If it's all a fantasy, why even live it?

91 posts in this topic

44 minutes ago, F A B said:

But if I have pain, and this pain is caused by a disease, then is it resistance when I try to treat that disease in order to stop the pain?

On the contrary, treatment is the best thing to do, It would be extremely irrational not to help yourself heal.

One shouldn't take literally any spiritual principle, because their meaning is metaphorical and isn't always related to everyday things.

Resistance in this case would be: to desire not to be sick, and not to have pain.

Anything that appears before you should be embraced with love, so it could heal.

The positive thought "I am healthy. And getting better." Is really good, and isn't considered resistance as long as you say it with full conviction.

It's like aikido really, you use the force of the pain to let it pass by instead of resisting it head on.

Say: "I welcome you pain. Stay as long as you wish, I love and embrace you."

Good luck to you dear fellow,

I wish you well.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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Be careful you don't turn that dream idea into a belief that you then cling to as "true".

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No, you are just misunderstanding their teachings.

THIS is the kingdom of God! Heaven is EVERYWHERE! Just lose that ego.

There is no salvation elsewhere unless you find it right here, right now.

Nirvana is ego-death.

@Leo Gura when are you going to realize that "ego" is a child that is longing to be loved? 

Edited by Vladimir

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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5 hours ago, Arhattobe said:

@Emanyalpsid I never said I’ve attained nirvana. My username is arhat to be.

But you started to teach, so what are you teaching?

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12 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:

So this Brahman, even if not labeled, is still there in your mind as something. This means that you are still attached to something and are not fully enlightened by the Buddhist standard.

I don't think this is true.

Brahman in (Advaita) Vedanta is defined as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). Absolute Brahman is pur subjectivity with no content or object. And it says you are that Brahman. Your error is to assume because it has a name therefore it must be "something". But that's not what Advaita Vedanta says. There is a clear distinction between subject and object. 

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12 hours ago, Emanyalpsid said:

When you reach Nirvana in Buddhism you realize that no-thing exists, but this is not nothing. It is the relative space between something and nothing.

Can you tell us more about this 'no-thing'?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Emanyalpsid You do realise there are multiple stages of enlightenment in Buddhism. Arhatship or nirvana is complete eradication of all conditionings. Nothingness is realized way before arhatship.

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This entire conversation is devolving into masturbation and confusion.

There is no difference between enlightenment in Buddhism and Hinduism or any other major religion.

@Emanyalpsid Stop spreading misinformation.

Stop talking about nonduality on this forum and do the work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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