
A holistic view on nutrition

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I am following a study at an independent institution in Germany to become a health advisor and I am currently studying for my final exam. This study is based upon research into nutrition and the effects on the body over longer periods of time, mainly done in the first and early second half of the 20th century. Based upon the outcome of these researches, a doctor (Dr. Bruker), who lead multiple hospitals, ordered a raw whole food nutrition, based upon these findings, in his hospitals and showed only positive results in thousands of patients over multiple decades.

Why haven't you heard about this yet? Because regular medicine does not acknowledge these researches, as most of them were not done on humans but mainly on animals. Why on animals? Because 1 rat year equals 30 human years, so the effects of different types of nutrition can be measured in a shorter period and over mutiple generations (later I will show why this is important). Also, humans will not participate in a research which could damage their health. Different types of nutritions were given to the test animals which often resulted in severe diseases or even death. Of course animal testing could seem ethically wrong, but in this case to me it seems legit, as it was not used for cosmetic reasons but only for our health and could practically not be done on humans. These researches will also not be repeated as the findings were properly documented, clear and conclusive.

Another reason why you haven't heard about this yet: Healthcare does not really care about your health. Healthcare is an industry which gets its money from paying patients. If there are no patients when everybody is healthy, the industry will vanish. Also, the pharmacies and food industry live from the existing situation. That is why in hospitals they focus on symptom treatment. Who would fund a broad research over decennia on healthy nutrition on humans? The food industry definetely not, the big corporations know that their products are unhealthy. You would say the government, sadly the government, mainly the liberal side, is influenced by pharmacies and the food industry. This research would also be very cost expensive and would not yield short-term results. This is also the reason why the results on the patients of Dr. Bruker are not documented in a research and the research it is based upon is almost forgotten. Therefore, he founded this institution to clear up the people by educating them.

I will try to share a summarized but complete overview of the important elements of the study, which will present a holistic view on nutrition and the effects on the human body. I am not English, so please forgive my language mistakes. I will write everything in different posts.


The website of the institution https://gesundheitsberater.de/ Sadly everything is only in German, also the books are only in German. That is why I will share the information with you. Why do I do this? It will help me learn for my exam and I can share this knowledge with you.

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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Book list:

Max Otto Bruker: Unsere Nahrung – unser Schicksal, emu Verlag
Max Otto Bruker: Cholesterin – Der lebensnotwendige Stoff
Max Otto Bruker: Zucker – Zucker
Werner Kollath: Die Ordnung unserer Nahrung
Ralph Bircher: Geheimarchiv der Ernährungslehre

Max Otto Bruker: Lebensbedingte Krankheiten, emu Verlag 
Max Otto Bruker: Herzinfarkt, Herz-, Gefäß- und Kreislauferkrankungen, emu Verlag 
Max Otto Bruker: Diäten, emu Verlag 
Max Otto Bruker: Störung der Schilddrüse, emu Verlag
Ilse Gutjahr: *David gegen Goliath, emu-verlag 

Max Otto Bruker: Leber-, Galle-, Magen-, Darm- und…, emu-Verlag
Max Otto Bruker, Ilse Gutjahr: Naturheilkunde, emu-verlag
Max Otto Bruker: Biologischer Ratgeber für Mutter und Kind, emu Verlag
Albert von Haller: Gefährdete Menschheit, Hippokrates – Verlag

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Important researchers:

Cleave, Thomas and Campbell, George

Found that diabetes, cardiac and cerebral infarction, obesity, dental caries, ulcerated stomach, varicose veins, and many more civilization diseases are a manifestation of the ground disease Saccharine. Saccharine is a broad term to define the diseases coming forth from eating sucrose.

They wrote the book „ Diabetes, Coronary Thrombosis, and the Saccharine Disease“.

Katase, Awashi

In the year 1930 he performed animal feeding trials on young rabbits with factory sugar and concluded that if the tolerance in humans is the same as by rabbits, only 6 gramms of factory sugar is allowed to not generate damage in kids at the age of 5 or 6.

Kollath, Werner

Doctor, hygienist, nutritionist. Pioneer of the new nutritional science. M. O. Bruker: "Kollath was the most important nutritionist of the 20th century."

