
Best books on starting a business

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i was wondering if you guys have book recommendations on business. I am looking for practical books that talk about the actual process of creating a business, not motivational business books or law of attraction books, I have read these kind of books already and I am trying to incorporate as much as I can from them. Right now I would really like to read a good book that goes through the process of starting a business with practical examples and day to day stuff that I will have to figure out.

Ps. I have Leos booklist and I have read most of the books on business there but there wasn't any book that I described.

Help is appreciated :) 

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What kind of business? Small business?

I have personally liked Breaking the Time Barrier by Mike McDerment, CEO of Freshbooks cloud accounting. It's a short business book written like a novel that you can read for free. It teaches you how to entangle revenue from time.

Built to Sell by John Warrillow touches the same subject, but is a little bit longer.

And I have to mention The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. It contains crucial principles of building a business. It's quite old and for some people, the style in which the book was written may be off-putting. If that's the case, there is also Unscripted written by the same author that is newer and more accessible.

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And if you want practical examples then I recommend going to the internet entrepreneurship forums and look for progress threads and case-studies or visit /r/Entrepreneur.

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What is your business?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Taavi That kind of detailed how-to information is gonna be found in courses and seminars, not books.

Serious business training is never done through books. Books are too cheap for that.

Try taking a $1000 course or $3000 seminar. That's where you'll learn practical stuff. No one is going to put that information into a $20 book.

Serious business advice is very costly. Because if it's any good, it's worth tens of thousands of dollars.

At $10,000 business seminar is not unreasonable.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I would also say that business knowledge is very specialized a lot of times as well. So it's best to tell what kind of business you wanna start before looking for recommendations

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Instead of typical self help or "how to start a business" books, I'd focus on reading business books written by legendary businesspeople, or autobiographies of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Mark Zuckerburg, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, etc.

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I just was seeking for something inspiring and realized it's extremely hard to distinguish a real talent from one of those new-wave Instagram entreprenuers (I guess those are the guys @EternalForest mentioned above)... Typically they just demonstrate their money (and a rented car is obligatory, for sure).

I'm not quite sure whats about such books as Money master the game or similar - perhaps they make not that much sense compared to the books of real businessmen like Jobs, Gates or Besos. However... you know that saying - the best professional is not always the best teacher!

Another way to kick off is to take a number of basic courses on Corporate Finance, Marketing, etc - personally I like MIT free courses so much!


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