
First time psychedelics - alone or with a trip sitter

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I am planning to do have my first psychedelics experience soon (probably mushroom) . I was wondering if it was better to be alone or with a trip sitter. I have 7 grams of magic mushroom which are a bit broken and in pieces... I was wondering if I should do a very small dose (less than 1g) or an effective dose (1-2g).

i have bad tripped on eating weed brownies before. I am not scared to bad trip again. I reason I bad tripped on weed was because it wasn’t a good setting and I wasn’t sure ending to the experience. But I still am worried that if I d it alone, i,l harm myself, like go running on the streets, use dangerous stuff like knives (idk). My bf agreed to trip sit but I feel like if he’s there, I’ll have the tendency to chat / be distracted or go for help as soon as I feel the effects of the drugs.

what worked best for you for the first time? Thank you

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Weed is a totally different ball game from psychedelics FYI, don't let that bad experience with the brownies set any kind of tone for you.

If your sitter is some kind of experienced psychedelic guide, I would definitely recommend that. If it's just some buddy who's never tripped before, I'd be wary. If it's something in between it's kind of your call. Sounds like your BF falls into the latter category of inexperienced buddy, so I might skip that plan.

The thing is that a sober, inexperienced sitter may end up just bringing you so much down to earth that it interferes with your experience. But a good sitter can facilitate a very deep experience.

If you do trip alone, and are tentative about the whole thing, I'd recommend taking a small (1g) dose to get your feet wet. It's hard to imagine someone having problems on that kind of dose. Its really hard to imagine someone wanting to play with knives or run naked in the streets on 1g or 2g (or any dosage tbh). However the running naked down the streets scenario does seem to happen from time to time with certain kinds of people, so it's a good policy to be careful until you know how you react.

The thing is with psychedelics is that they really tend to amplify your consciousness. It's not like getting "fucked up" on booze or something where people start doing crazy out of control shit. On mushrooms you are very aware of what you're doing and why you're doing it, more so than normal. There does seem to be a change at ultra high doses where some people loose it and start dissociating and acting out of control, but at 1-2g you won't be near that. 

Don't combo it with booze or weed.

If you're feeling more confident, and/or have a decent sitter, go with higher like 2g. IMO of course.

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@lostmedstudent I concur with what outlandish wrote. I'd like to add a few points.

A trip sitter adds another variable to the setting. If you go with a sitter, I would recommend one with psychedelic experience. During your trip, an experienced sitter can provide calm, grounding energy and guidance. They have direct experience with the psychedelic mindset and in a sense get on the same frequency. In contrast, I would not get an inexperienced sitter to prevent me from harming myself or others, or doing something stupid.

Generally on low/moderate doses, the person can talk and settle themselves down. You haven't fully lost sense of reality and there is a sense of self control. A mind can still distinguish between "real" and "fantasy". On high doses, the self is dissolved after ego death and there is generally no fear or anxiety. There is no one left to be fearful for. Post-ego, the mind-body doesn't have much motivation to cause harm. . . Harm anxiety generally arises in the sub-ego death zone, when the ego is losing control of reality and struggles to maintain control. The ego may generate harm anxiety imagery as resistance. I've experience this many times, particularly as a novice, including exactly what you wrote: "I can't give up control!! I could run outside screaming!!! I could use knives on myself!!!". The ability to distinguish "real" from "not real" is lost. It is only during part of the trip and can be very uncomfortable. Yet, they have provided me with profound insights about my subconscious egoic structure. As well, I've found harm anxiety to be a protective mechanism. Early on, there was fear that some dark creature within me might arise if I surrendered control. Yet, I've found that creature was a protective fantasy of my ego. What lies beneath the ego is a deeper intelligence, love, connection and creativity that isn't interested in harming myself or anyone else.

I would recommend doing 1.5g solo in a meditative familiar setting with various options. If things drift into a dark area, changing activity or simply going to another room can completely change the energy. At 1.5g, you would likely have the option of letting go and allowing the ego to more fully dissolve into groundlessness, or regaining control toward being more grounded.

On the flip side of harm anxiety, there is blissful surrender. I've entered the sub ego death zone to see the most beautiful bliss beyond imagination and look back to see an egoic world tension, confusion and crap. The first time, my mind thought to the psychedelic "teacher" : "What a second. Are you telling me, if I surrender I give up all the suffering and crap of the egoic state and get to enter bliss beyond imagination? Heck yea!! Let's go!!!". 

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As long as your dose is 2g or under, and your set and setting are good, then you're basically guaranteed a blissful and easily steerable/manageable trip! However, having an EXPERIENCED trip sitter could give you peace of mind, and is definitely recommended when going to higher doses for the first time. 

Let us know of your travels!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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