Kollath proved by exact animal feeding experiments that the micronutrient-poor civilization diet provably provokes illnesses. Natural nutrition with whole grain is indispensable prerequisite for the maintenance or restoration of health. Kollath: "Let the food as natural as possible."

Kollath table = classification into ´living´ food and ´death´ food.

Native and denatured protein.

Pottenger, Francis

Animal feeding experiments with cats.

Heated food (meat, pasteurized milk, milk powder, condensed milk) has led over several generations, among other things to teethanomalien, facial and Jaw malformations. Only after 4 generations of unheated food (fresh food) these damages did not occur anymore.

Price, Weston A

As a dentist, he noticed the increasing loss of teeth, especially among young people. He and his wife repeatedly set out on research trips from the Arctic Circle to the tropics to investigate the causes.

Conclusion: The more natural the food the still indigenous people consumed, the less teeth diseases they had and the more healthier they seemed to be. However, if they had consumed micronutrient-poor, usual civilization food, health deterioration occurred with before mentioned Damage.

Roos, Adolf

The Swiss dentist reacted in a similar way to his colleague Weston Price.

He examined teeth diseases and health in the remote Gomsertal (Wallis, Switzerland) 1930 - 1935 and 1955 - 1958.

Result: With the entry of so-called civilization into this valley (connection to traffic routes, consumer shops, low-vital factory foods, decline in land management, etc.), illnesses and dentition rapidly increased.

Schnitzer, Johann

Dentist, performed in the Black Forest, the "action Mönchweiler". Factory sugar, extract flour, dried fruit were to be avoided.

The inhabitants of Mönchweiler changed the diet from 1963 - 1969 to whole foods. The dental damage dropped drastically.

Yudkin, John

Professor at the University of London / Research Institute. Exposed participation of factory sugar in the development of diet-related diseases of civilization, especially coronary sclerosis / myocardial infarction / diabetes.


Edited by Emanyalpsid

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Life involves the process of metabolism by means of enzymes in one cell, or in multiple cells that are linked together, also called organisms. An organism lives in an environment and uses that environment for its metabolism. With metabolism, a distinction is made between the build-up of substances while energy is used (anabolism) and the decomposition of biomolecules in which energy is released (catabolism).

The human body is instinctively or intuitively stimulated, consciously or unconsciously, that it needs something, mainly from its environment, to maintain (protect) and to grow, such as; oxygen, nutrition, rest, defecation, a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and reproduction by sexual intercourse.

You breath in oxygen and you breath out carbon dioxide. The oxygen is transported through the lungs into the blood stream, through which it is transported in all the cells of the body. The lungs also work as an exhaust system for the Acid–base homeostasis, therefore you should never be scared of food being too 'Acidic'. The body regulates this automatically. 

The body uses up energy to keep itself warm and to keep the metabolism in all the cells going. Every cell in your body has its own metabolism. The human body consists of about one hundred trillion cells. These cells form tissues that make up the organs. The organs form organ systems that work together to perform a certain task.

The main source of energy for the cells to function is Glucose, this is a blood sugar and is transported through the blood into the cells. The body however cannot generate this Glucose itself, it needs a source, and this source is Carbohydrates (Sugar and Starch). If Carbohydrates are present in nutrition, the body can break these sugars down to the monosaccharid Glucose.

There are 3 main substances in natural food which the body is able to metabolize; Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats.

Protein is reduced to Amino Acids, which the body needs to build its own Proteins, which are the building blocks for new cells. The body can also not generate these itself.

Fats are also important suppliers of energy (not Glucose) and are able to store energy. The Fats are reduced to Fatty Acids. Fats are not only important energy givers, they are also important for the delivery of important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Saturated Fatty Acids are unable to make connections to different atoms, as they do not have free places in the atom chain to make new connections. Therefore it is more difficult for the body to break these down, as the body needs to connect to the Fat to break it down. Unsaturated Fatty Acids do have open places to make connections to other atoms, and logically they are easier to break down.

These 3 substances consist out of a different mix of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Which the body gives back to nature (catabolism) through the breath, urin, sweat, and excrement after breaking them down.

For the body to be able to break down these 3 substances in an orderly fashion and function properly, it needs other substances. These are called micronutrients.

