
How can I have a glimpse of awakening?

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I just want to know whether or not it is possible to have an awakening experience of nothingness or no-self without a serious spiritual practice or psychedelics.

I can't have practice because of some environmental reasons (which I'm actively working on to fix)

I can't get my hands on psychedelics either. For this, I have to travel, which I can't afford yet (I'm also actively working on to fix this)

I know that fastest way to have a glimpse is psychedelics, but given the condition I find myself in, I'll have to wait for a couple of years (or maybe less) to be able to get them.

So, that leaves me with a very limited list of options I guess.

As far as I understand, the best way for me is 10-day solo meditation retreat.

Can you tell me what can I do other than that?
The reason why I am asking all of this is that I was planning my life couple of years ago such that I thought I would be able to experience my true nature at least once, in 2-3 years.

Then something unexpected happened and I've found myself not capable of even doing a meditation. I just kept reading books and filling myself with all the theory.

Now I'm working on the aspects of my life which will enable me to get back on track and pursue the Truth more actively. But that will probably require some time, at least a year or more.

I just can't wait anymore. Sometimes all I can think of is these stuff, all the ways that my egoic behavior damages me, and all the unconsciousness that goes into my life...

I need to see what is this about, see how deluded I am. I want to know how it feels to look at the world and don't make a distinction of me vs not-me, even for a couple of seconds.

I even thought of learning Lucid Dreaming in order to have a glimpse of nonduality at least in my dream 9_9 Is that possible?

So, what can I do?

Edited by bazera

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@bazera Perhaps consider shamanic breathing. It's easy to do at home and many people,including myself, have reported altered states of consciousness within a few attempts. 

If you are interested in learning more, Leo did a video on shamanic breathing and there is a "mega-thread" on the forum.

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Just work and observe your growth.

Don't complicate yourself.

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Fastest way to have glimpse of no-self would be probably just to be to observe yourself, without thinking, or not thinking about thoughts that arise , just observe them, even your regular activities, first you will notice that you respond without you taking part in it, you do actions without taking part in it, but it can go much deeper to real non dual state, you can also try it meditating. But overall I think it is fastest way.   

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@Serotoninluv In what way did shamanic breathing altered your state of consciousness? I think It's more like a tool to purify yourself emotionally and psychologically. How can it make me conscious of the fact that self is an illusion?

@purerogue Yeah, you're right, but the thing is, it's really hard to do that in everyday life. Life just sucks me in and I'm like an unconscious puppet dragged around by the circumstances. In order that approach to work, I need to install some kind of spiritual practice, but I'm not capable of doing that at this point, as I mentioned above. 

I am looking something like a shortcut (that is not a psychedelic) just to have a glimpse even if it's for 2 seconds...

Edited by bazera

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5 minutes ago, bazera said:

@Serotoninluv In what day did shamanic breathing altered your state of consciousness? I think It's more like a tool to purify yourself emotionally and psychologically. How can it make me conscious of the fact that self is an illusion?

@purerogue Yeah, you're right, but the thing is, it's really hard to do that in everyday life. Life just sucks me in and I'm like an unconscious puppet dragged around by the circumstances. In order that approach to work, I need to install some kind of spiritual practice, but I'm not capable of doing that at this point, as I mentioned above. 

I am looking something like a shortcut (that is not a psychedelic) just to have a glimpse even if it's for 2 seconds...

Give it some time, experiment, keep clam, clear mind to not get thrown out of it by emotions, thoughts, it is not really that hard, just takes little bit of time and patience. 

Edited by purerogue

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@Toby No, I haven't. I intuitively resonate with all the stuff that Leo talks about. That led me to research more stuff, reading dozens of books on spirituality / enlightenment / meditation, binge-watching spiritual videos on youtube, etc. 

But all of this without actual experience. and I think that started to backfire after 2-3 years. I just can't read another book or watch another video. Because what is the point of doing that, if I can't experientially verify the thing that I'm most passionate about.

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There is no shortcut dude. So the f patience is required.


Edited by tedens

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2 hours ago, bazera said:

@Serotoninluv In what way did shamanic breathing altered your state of consciousness? I think It's more like a tool to purify yourself emotionally and psychologically. How can it make me conscious of the fact that self is an illusion?

It sounds like you want a tool that will satisfy your ego's desire to be shown that itself is an illusion. Yet, there is no proof that your ego will find satisfactory. 

As well, it sounds like you want a quick tool to reach a goal (to be shown the self is an illusion). The journey is the goal. What is happening right now is the finish line. Look around you. What IS is all around you.  You cannot find it any other place. It is always here. You will not find it within the timeline. It is always now. 

