
what would turquoise teaching be?

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over contemplation indeed have got over my need for social injustice, now i look back, theres an irony of laughter ahah. however, my problem has still not been solved. yes causing the division between whats good and bad was subconscious and incorrect, so was deciding universally what was right or wrong. However, there were only hints of green in that mix and of other colours in the spiral. My main focus was to create an understanding of the differences shared by people and an overall foundation of what exsist in systems in our world today for children. i have the idea or purpose lets say in my head, however, i want to purify my subconscious thinking before moving further. I would still only relate halocratic / haluistic and big thinking to a yellow mode of thinking because turquoise is ultimately illusive by its own nature. 

or it would be more accurate to say its illusive to myself. so i'm here to ask what schools of turquoise teaching in mainstream education would look like. i'm not looking for answers direct to non duality although i know its an encorporation of its essence. However i'm looking for any specific examples like i would say being able to monitor your emotions is kind of a turqoise thinking and being aware of your thoughts in a sense. However, i'm probably wrong. Any example would be good for me to contemplate. Since i haven't reached a level of embodiment so per say. I can only really create distinctions from a yellow perspective so i would like to hear from you guys about non duality teaching in normal education systems. 

i guess you could say its the non dual perspective (yours) of non dual teachings in mainstream education systems rather than an idividual who understands other peoples perspectives that are themselves limited (mine) 

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I would say one example of turquoise is direct experience with social fields of consciousness.

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what did you mean by social fields of consciousness? 

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We are all intimately familiar with consciousness at the individual / personal level. There is also a social level of consciousness. 

As an analogy, we could say each cell in your body has a level of individual consciousness. Each cell can sense and respond to other cells in their environment. Each cell has behavior that is influenced by their environment. Yet, they are unaware that there is a higher social cellular consciousness at the personal level. Collectively, all cells give rise to. . . you. Consciousness at the organismal level. At this level, the organism is aware of itself and has behavior that is influenced by their environment. Yet, just as a cell is unaware of consciousness at the organismal level, an organism is unaware of consciousness at the social level. 

Entry into tier 2 in the SD model involves transcending personal consciousness. From here, social consciousness can reveal itself. 

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@Serotoninluv i see i already counted this as halocratic thinking and socialism because you can't teach these through philosophies of non duality as the parents would count it as religious spirituality. this is the big systems i thought of that i counted as yellow because saying that it is "you" would be rejected by the parents completely. but taking what you've said on board in this social consciousness lets say or holocratic thinking, would you simply say that it is ....

teachings to become aware of oneself within their environment of or of their own self/ nature? i.e their emotions, their awareness because yellow would be understanding the different perspectives of other people. This is more being aware of their personal actions and using the fact they understand different perspectives to do their actions with more consciousness. 

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@Aakash That's an interesting question. The human mind is so conditioned with a personal consciousness. For beginners, I would say it's important to dissolve the personal level of consciousness to allow for other states of consciousness to enter. Yet, this may open a Pandora's Box of various conscious "flavors". A social field of consciousness is just one flavor.

When I say the level of "social consciousness", I don't mean an individual being aware of social dynamics and how they inter-relate within society. I mean the social group IS one conscious entity.  Perhaps "collective conscious" might be a better term.

One of my experiences was at an outdoor concert, dancing within a large crowd to electronic music. There was a consciousness centered at the social level. Just as all the cells in my body make up my being, all the humans dancing made up a being. Like one giant amoeba. There was no awareness at a personal level. There were no thoughts of "wow, this is sooo cool it's like I am part of a giant amoeba of people!". Rather, the consciousness was the amoeba itself. The amoeba of people became aware of itself.

I'm still learning how to relax out of the personal conscious level and into various trans-personal conscious states. Yet, it's tricky because the person steering needs to dissolve for other states to appear. I have direct experience with various conscious states, yet each one is still like a distinct category. There is "this state" and "that state". I'm still in early stages of developing integrated conscious states.

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okay i mean the same thing to "collective ego" and how to be aware of them and how to deal with debates between them. This i think is done by understand the assumptions to counter the groundless assumptions made by everyone. In itself it allows the individual to change their assumption based opinions and question inwards hence following a path towards a non duality self by their own inquiry. i totally agree with you about the flavours of just one social consciousness for example a politicial group either right wing consciousness or left wing consciousness. 

this is the "amoeba of people becoming aware of itself" i find thats its not locking these beliefs into paradigms over a good education of halocratic teachings by the time you get to 18 you'll have a relatively good view of whats going on within the physical world and then those that wish to follow a metaphysical/ spiritual path can do so afterwards , theyll have to question who am i through their own development at one stage. yet it should only be a decision made by themselves. 

for the ameoba to become aware of itself as a consciousness group is the non duality of itself. i see what your trying to say in oneness sense though, its a bit different to what i'm saying because your counting oneness becoming aware of different amoebas of itself even if they are different amoebas or just itself being itself. is this the turquois view point you think i should take and integrate it into dualistic teachings such as the one i mentioned above. ultimately i feel like were saying the same things with different sense of oneness. i'm counting individuals as distinct indiviudals even if they are the same me, you or One as you are.