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Without the sufficient amount of micronutrients the metabolism processes in the body will not function properly. Your body would still be able to break down the Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats you consume, but it will lead to metabolism disturbances in other places of the body which will develop over time and will lead to major disturbances in different organs. More on that later. Micronutrients can be divided into different groups;


These can be divided into fat soluble and water soluble. Every vitamin has its own working area and cannot be replaced by another vitamin. Also the proportion between the vitamins is important. There is no natural food which only contains one vitamin. Natural foods have a good proportion of every vitamin in them, they are given by nature. You cannot guarantee a good supply of vitamins in the long term by supplementing or replacing natural foods by artificial supplements.

Also the study of Bernasek showed that there are micronutrients in natural foods which are not yet discovered, and therefore cannot be isolated yet. Bernasek replaced natural food of animals with an artificial nutrition which contains all the necessary micronutrients known today. The animals did not show abnormalities in the first generation, but in the subsequent generations, animals were born dead, they had lesser weight, sexually matured later, had impaired development of organs, most notably the nervous system. In the fourth generation they did not develop normally at all.

The vitamins in the Vitamin B Complex are important for the metabolism process. Vitamin B12 is only found in large quantities in animal based foods. In small quantities this Vitamin is also found in Tempeh, Natto, Miso, Yeast, cereal grains, Spirulina, and Seaweed. The amount of Vitamin B12 the body needs is found to be a lot smaller than previously thought, you don’t need 3 millionth of a gramm, but only 0,1 millionth of a gramm. Most importantly, research has shown that the body metabolizes Vitamin B12 in small quantities in the bowel, which is enough for the body. This only holds if you live from a wholefood based nutrition with full grains, else your metabolism is disturbed which could lead to a reduced production of Vitamin B12! Previously, vegans thought that they needed to rely on Vitamin B12 supplements.

Vitamines are sensible for heath, which breaks them down.

Minerals - Minerals are also broken down by heath.

Trace metals - These are minerals which are only needed in very small quantities.

Enzymes - They are the catalysts for chemical processes without them being part of the process. Also the metabolism in cells are  steered by enzymes.

Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Aroma substances - Give the food taste and smell, which drives our hunger.


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Nutritional civilization diseases

It is striking that since the population started eating isolated processed foods, the amount of diseases increased exponentially. Before the 20th century people would eat only natural foods and although hygienic diseases existed, no other diseases occurred. Although the average life expectancy has grown since then, this is mainly due to the fact that child mortality declined, people were never this ill.     

As mentioned earlier, if micronutrients fail in the nutrition, the metabolism processes in the body do not function properly. Every micronutrient has its own function and cannot be replaced by another nutrient. If one nutrient fails in the nutrition, it cannot execute its function in the body, which means that a certain metabolism process will not function properly. Because the body is a chain of metabolism processes, this means that if one process fails, all the other processes are influenced by this. Research from the aforementioned researchers, most importantly that of Werner Kollath, has shown that in animals, this leads to a lot of diseases. This can lead to organs not functioning proparly or a change in the shape of the organ.

Eating too much isolated carbohydrates over time will cause dentition, dental caries, paradontosis, diabetes, an increase of fat in the blood, which causes arteriosclerosis, which eventually leads to a cerebral- or myocardial infarction.

A lack of minerals in the nutrition can cause the body to take these minerals out of the skeleton, which causes rheumatic diseases and nerve tissue damage.

Once a disease has caused organs to deform, this process cannot be reversed. Every disease has a cause and this cause always lies in the past. The cause of most of our diseases lies in our nutrition. We can call these diseases; nutritional civilization diseases and this is a list:

• The dentition, the dental caries and the paradontosis;

• Musculoskeletal disorders, so-called rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis and arthritis, spinal and disc damage;

• all metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, liver damage, gallstones, kidney stones, gout, etc.;

• Most diseases of digestive organs such as stool blockage, liver, gall bladder, pancreatitis, as well as thinnings and digestive disorders and fermentation disorders.

Vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and thrombosis;

• Lack of infection defense, which manifests itself in recurrent catarrh and inflammation of the airways, the so-called cold bladder and bladder infections.

• So called Allergies, neurodermatitis, rashes

• Some organic diseases of the nervous system.

• Mild malnourishment is also involved in the development of cancer.


