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continuous vs on the fly

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Ok so this may all be a little weird at first, but there has actually been a great deal of thinking over the last who knows how many weeks, on this subject and maybe the ideas and thinking and whatnot goes back further than weeks, who knows........lemmi get to the topic here......


Like I said this may sound weird, but take it seriously ok.

I have reached a decision that has to do with "constantly like keeping something in mind" or just reacting on the fly. Like if I had to choose between the two, which one would it be. and, yes I know, for a little while "reacting on the fly" would be on my mind or being "kept in mind".........but I think eventually that would turn into something that I end up reacting upon on the fly once I have it in my memory. Also, by a little while, I don't really know how long exactly, it doesn't really matter to be honest, but probably something like minutes.........


If anybody wants a hint as to what I may be on to here, here is a hint:

Something that you could always keep in mind would be focusing on your breath, and I mean like 24/7.


Ok, well this next hint type of thing is trickier alright.  

I want you to think about your memory ok.

If I were to ask you, when were you born, the date would come to your mind, but it is not ALWAYS there. If you go and watch the new mission impossible movie, you will forget about the date of birth. Not literally, like forever, but until somebody asks you when you were born again, ya know?

Ok now I know that was a little bit trickier, but it is going to get even trickier. Reacting on the fly can take many different forms. Now, I will be honest with you, I started writing a couple of different examples, but I deleted them because I feel like it is better to just leave it like this so you guys can use your own imaginations. I mean, idk, just imagine all the things throughout your life that you have to react on the fly towards.


So once again, I am going to propose to competition between, whether it is better to react on the fly, or keep something in mind at all times, such as breath focus. 


Ok, now think about the times in your life that you have to react on the fly. It could literally be anything. Even the question, what is your date of birth?


Does help at all? I think it should, because when you are asked that question you have to react and your brain spits out a response.


So once again, is it better to live life by reacting on the fly, or by focusing on your breath at all times?


I just realized something! It may not actually be best to explain this in words.....maybe it is. I really don't know. Maybe it is best to "react on the fly" or focus on the breath. If it is, then fuck it, I guess I'll still post this since I dont really know the answer right?


idk, just so everyone knows, I am kind of searching for a life long like answer in a way. Like something to live by. And so I guess I kind of came down to something that I literally live by alllllllllll the time, OR something such as, just react on the fly and figure out scene by scene, moment by moment, problem by problem.........

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O, ummm, in the very beginning I had said that the thinking went back weeks, but I just want to clarify that most of what is in this post was thought up within the last few minutes...... like the fact that there may actually be a decision there between the two sides.

In the past I had thought about the "keeping something in mind all the time" thing quite a bit because of meditation and all, and the other thing, on the fly thing, is just some thing that I have briefly thought about here and there I suppose for reasons that I can not explain right now. At least right now......haha


So ya



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