
Banning Any Critique on Actualized.Org?

106 posts in this topic

This is so not true.

I'm building my secret cult in here since 2 years, Leo never banned me :ph34r:

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11 minutes ago, Shin said:

This is so not true.

I'm building my secret cult in here since 2 years, Leo never banned me :ph34r:

A shinister... cult...:ph34r:

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Imagine valuing your feelings and being politically correct over raw statistics and (potential) truth about what attracts women.

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23 minutes ago, Shin said:

This is so not true.

I'm building my secret cult in here since 2 years, Leo never banned me :ph34r:

First rule of the Shin cult is you don't talk about Shin cult!

Second rule of the Shin cult is...

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Just now, Emerald said:

First rule of the Shin cult is you don't talk about Shin cult!

Second rule of the Shin cult is...

Exactly :ph34r:

Shhhhh :ph34r::ph34r:

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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57 minutes ago, tenta said:

Imagine valuing your feelings and being politically correct over raw statistics and (potential) truth about what attracts women.

superficial women are attracted by superficialities. superficial men are attracted by superficialities. those people correspond to the vast majority of humans at the moment and they struggle a lot trying to get along.

virtuous women are attracted to virtues. virtuous men are atracted to virtues. these people are very rare, but they get along with ease.

it's that simple, really.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Saying ”all women” is like ”all African-Americans”


its silly

stop it

we are all people with different needs and values


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I've watched TJ's video and beside kinda imature personal bashing on Leo he makes very valid points.

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I agree with TJ on the point, that we shouldn't just think, that we are gonna do well, because it's not gonna happen, unless we practice a lot. That's what Leo is saying too though, it's just not that expressive, not that many people take it seriously in my opinion. I also think, that this path shouldn't lead us away from „reality“, but we should become more disciplined, humble and conscientious in the process - and that is what isn't really happening to many of us, including me to a degree. He is obviously resentful and egotistical, but I feel like what we are doing here is lacking self-reflection (of this whole forum) in some areas... Leo has outgrown most of his audience, we need to escalate to really understand him. 

Edited by bejapuskas

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1 hour ago, tenta said:

Imagine valuing your feelings and being politically correct over raw statistics and (potential) truth about what attracts women.

I know those LMS videos. They are the direct correlate to all the "You can get any woman you want and looks dont matter" bs on the other side of the spectrum. Its way too narrow minded and superficial for a huge topic like attraction. The truth lies somewhere between those extreme point of views and there is really not more to say about this because anyone with an ounce of rational thinking knows the difference.

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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You have to understand the trickeries of running such a community.

I crack down on stuff like this immediately because egos will not hesitate to exploit this community to build their own cults and brands.

People like Rali and TJ turn criticism into a marketing strategy. The strategy is to stir up a fake controversy to gain views and free advertizing. In my book, this is unacceptable. What they are looking for is attention, which is why they are denied any air whatsoever.

If you want to criticize me or, go for it. I don't care. But I am not going to let you turn it into a marketing strategy, nor will I allow you to poach members to start your own movement or brand because I do not trust your devilish ego to create a non-cult community.

The mistake people make is they get a little taste of self-actualization or spirituality and then they think they got what it takes to teach or run a spiritual community. But they are so ignorant of the dangers involved.

I take great care to make sure never becomes a harmful ideological organization. People who I judge to be building harmful ideological organizations are not allowed here. 

There's nothing new here. This has happened before and it will happen again. Every year a new Zen devil comes here to start his cult. I spot such devils immediately. I smell them a mile away. I spotted Rali very early on. The trouble is, they cleverly exploit this because a healthy community must allow criticism. So it becomes a PR problem banning such people because it makes me look like an insecure tyrannt. So it's a tricky balance to strike because they will abuse this to craft their marketing strategy.

The bottom line is, if you guys wish to criticize myself or in a serious way, go for it. I will not close such a thread, but if you do it as a marketing strategy or you are doing it from a place of ego as a distraction, then it will be shut down.

The trick with criticism is that the ego loves to use it to muddy up the waters so much that people get lost and confused. It easily becomes a distraction from doing the work. It's so easy to create fake controversy and milk that cow. But even so, criticism and receptivity to feedback is necessary in any healthy community / organization.

So I welcome constructive criticism and feedback which has no ulterior business motive.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

You have to understand the trickeries of running such a community.

I crack down on stuff like this immediately because egos will not hesitate to exploit this community to build their own cults and brands.

People like Rali and TJ turn criticism into a marketing strategy. Which is unacceptable. What they are looking for is attention, which is what they are denied any air whatsoever.

If you want to criticize me or, go for it. I don't care. But I am not going to let you turn it into a marketing strategy, nor will I allow you to poach members to start your own movement or brand because I do not trust your devilish ego to create a non-cult community.

The mistake people make is they get a little taste of self-actualization or spirituality and then they think they got what it takes to teach or run a spiritual community. But they are so ignorant of the dangers involved.