So why hasn’t this been published in the medicine world yet? The development of these diseases take around 15 till 30 years and is dependent upon previous generations and the composition of the nutrition.  Abnormalities in one generation, caused by a wrong nutrition, are passed on to the next generation, which means that people become less healthier when born. We call this degeneration. There are cases known of children and babies who already have rheumatism. Processed foods were adopted in big cities at first, so generations living in these cities seem to be struck the earliest. Pottenger's findings from his research on cats showed it took about 4 generations of only healthy food for the abnormalities to reverse.

The great amount of time it takes for the diseases to evolve ensures that it is difficult to recognize the relationship to nutrition. That is why the animal experiments were so important, it was easier to find the relationship, and to look how the degeneration process works. In order to scientifically prove this relationship in humans, you would need a whole lot of people who are monitored over a very long time and you will need someone who will finance these expensive researches. Sadly research in universities and hospitals is financed by industries and there is no industry interested in finding out that their product causes diseases and people shouldn’t eat them to stay healthy. The food industry is doing everything it can to stop or shame the research into these directions, as they are well aware that their products are unhealthy.

Moreover, Medicine is becoming more and more specialized instead of focusing on a holistic view on the body and the effects of nutrition over a longer time period, so a change is not to be expected soon. 

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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The order of food

Professor Kollath (the same guy who tested on rats) looked into the classification of different types of food according to their biological value. The amount of nutrients and micronutrients is a measure for the biological value of food. Here he made a separation between foods that are alive and foods that are dead and he could make an order. He wrote about it in his book ‘Die ordnung unsere nahrung' (English; the order of our food).

He made a distinction between the different types of food according to their biological value. The more to the right a type of food is, the less micronutrients it has and the less value it has for your health. I see that there are some mistakes in the table underneath (plucked it from the internet), 5, 14, 17 and 23 should be under 'heated', unless you eat eggs raw.



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What should you eat to stay healthy?

The order of our food table from Kollath already shows some indications to which foods are healthy and which are not.

For over 7000 years people have been eating whole grains, in the early days in the form of porridge and with the development of ovens in the form of flatbread. In the industrial era, in the early 20th century, cities developed and the urge for ingredients that could last longer became greater. Flour from full grains has a short shelf life.

Also in this era, the development of the calorie teachings developed, as they firstly discovered the elements Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. They could measure these elements according to their amount of Calories. It became important that food contained as much from them as possible, as they believed that was all we needed.

The two seemed to support each other and porridge and bread from whole grain got traded in for bread from white flour, which contains more Calories. Not knowing that the germ and surface layer of the grain, which is removed in white flour, contained a lot of micronutrients. Most importantly, the whole grain is the main supplier of Vitamin B 1, which is the most important vitamin for breaking down Carbohydrates. It is almost impossible to get enough Vitamin B 1 without eating full grains.

Bread or other baked forms from white flour only contain Carbohydrates (Starch), which makes it an Isolated Carbohydrate or isolated processed food. And because you don’t eat the full grain, your body does not have enough Vitamin B 1 to process these carbohydrates in a proper way. Which causes a disturbance in this metabolism process, which in turn causes disturbances in other metabolism processes in the rest of the body, as your body is one big chain of metabolic processes. The more Carbohydrates you eat, the more Vitamin B 1 you need. However, because you need Carbohydrates for your energy (Glucose), you need to eat full grains to stay healthy.

Full grain Flour which is grinded somewhere and then shipped to the bakery and baked into bread has already lost 50% of its vitamins in the time it took to ship it from the mill to the bakery. There is also a big chance that this full grain flour isn't actually the full grain as the germ and surface layer are often heated and added back later on, to lengthen the shelf time. So it is much better to grind your own grains and bake your own bread, or buy it from a bakery who grinds his own full grains. However, in the process of baking the bread, also micronutrients are lost, because of the heat, so it is even better to eat your grains raw. The importance of this for your health should not be underestimated!

How do you best eat your grains raw? By grinding them roughly and then let them dwell in cold water for 8-12 hours, all the micronutrients are contained in this way. It also has the advantage that enzyms are growing in this time, which is an important micronutrient, as it is a catalyst for the metabolism processes. You can eat these grains in the morning with a handful of nuts, multiple fruits and a bit of cream, with optionally a bit of lemon juice, Honey or Vanilla. This recipe is called ‘Frischkornbrei’ in German, which can be translated as ‘fresh grain porridge’.

