and let them shit all over the carpet?

The only thing I do disagree with is dissing Red Pill. You really miss out if didn't check it out properly. Sure, since it's open, there are many radical strays, but pure red pill theory is amazing. Read Rollo Tomassy's work.

It has some good points about our society' inclination towards romanticism. They are not against woman, but actually explain in the best way how to not create a toxic dependant relationship. Remember, openmindedness. can still read the time on a fake rolex - but believing it is a real one and showing it around is another thing, depends on what you bought it for. and maybe if you check for a second time, even the time might be weirdly off.

just remembering what the red pill originally stood for, said the bunny.

not every dealer is morpheus.

Edited by now is forever

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14 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

@now is forever

One should first thoroughly research instead of prematurely judging and bombing something.

You can do it with any teaching, find one little flaw and disqualify the whole.

Don't throw the baby with bathwater.

yes you are right - seeing the mechanisms behind it and how symbols that where originally used as signs to show a direction, now selfrighteously used to support more than 1000 years old predominance claims over women shows how a lot of male in our society think - actually it doesn’t help male emancipation a bit, it just pushes them more and more into a corner - because the red pill is actually a blue one. 

it‘s like when you have to deactivate a bomb and you don’t know in advance if the colour of the wire was switched.

Edited by now is forever

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9 minutes ago, now is forever said:

yes you are right - seeing the mechanisms behind it and how symbols that where originally used as signs to show a direction, now selfrighteously used to support more than 1000 years old predominance claims over women shows how a lot of male in our society think - actually it doesn’t help male emancipation a bit, it just pushes them more and more into a corner - because the red pill is actually a blue one.

This only shows how little you understand red pill theory. Perhaps you are confusing it with incels.

Red pill is basically personal development and positive masculinity. It's about understanding women and letting go of hatred. Taking self responsibilty and building healthy long term relationships based on the new theory.

It explains beautifully why toxic relationships are formed, and explains how to avoid common traps.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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@Eric Tarpall He intentionally deleted all his Youtube videos sometime last summer after the people following him told him to do so. He also had plans to buy or lease a property and start giving transmissions to hundreds or thousands of people in other countries. Atleast that was the idea. Crazy guy.

Edited by Space

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16 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

This only shows how little you understand red pill theory. Perhaps you are confusing it with incels.

Red pill is basically personal development and positive masculinity. It's about understanding women and letting go of hatred. Taking self responsibilty and building healthy long term relationships based on the new theory.

It explains beautifully why toxic relationships are formed, and explains how to avoid common traps.

i guess that’s exactly the point - i‘m not a male so everything i read is kind of from women’s perspective. and i tell you for women it’s rather a red flag. but in general i would say emancipation is not something that can be achieved by either women or male - it is about finding the right way together.

in this cenario trinity is a blue pill girl;)

Edited by now is forever

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12 minutes ago, now is forever said:

i‘m not a male

I didn't realize this. Also there are red pill women groups, basically many women sympathize and understand red pill men.

Anyway, thank you for the discussion.


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Red pill is really great because it already shows where on Spiral Dynamics the worldview is. Predominently red (or very unhealthy blue / orange). Preconventional. Concerned with animalistic drives like money, sex, power. No higher values found in the books like "love" or concern for the wellbeing of everyone.

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1 hour ago, Toby said:

Red pill is really great because it already shows where on Spiral Dynamics the worldview is. Predominently red (or very unhealthy blue / orange). Preconventional. Concerned with animalistic drives like money, sex, power. No higher values found in the books like "love" or concern for the wellbeing of everyone.

it's great if we look at it from outside and observe the bigger picture. it does represent a major social phenomenon.

BUT in the end it does way more harm than good, because it's an initiative that contributes to stagnation on lower values.

unborn Truth

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@Toby  Young people can now easily encounter other cultures and world views via internet and religion is becoming „outdated“, thus the colour blue is slowly dying off. This however makes darwinian worldviews very popular and it also makes it seem as if people like Richard Dawkins knew it all (in certain cases). You can often see people saying: All it means for a person is to pass on their genes! which is obviously a very deluded approach to life. I mean, the book Selfish gene has helped me to destroy my false beliefs about relationships and ultimately made me go from blue to orange more easily, but if you are planning to live your whole life just chasing these values... You can probably see the problem :D 

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