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Does everyone have a life purpose?

17 posts in this topic

I have been struggling with this one.

Does everyone have a life purpose?
Oftenly I read on this forum how everyone has a life purpose and that we should just tune into our selves more to find out what it really is.

But then I started thinking... Not everyone has a clear vision / mind.
What about people with mental or physical disabilities? Due to genetic diseases or whatever?

Why are they put on this earth? They don't seem to have the capabilities we have, the amount of potential we have, to strive and thrive.
Some people are just stuck in their body with no way out. Literally.

And what about those people who don't have / get a chance at all? People in third world countries who's only worry is to stay alive and get food for the day?

It's as if tuning into your "life purpose" is only given to people after meeting certain preconditions.
I feel like the preconditions are money, living in a first world country, getting the chances they need, and being healthy in mind and body.

I just have seen really sad cases of people with severe problems and severe diseases and it just seems so... unfair... If everyone is really put on this earth with a purpose... Then it just seems some people have it much much harder than others, if not impossible.

Or am I missing something? I don't know. Could be lost in this one.



The inspiration for this thread is thanks to this video:

Edited by Tistepiste

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@Tistepiste nobody has a life purpose unless he/she chooses to. you can live the life of an aimless zen monk forever if you want.

unborn Truth

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@Tistepiste i can only speak for myself.

"what about the blind people?"
"what about thse who are raped?"
"what about people who starve everyday?"
"wait, what about those babies that are born without brains?"

the list can become as big as you want. what are you going to do about it? does it make your life less worth living?

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya No, of course not. Just wanted to share my thoughts, maybe someone could add something to shed a different light. 
It's just easy to preach the right thing

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@Tistepiste it is painful no matter how you slice it. we, humans, usually crave for some kind of justice. sorry, can't be done.

you can devote your life to serve and help, though. depending on your maturity level, it can be a blissful life.

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya Thank you for your insights :) I am just in the very beginning of my spiritual and personal development journey. I am curious to what this path will throw in my plate

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18 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

Often I read on this forum how everyone has a life purpose and that we should just tune into our selves more to find out what it really is.

I haven't seen that. Life purpose is something you craft for yourself, so obviously not everyone has one.

18 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

What about people with mental or physical disabilities? Due to genetic diseases or whatever?

There are people with disabilities who nail life purpose. Stephen Hawking comes to my mind, but there are countless examples of people with disabilities who have big impact on the world.

The same goes for income inequality, it's not an unbreakable barrier.


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Imo 99% of the time when it is talked about "life purpose" it is talked about from the egoic need to find something that fulfills "me" which of course is twisted. There is no ideal "job" or anything out there that is fulfilling as such. Just like there is no mate out there that is 100% perfect and fulfills me. Or a car, or a house. Or a family. Or any mental/emotional/spiritual state. Nothing wrong with all these things but the expectation that any situation is fulfilling me is the old egoic perspective. And then, every situation can be the "life purpose".

Edited by Toby

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Personally, I don't think everybody has a Life Purpose.

In my opinion, it takes a certain maturity and level of development to acquire one. In Spiral Dynamics terms, I would say LP really comes on your radar at late stage Orange transitioning into Green. And a fully meaningful purpose comes at Yellow. Most countries and communities are not even at a solid Blue-Orange.

21 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

Oftenly I read on this forum how everyone has a life purpose and that we should just tune into our selves more to find out what it really is.


I found that it is easier said than done. I don't think many people, even on this forum, have found theirs. There is a lot of young people on this forum (including me) and it takes years of self-discovery to find true LP. You might be naturally  born passionate and talented genius, in which case the path has been charted for you, but that is not the vast majority. My estimation is that only at around the age of 30, you will truly discover your hidden potential and passionate contribution.

I have certainly fallen into the trap of finding the "right" career and occupation, just to discover that my passion and talent lay elsewhere. it's painful to waste time and money for education/career and start all over again. Yet that is what needs to be done. We have to follow our heart, and one day, we will land the purpose of our lives.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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Of course not, but the majority of people could probably find one if they put some effort in thinking.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Purpose is not an aspect of reality beyond what the human mind labels. Reality is empty of purpose and purposelessness.

So, if a person constructs a life purpose, they will have one. If they do not construct one, they will not.

But there is nothing existentially more valid about deciding on a life purpose or not deciding on a life purpose. Both are perfectly valid.

And circumstances are circumstances, some of them are less favorable on the individual human level, but none of them mean anything about a person's worth.

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I would even say life purpose is a fancy name for a satisfying career.

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You need to be at a certain level of conciousness to realise that there is something like a Life Purpose, what most would call fantasy, you would call potential career. Although many do either stumble upon their life purpose without knowing or have been driven since youth towards something greater than the 9-5 slavery, without calling it Life Purpose. 

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On 1/14/2019 at 10:48 AM, Tistepiste said:

I have been struggling with this one.

Does everyone have a life purpose?
Oftenly I read on this forum how everyone has a life purpose and that we should just tune into our selves more to find out what it really is.

But then I started thinking... Not everyone has a clear vision / mind.
What about people with mental or physical disabilities? Due to genetic diseases or whatever?

Why are they put on this earth? They don't seem to have the capabilities we have, the amount of potential we have, to strive and thrive.
Some people are just stuck in their body with no way out. Literally.

And what about those people who don't have / get a chance at all? People in third world countries who's only worry is to stay alive and get food for the day?

It's as if tuning into your "life purpose" is only given to people after meeting certain preconditions.
I feel like the preconditions are money, living in a first world country, getting the chances they need, and being healthy in mind and body.

I just have seen really sad cases of people with severe problems and severe diseases and it just seems so... unfair... If everyone is really put on this earth with a purpose... Then it just seems some people have it much much harder than others, if not impossible.

Or am I missing something? I don't know. Could be lost in this one.



The inspiration for this thread is thanks to this video:

I used to wonder this about my sister because she has schizophrenia. I do believe that everyone has a myth to live out with their life if they so choose to answer that internal call or even see it that way. As for people with disabilities, who are we to know their purpose or whose lives are impacted from their existence? Even if it's just to inspire other's in some way to live more fully in their purpose/ calling. 

How this topic affects you may be some clue as to what it means for you/ your purpose or your lifestyle.

I used to teach a fitness class to some mentally impaired adults that seemed to love unconditionally and I was super fascinated with how unbothered they were.


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