It is also important that the grain is able to germ, because most grain is being genetically and chemically altered, by big corporations like Monsanto and DuPont, to make it resistant to pests, drought and blight, easier to harvest and dramatically increase the yield per acre. These modifications makes the grain impossible to germ and they don't contain the micronutrients which are needed to germ. You can test for yourself if a grain is able to germ by letting some grain dwell in cold water for 3 night and keep it dry during the day. After 3 days it should germ. Grain from organic stores should normally be able to germ.

More information on the above can also be found here: https://grainstorm.com/pages/modern-wheat

Full grains are an important supplier of water soluble vitamins, fibers, protein, minerals, trace metals and enzyms.

Raw nuts and natural unheated mechanically pressed oils are important for delivering unsaturated Fatty Acids and fat soluble vitamins. The body is unable to metabolize  unsaturated fatty acids itself, so it has to receive these from nutrition.

Fruits and vegetables are important for delivering water soluble vitamins, minerals and trace metals. Most vegetables also contain a portion of protein and fibers. A mix between vegetables from under and above the ground is recommended as they contain different micronutrients.

All the above mentioned foods are best eaten raw, if possible, as heat destroys a lot of micronutrients and disturbes the natural proportion of micronutrients. It is also more difficult for your body to process cooked food, because the molecules underwent unnatural transformations. You can notice this when you have a small dip after eating cooked food, this doesn't happen with eating natural raw food. 

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The protein issue

There is a big fuss about protein. The increasing popularity of fitness and sports showed the emergence of vast choices of sport nutrition, which focus a lot on protein. We are made to believe that we need a lot of protein by these sport nutrition brands and the meat industry. However, a baby is normally fed for the first year only by the breast milk from the mother. This breast milk contains about 1.4 – 2.5% protein. In this period a baby almost doubles his weight and size and his muscles accordingly. When would we ever need more protein than this?

There are 3 types of protein; animal-based, plant-based, and human. Some people believe that if we eat animal-based or plant-based protein, our body can use this protein directly, however, as I explained earlier, protein consists out of amino acids and is broken down to them in the bowel. We need 8 types of amino acids which the body cannot metabolize itself, these are essential. It happens to be that animal protein contain all these 8 amino acids, however, the shape of the protein from animals is more different from our own protein than plant-based proteins. This means that it is easier for our body to process plant-based proteins than animal-based proteins.

Moreover, protein denaturates at a temperature of 43 degrees celcius. This is also the temperature at which our body stops functioning, because the protein in our body also denaturates at this temperature. This denaturation means the shape of a protein will change at this temperature, which makes it harder for your body to metabolize it. Which in turn causes metabolism disturbances in your whole body.

Besides this, because animal protein is from another body and the meat contains cells from this body, your body will see it as an infection and will try to fight this infection. Moreover, this reaction can over time and with too much animal-based protein cause allergies like hay fever, gluten allergy, etc. Almost all allergies are caused by eating too much animal-based protein. Eating animal-based protein is also the cause of skin deformations like akne, pimples, etc.

Furthermore, because meat and dairy products like cheese contain more protein than we need, eating too much of them will cause a protein surplus in the body, which leads to neurodermitis. The surplus of protein will be stored in Fat cells in the body.

Different vegetables, fruits and nuts have different amino acids, the 8 essential amino acids are also found in a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you have a diverse plant-based nutrition you will become enough of the 8 important amino acids. Furthermore, you don't need to eat all the essential 8 amino acids every day. The body can store these amino acids for about a week.

A raw nutrition, which contains full grains, nuts and vegetables will suffice in the amount of protein which is needed, even if you take up extreme sports. With this nutrition, as a vegetarian or vegan you don’t need meat substitutes like processed foods like tofu to get enough proteins.  

Sadly, because traditional medicine does not focus on nutrition, and this nutrition has not been scientifically tested, your doctor or dietician is not aware of its existence, or the consequences of a deficiency of micronutrients, or what the amount of nutrients and micronutrients the body needs is. Because they don’t know this, they normally will advise to take more than you actually need to be safe. In the case of animal-based protein, this works out negatively.

