
The number of anuual animal deaths boggles my mind.

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Every year, 74 billion animals are killed for food. As I watched this video, my body was shaking. I was having ego backlash. Leo was right. Humans are devils.

To humans, suffering is just another resource. In corporations, people are paid for suffering. In farms, animals suffer to make meat for humans. It's a big hierarchy that includes animals and humans.

Edited by CreamCat

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Yes indeed. 


I cringe hearing the excuses so many meat eaters make, especially the ones claiming to be spiritual.


But on the other hand, life and suffering go hand in hand. It’s been a consistent theme across time and is not limited to this generation of humans and animals. Everything is as it should be; there are no mistakes in the actuality of reality. This phase, this cycle must pass as well. 

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The only way you can be a devil is by being ignorant, inconscious, and deluded.

You can't act malevolently if you truly know what you're doing, there is too much cognitive dissonance for that to happen.

This is why Jesus said «forgave them, for they don't know what they are doing».

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The Dalai Lama eats roast beef fairly regular.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot The Dalai Lama is an unimpressive distraction if you ask me. The true masters are the ones you will never know or hear about.


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6 minutes ago, Shiva said:

If you also take into account the smaller animals that we usually eat many of at once, like shrimps and mussles, the true number is probably a lot higher.

Anyway looking at these numbers is terrible for mee, especially considering that you can be happy and healthy without eating any animals.

There are debates about whether shrimps have consciousness. But, I don't think mussels have consciousness because they don't have brain.

If mussels had consciousness, earthworms and trees would have it, too.


Edited by CreamCat

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On 15/01/2019 at 2:01 AM, Shin said:

The only way you can be a devil is by being ignorant, inconscious, and deluded.

You can't act malevolently if you truly know what you're doing, there is too much cognitive dissonance for that to happen.

This is why Jesus said «forgave them, for they don't know what they are doing».

well said ! 

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16 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

well said ! 

All criticism is untenable ??

Edited by Shin

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We should just nuke the earth repeatedly and end all life -- no more suffering animals or people hahahaha!

But if I eat meat, I am unconscious, so you cant blame me anyway. Judge not! hahaha!

But wait, there is no 'me' that eats meat, so all's good hahaha!

Blame the universe, suckers!

Ohhhh shiiiitt.....

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I no longer eat as much meat as I used to.

I can also see the value of not eating meat at all or being a vegetarian. I'm always struck by the vegetarians who preach non violence, yet in their hearts, murder their fellow man.

Gurdieff from MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN on an expedition through the Himalayas:

The first thing next day, with the consent of our consciences, degenerated like those of all contemporary people and corresponding exactly to the requirements of Hell, we killed all the goats, which only the day before we had regarded as our sincere friends and associates in overcoming the difficulties of the journey. 

After this admirable Christian-Mohammedan manifestation, one of us began to cut their meat into small pieces in order to roast it.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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When you're a vegetarian at a family reunion ...



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I tried going without meat.  I was going to the restroom 3-4 times a day for weeks and having a ton of gas too.  So I had to quit veggie, and then my system righted itself.

Although now in hindsight, I'm wondering if it was my trip to India (1.5 years ago) had something to do with the veggie backfire.  When I came back, I apparently had Hep A.  I didn't know about it until last month when I did a Hep screen for something unrelated.  I was found to have the Hep A antibody, which was a puzzler.  The doc then looked at my past bloodwork & I had a blood test about a month after I returned from India & the liver enzymes were elevated at that time.  I just wonder why nobody noticed it back then!!

At any rate, I can't see myself going back to veggie.  I get ravenous when I eat veggie & sometimes seriously gaseous.  i can't handle all of that toilet time.



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Meat tastes good, so why not kill those bloody animals and eat them. ?




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Well, it's sad that so many animals get killed. Especially factory farming is pretty darn cruel. On the other hand, for some individuals, meat and dairy products seem to be having the best impact on the body and emotional well-being. That includes me, nowadays I eat more meat than two months ago. I used to get bloated, diarrhea etc. my doc also thinks that I might have IBS or similar...

I am also diagnosed with depression and my sleep is always interrupted, I found that I feel a bit better now since I started eating differently.

Although I might just have some bad reactions that I don't know about, such as wheat, lactose, gluten etc. Before that, I used to eat much rice, spaghetti, bread, honey, cheese, eggs, potatoes, fruits and so on, maybe small bits of meat twice a week.  

For now, I'd like to go deeper into the more "healthy ketogenic diet" by Dr. Berg (YouTube), eating more fats, less protein and more veggies. No diet works the same on everyone. Some people feel best on a vegan diet, some feel horrible on it. Every side has their own studies to back up their preferred diet, so ultimately it boils down to the individual to try out and find what works for oneself. I'd like to eat less meat and all that, I just haven't found out what really works for me yet, and the ketogenic diet has helped me to feel better physically and emotionally for now, but there are corrections and additions I should take to make it a proper ketogenic diet.

If someone has other recommendations, I am curious to read them. 




"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

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First learn to love those who inflict suffering. 

Learn to accept suffering as a part of this world instead of demonizing it.

Learn to recognize your projections of resistance to things you don't like.


But on a more practical level, I see synthetic meat as the better solution than veganism.

I don't value animals more than I do plants. So meat eating and veganism is a catch-22 for me.

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5 hours ago, Good-boy said:

Meat tastes good, so why not kill those bloody animals and eat them. ?

It tastes good because we're used to it since birth, and we usually puts lot of tasty sauce.

I could make my child loves being sodomized from its early childhood by my dog, doesn't mean he actually like it.

Conditioning ?

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we humans are the only species on this planet that doesn't have a clue about its role in nature. every other animal is doing just fine. xD

unborn Truth

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28 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

we humans are the only species on this planet that doesn't have a clue about its role in nature. every other animal is doing just fine. xD

Is not having a clue about its role a part of its role though? Hmm


It tastes good because we're used to it since birth, and we usually puts lot of tasty sauce.

I could make my child loves being sodomized from its early childhood by my dog, doesn't mean he actually like it.

Conditioning ?

So does the child love it or not love it? Conditioning being a method of learning to like something doesn't make it any less valid. We are very adaptable. Have you ever heard of an acquired taste?

Edited by Shadowraix

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1 minute ago, Shadowraix said:

Is not having a clue about its role a part of its role though? Hmm

that's using two different meanings of the word "role" in the same statement. doesn't work. but i get your point.

related to the first meaning of "role": we, humanity in general, don't even know how to eat properly yet. pick any example of animal from any other species and it will make no mistake about its perfect diet.

related to the second meaning of "role": yes, we feel purposeless and free to do whatever. and this aspect of the human experience has its own beauty.

unborn Truth

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