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The difference between personal development and spiritual expansion (?)

56 posts in this topic

@bejapuskas Agreed xD

@Anton Rogachevski Thanks for reading, friend. I like how you described it.

I'd add to that by saying that it is about making the dream become real. Come true. And that is in itself a very beautiful experience.

@Emanyalpsid You put that very nicely.

I gree.

My intention is not to minimize or discredit any aproach or orientation.

I just see very little difference between them all at this moment. I enjoy observing all things coming together into one.


Edited by ivankiss

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@ivankiss There’s no character Ivan. It appears that way though. 

Everything only appears. Whatever it is; it should be respected, not denied.

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@Nahm Over here, right now; yeah.

It might be different somewhere else.

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@ivankiss Who is respecting? Who is respected? Who is denying? Who is denied? 

All there is.

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All there is is all there is; which implies the character is a part of it as well.

There is an I. It is transparent. Ever-changing. Just like all there is.

No separation between anything.

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@Nahm  I am both simultaniously.

Both Ivan and all there is.

Both nothing and everything.

It's miraculous. Impossible.

The idea of a seperate self is happening within all there is too. That is how there is no separation.

An idea of a "part" may exist, but it can never separate itself from all there is.

All happens now and now only.

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@Nahm  There might be an idea of two things. But they are one in actuality.

They coexist.

The conceptual is within the actual.

In that way; it is it.

Edited by ivankiss

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@Nahm The idea of an individual called Ivan exists within all there is.

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1 minute ago, Nahm said:

@ivankiss does Ivan have ideas?  

All there is has the idea of Ivan.

Ivan has the idea of all there is.

Ivan is all there is, yet Ivan is not at all.

Now what? xD

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