It is already becoming more known that dairy products are not healthy, why would a human drink milk from a cow? We are the only species that drinks milk from another animal.

This is not to say that animal-based protein is unhealthy per se, in a healthy body and in small amounts, not too often and in a healthy nutrition, it does not have to be unhealthy.

This leaves out the consequences of mass livestock for the environment and the hunger problems in the world. If the food which is used to feed the animals which we feed from is instead used to feed humans directly, the hunger problem in the world would be solved immediately. An interesting documentary on this subject is ‘Cowspiracy, a sustainability secret’.

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What should you avoid to stay healthy? 

All processed foods; these are isolated nutrients and are deprived from their natural amount of micronutrients.

Isolated carbohydrates are forms of processed food; forms of baked white flour and refined factory sugars. Only honey and dried fruits are natural and healthy sources of sugar. Even eating too much dried fruit (more than 3 dates a day is already too much) regularly is unhealthy. Eating refined sugars make other foods indigestible. If you eat whole grains and refined sugars, you might blame the grain for your bowel problems. Leave the sugar out and you will see the problems dissolve. It takes about 3 days for food to leave your body and it takes about 2 till 3 weeks for the bacteria in your bowel to change to a different nutrition.

Fruit drinks and smoothies. Fruit drinks and smoothies are popular because they are promoted as healthy, but they contain a lot of sugar and they lack parts of the fruits or vegetables which contain important micronutrients. Also food in the form of fluid will not be metabolized as the whole food would be, a lot of micronutrients will leave the body unprocessed.

Factory fats, contain a lot of saturated fatty acids and are also processed through which they lack micronutrients. The body is also able to metabolize the saturated fatty acids for itself.

Dairy products.

Too much meat or too many eggs. What exactly too much is, is hard to say and differs from person to person, but eating more than one piece of meat or fish per week is probably already too much. Remember that the maximum amount of protein needed is around 3% and we already receive this through the plant-based part of this nutrition. Meat or fish can contain up to 30% and is a denaturized protein.


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Important notes

This nutrition will cause a normal natural weight, because the whole foods will saturate you accordingly, you will not eat more than you need. Because you receive all the micronutrients that you need, your craving for sweets or factory fats will diminish, as this craving is a reaction from your body to compensate for the lack of micronutrients. Through your feelings your body cannot express a craving for micronutrients it lacks, it can however express a craving for sweets and fats and it will.

For people who deal with weight problems, this is a sustainable solution, as with this nutrition you will not experience the well-known yo-yo effect because the body tries to compensate a lack of nutrients and micronutrients over time through diets. Don’t expect short-term wonders though, as this is not a diet, your weight will drop over time. You will not only lose weight, but also stay healthy.

Diets used for weight loss are never healthy, as they exclude or restrict important nutrient. Nature will set things straight later on.

Measuring with calories is unhealthy and even dangerous, as it leaves micronutrients out of the measurement.

Taste is an issue of habituation. You need to be willing to change your habituations to adjust to a different nutrition.

It is important that you make tasteful meals in order to enjoy your nutrition.

A disturbance in the metabolism processes will disturb your immune system, you will be more susceptible for viruses, a cold and the flu.

Vary with food! Different types of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts are important to secure a wide range of micronutrients. Your body will also be more flexible to handle different foods and it will make sure you maintain a healthy appetite.

Eating organic food is of course also important, as pesticides are toxic and will remain in your body for a long time. Non-organic agriculture is also not sustainable as it drains the soil, which is the bottom for the plants to grow on. Plants will become more susceptible for diseases which in turn will create more pesticides. Artificial fertilizers increase this process, as they fail important micronutrients for the plants to grow healthy. The plants in turn contain less micronutrients. I believe that in America even more pesticides are allowed than in Europe.

I will complement these notes if more come up and I will add things I have forgotten to the different sections. If you have any questions please ask! I will be happy to answer them if I can.

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@Emanyalpsid just don't forget that medicine is an experimental discipline in the first place. not a inductive one.

if you really want to make progress, design experiments to test your hypotheses with test/control groups.

unborn Truth

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I don't get your post. I didn't develop this view. Have you read everything?

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