Sincerity, humbleness, willingness, openness and surrender with no expectation, goal or agenda is much more important than the tool used.

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Everyday when you wake up, try to feel that you're still dreaming.
Everyday when you go to sleep, contemplate this "What If I never wake up"
Everyday during the evening, contemplate this "What will happen when I die"

Don't take any ideas, concepts and any other thoughts into account, just ask.
If you're genuine about it, an answer will come at some point.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@bazera Let the ‘glimpse’ go for now. Concentrate on getting to a place where you can do meditation, yoga, travel, trip, etc. You’re trying to skip the foundation. The glimpse won’t fix anything. 



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Yeah, I try to skip the foundation and I try to satisfy myself (aka ego).

I guess I have to be much wiser then this, the approach I'm using won't cut it.

I think I'll continue building my foundation and contemplate what I'm genuinely interested in, even if I don't start a formal practice yet...

I'll start by asking myself why do I want a glimpse, I may find something interesting there

Thanks guys

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Letting go of assuming you know things just watch without thinking you know anything it could give a glimpse or mindfulness meditation

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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If you don't want to consume chemicals you can do a dark room retreat. that's one way. It takes from 3-10days being in complete darkness and then your brains start producing natural DMT and you get non dual experiences.

Another way is go to Sadhguru's Bhava Spandana program. He will Blow your head with his Shakti transmission. He said what people experience in Bhava Spandana program took 12.5years for a very well known sage and seer Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to achieve. He gives that experience to you in 3days.

So these are your 2options.

You cannot love what you need. 

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@bazera You've been told exactly what to do. You're just not doing it. And there's no solution to that other than to do it.

Being desperate for a glimpse is only going to get in the way.

Discipline yourself to do the work.

Or don't and suffer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 hours ago, bazera said:

Sometimes all I can think of is these stuff, all the ways that my egoic behavior damages me, and all the unconsciousness that goes into my life...

If you're thinking about it,you're missing it. Consider that maybe it's the egoic structure always thinking about the 100 different ways things are wrong.  If  that is the case, why not take all that attention you're giving to it ,and  fix it on You.
There's only one place you can always be,and it's always the same place. No matter what geographical part of the world you're in,you can always be found in the same place. Where is that?
Here. It's Always here. And where is Here?  Somewhere? Nowhere? Everywhere? Inside a body? Outside a body?
What's called Here, can't be found. But that's where You are.
If someone comes up and asks you where you are,without even having to think about it,it's clearly obvious that it's Here. Where else can you be? It's always Here.

Instead of giving your attention to where you're not, give it to where you are. It's easy to find and it's where you always are.

Edited by who chit

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Well that would be too easy. I want the jaw dropping,shit my pants version. 
Plus, the egoic structure keeps me occupied. What the hell else am I gonna do if I'm not doing that? :D

Edited by isness is my bizness

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46 minutes ago, isness is my bizness said:

Well that would be too easy. I want the jaw dropping,shit my pants version. 
Plus, the egoic structure keeps me occupied. What the hell else am I gonna do if I'm not doing that? :D

Well this is losing the identification with the body-mind. So it might be the version you're looking for if that's what you've always thought you've been.
The always Here is not a specific place in space,just as the always Now is not a dimension in time. Here and Now are the same "placeless place" and not different.

Edited by who chit

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Set out a 5 days self inquiry retreat at home. Every single day, just sit casually in your study desk and self-inquire for 10-12 hours. No one will even suspect that you are doing anything weird. Preferably do 30 minutes sessions followed by 5 minutes of walking (don't make your legs and waist sore).

By the end of 3rd or 4th day, you should have a very palpable, unforgettable and 'clean' non-dual glimpse. You'll easily see why you should work towards this mode of being. For the first time, you may encounter unmixed happiness. Also the good news is, the effects would last few days to weeks if it's a sufficiently powerful breakthrough. You may have mini glimpses here and there from day 1, but don't stop until it hit you like a thunderbolt and spontaneously stops all self-inquiry and activity. You'll know when it hits you.

The technique of Self-Inquiry:

Step 1: Relinquish all your interest and fascination from all objects of experience and try to 'focus' on the subject. Take the help of questions like ''who is aware?'', ''Who is the perceiver?''

Step 2: Any 'thing' you land on as yourself, clearly see that it is an object. Thus continue inquiring..''who is aware of that?''

Repeat...until the breakthrough comes. There is absolutely no need to think or try to figure out stuff from your part.

In the end, the key is solid determination to maintain this routine for 5 days without giving in to everyday distractions. The breakthrough is bound to happen if you put in the hours and don't stop the inquiry half-way by imagining yourself as a located object/body.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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