I think you've given me my answer! thank you! 

its to teach as if your teaching the person you are yourself! but its an interesting topic so lets continue

what do you think about oneness taught in dualistic ways , it can't be this is why words can not get there. so i don't think it will work, it can only be done by building a map! and thats the intricate design that teaching in the correct manner i think can give. If the haloistic teachings are taught simultaneously then a map can be made. but its still in duality so will it work in your opinion for lets say children aged 8-18? 


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8 minutes ago, Aakash said:

for the ameoba to become aware of itself as a consciousness group is the non duality of itself. i see what your trying to say in oneness sense though, its a bit different to what i'm saying because your counting oneness becoming aware of different amoebas of itself even if they are different amoebas or just itself being itself. is this the turquois view point you think i should take and integrate it into dualistic teachings such as the one i mentioned above. ultimately i feel like were saying the same things with different sense of oneness. i'm counting individuals as distinct indiviudals even if they are the same me, you or One as you are.

Yes, there are various types of consciousness going on here. 

1. There is the awareness of social consciousness as an observer. For example, someone might be watching the concert on TV and think "that group of people dancing is like a giant amoeba". Similarly, one may become aware that a tribe has a group consciousness.

2. There is awareness from an individual POV that they are within a collective consciousness. I am aware my mind-body is within a larger collective societal consciousness.

3. There is awareness from the POV of the collective consciousness of it's individual components. This is where I think it gets tricky. . . Examples: I am aware that my mind-body is composed of individual cells. The consciousness of the amoeba is aware it is composed of individual people. The consciousness of the tribe is aware that it is composed of tribal members. Here, the center of awareness IS the collective consciousness, not someone viewing it (type 1) or someone within it (type 2).

4. There is pure awareness from the POV of the collective consciousness. Here, the collective consciousness is not paying attention to the people that make up up. The collective conscious is being itself as an entity. When someone is playing soccer, they are just playing soccer. They don't think "I am a muscle cell contracting" or "I am a neuron that needs to send an action potential". The entity we call a person is playing soccer at the level of personal awareness. Similarly, the collective consciousness of the amoeba isn't thinking "I am made up of individual people". It is existing and being itself, flowing as an amoeba. The hard part to imagine is that the center of awareness is at the level of the amoeba. Personal awareness evaporates. It's not nonduality because there is a separate entity: the amoeba. Entering this conscious state and returning is really freaky. At first, it felt like I was going insane and caused a lot of anxiety. Then, it became like an out of body experience. Then it's just another level of consciousness. Yet just like cellular consciousness can't turn itself into personal consciousness, personal consciousness can't turn itself into collective consciousness. It's like personal consciousness dissolves and a totally different type of awareness enters. I think it needs to be experienced.

I'd say most people can at least intellectually comprehend #s 1 and 2. #s 3 and 4 are a huge jump and need direct experience to be fully understood.

I really like how you are thinking about teaching pedagogies to raise consciousness. There are relatively few yellow and turquoise level teachers. Yet, we are evolving in that direction. I see it more and more.


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@Serotoninluv the yup! thats exactly what i want my teaching pedagogies to teach, the exact perspectives you mentioned but transferring them between intrasubject, therefore children won't be able to lock paradigm before they reach an age where they can inquisitively enquiry into the nature of all of these things collabrateively. This will, i think increase the chances of raising conscious by choice of the children being fed the correct information about perspectives of the ameoba. The level after #4 , i wouldn't go so far as to call it #5 is as you haven't either. But its a true halocratic or oneness where words break down from this "perspective of everything" and thats what i feel the children need to get for themselves. At this stage if they are interested, they themselves can visit channels like mooji or sadghuru but ultimately it leaves them at the first stage of the 10 ox herding pictures. "you've heard about non duality or something" 

So i'm literally only talking about to #4 where the viewpoint of perspective becomes holocratic from the pov of collective ego when this happens. if they've experienced the halocratic nature of any different collective egos, because this would be by the age of 16 - 18 you can't expect a child of 8 - 14 to get to the number 4 stage lets say and some kids won't even get there but they will be better equiped to deal with situations. 

this is the map itself of the terratory! building a map for young children to adapt by choice, but following the guide line of normal school regulations. i never knew about the word pedagogies, but i'm going to need to add that to my dictionary, because thats what i'm talking about. from a practical standpoint the map is only valid up until the START of the non dual pathway. Whats your feedback on this goal? do you think its a valid plan or atleast possible if the teaching/ training methods change? 

i want to really tailor it to the individual and in that way by opening them up to many possibilities, they will be able to understand thier a purpose to their work by having a holocratic view from young. 