I take great care to make sure Actualized never becomes a harmful ideological organization. People who I judge to be building harmful ideological organizations are not allowed here.


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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You have to understand the trickeries of running such a community.

I crack down on stuff like this immediately because egos will not hesitate to exploit this community to build their own cults and brands.

People like Rali and TJ turn criticism into a marketing strategy. The strategy is to stir up a fake controversy to gain views and free advertizing. In my book, this is unacceptable. What they are looking for is attention, which is why they are denied any air whatsoever.

If you want to criticize me or, go for it. I don't care. But I am not going to let you turn it into a marketing strategy, nor will I allow you to poach members to start your own movement or brand because I do not trust your devilish ego to create a non-cult community.

The mistake people make is they get a little taste of self-actualization or spirituality and then they think they got what it takes to teach or run a spiritual community. But they are so ignorant of the dangers involved.

I take great care to make sure never becomes a harmful ideological organization. People who I judge to be building harmful ideological organizations are not allowed here. 

There's nothing new here. This has happened before and it will happen again. Every year a new Zen devil comes here to start his cult. I spot such devils immediately. I smell them a mile away. I spotted Rali very early on. The trouble is, they cleverly exploit this because a healthy community must allow criticism. So it becomes a PR problem banning such people because it makes me look like an insecure tyrannt. So it's a tricky balance to strike because they will abuse this to craft their marketing strategy.

The bottom line is, if you guys wish to criticize myself or in a serious way, go for it. I will not close such a thread, but if you do it as a marketing strategy or you are doing it from a place of ego as a distraction, then it will be shut down.

The trick with criticism is that the ego loves to use it to muddy up the waters so much that people get lost and confused. It easily becomes a distraction from doing the work. It's so easy to create fake controversy and milk that cow. But even so, criticism and receptivity to feedback is necessary in any healthy community / organization.

So I welcome constructive criticism and feedback which has no ulterior business motive.

THis one i totally get. so hard 

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@Leo Gura, my question is how do you "smell" or know if someone has an ulterior motive?  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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11 hours ago, Shroomdoctor said:

I do not understand how this helps the community at all. If these viewpoints are entirely or partially wrong, that would be established in the conversations surrounding these people, yet you continue to shut down these perspectives. 

Unfortunately it's just not that simple.

Anyone who teaches personal development will tell you that you must control your influences. Just like a group of toxic friends can bring you down to their level, the same thing goes with this forum.

Beliefs and energy are contagious.

It's one thing to stomp out an opposing view because you're close minded or it conflicts with your agenda. It's another thing to realize that a certain perspective doesn't help and to distance yourself from it.

I've thought about locking many threads for just this reason. When I see someone just spreading fear, complaining, conspiracy theories or other nonsense, my instinct is to stomp it out. Because I know it won't help people to be infected by that stuff.

Still, I usually don't because I know it doesn't look good and that I need to be able to give people the freedom make their own mistakes. But it's always a gray area.

For anyone who doesn't like how this forum is run, I would challenge you to actually try and run your own organization. There's a lot more challenges that go on behind the scenes than most people realize. And you'll have a lot more empathy for why things are done the way they are.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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2 hours ago, Matt23 said:

@Leo Gura, my question is how do you "smell" or know if someone has an ulterior motive?  

It's an intuitive high-level hunch based on subtle cues.

Then again, often these people display their egotism in very obvious ways. For example, no serious teacher would make the core of his teaching the bashing of other teachers. That's an obvious red flag. That's ego reaction, not genuine teaching. People who spend a lot of their time and energy criticizing other teachers or teachings automatically reveal their own lack of consciousness, as all criticism is ultimately untenable and absurd. Reality cannot be otherwise, so there is nothing wrong and no one to blame. When you become deeply conscious, the desire to criticize anything falls away entirely, because it is an ego-game.

The more conscious you become of the devil within you, the easier it becomes to spot Zen devils and their tactics. After years of doing this work you will smell ego from miles away because you've studied it so deeply within yourself.

Watch out for people who make a lot of noise and stir up controversy needlessly, over and over again. This is a very popular online marketing tactic of late. People like Trump, JP, Mike Cernovich, Steven Crowder, Alex Jones, Sam Harris, etc. are master manipulators in this regard. Any cult leader wannabe is going to be a master manipulator & bullshit artist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Keep up the great work it is greatly appreciated.  

The thing most do not undetstand is that Leo didn't make all of these teachings up..they have been here for thousands of years and you can become conscious of the Truth for yourself.   Leo cannot show you this only you can see it for yourself.  Leo just has the gift of being able to take all of these teachings and bring them to life for us with his videos..and I'm sure this gift takes hours on hours of work, thought, and preparation.

So when those come who wish to spout something other than the truth we must bring down the hand of wisdom for the good of us all so that the innocent ones are not deceived or robbed of what the Truth that they may otherwise come to see, is.

That is all Leo is doing.  This forum is not about Leo.  It is about truth and i applaud him for doing what is necessary.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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