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@RainMan thank you for your comment. but i'm looking for scrutiny in more detail. Could you perhaps explain in more detail about what you mean? so we can have a healthy debate so per say? 

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Take a look at the turquoise thread. Are you able to understand those ppl who are considered 'enlightened?' I mean fully understand? What are they actually saying and pointing at? You got to ask yourself these questions. Don't just dismiss whatever useful / profound info is being presented. 

Another thing: have you started to take a step forward in your path? To go forward, it's inclusive of everything, including life purpose + enlightenment. Enlightenment is never exclusive. Why should it be?

What are you going to do today to move forward step by step? You could start here. It's a baby step.

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@Key Elements 

i will take a look at the turquoise tread- as far as i am aware currently, the whole section points too how the human system or the maya so to say prevents humans from reaching enlightenment. This includes, um emotions, thoughts, concepts, ideologies, beliefs , science etc .. and other form of oneness concepts. I think some refer directly to enlightenment whilst some just deal soley on the inabilities by human design so to speak. I guess this would be great information to take from and learn to incorporate within the body of concept text that this change in learning style could take for mainstream education. 

WIth regards to my own path, i have started to take steps forward by: 

1) getting rid of my narcasstic thoughts to be a social justice warrior and AVOID continuing along the path of enlightnement further

2) establishing a life purpose that i can do for non social justice reasons 

3) trying to contemplate what love is really and embody more every moment, i feel like this was my problem. as @shin tried to explain, that its heart-mind and literally i only opened up my mind and not my heart. however, i'm beggining to see why i cased myself conceptual limitations and why i couldn't accept the whole world including @ivankiss whole devil talk. etc... so i'm am taking the next step and opening my heart and continuing where i slacked off before instead of going off and fighting enemies created inside my own mind. Suffice to say, it's a struggle ahahaha so the inclusiveness of everything is difficult

4) i have agreed with myself that enlightenment and life purpose should be simultaneous and would work out better for everyone individual YOU involved. I'm just afraid that i will not have completed the journey before i open up this school so per say and for this reason i have seperated them out into seperate issues. However they should be together. none the less i feel i would grow "spiritually" by accepthing this responsibility of taking on this challenge i wish to compete

lastly, besides opening up and embodiment work , i should really be admitting to myself that i'm lazy and have many problems with actually doing the work and i.e sitting down and doing enlightenment work. Its a problem i will deal with; and i won't shed the accountability elsewhere, even on being a quote on quote "milenial" 

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@Key Elements Although to continue this question further, its understandable doing non duality works for children above age 19 in my opinion. How is it that carrying non duality teachings would work on children younger. this is why i feel like you cannot mix the enlightenment and the life purpose because you will be saying things and teaching their brain doesn't understand. you have to break it down starting with simple concepts and build upon that. suffice to say you can still see them as yourself obviously. But you cannot talk about non dual teachings entirely you have to split into main stream dualistic topics and therefore is harder to embody no? compared to teaching people aged 19 and above no? you have to be super super conscious! 

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1 hour ago, Aakash said:

@Key Elements Although to continue this question further, its understandable doing non duality works for children above age 19 in my opinion. How is it that carrying non duality teachings would work on children younger. this is why i feel like you cannot mix the enlightenment and the life purpose because you will be saying things and teaching their brain doesn't understand. you have to break it down starting with simple concepts and build upon that. suffice to say you can still see them as yourself obviously. But you cannot talk about non dual teachings entirely you have to split into main stream dualistic topics and therefore is harder to embody no? compared to teaching people aged 19 and above no? you have to be super super conscious! 

Yes, I agree here. Under 19 might be too young to tell it to them directly. Most adults don't even take it the right way. They get upset or ridicule without thinking and understanding further. However, if the young person is exposed to a good, open-minded teacher early on, it could have a positive impact on him/her. Btw, depending on how well you do your LP, a good LP will show more, not tell. It will show to those who are ready to hear it.

Nowadays, we have the internet and lots of opportunities to be a great pointer/teacher. Don't just let this opportunity pass by. Deep question--how are you going to present yourself in your LP (+enlightenment)? You could even take it step by step there. No need to just jump into enlightenment when you need to explore this area more.

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17 hours ago, Aakash said:

Although to continue this question further, its understandable doing non duality works for children above age 19 in my opinion. How is it that carrying non duality teachings would work on children younger.

Be careful not to throw ages around like you think you know what you're talking about... Children are much closer to enlightenment that teenagers/young adults are. Nonduality is the thing that actually makes sense to a heart-centered, non-infoctrinated person, not the other way around. I have seen children and young teenagers talk with Rupert Spira, they can get this shit. It's readily accessible. Start them young, I say!

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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