
Inflammation within the body

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@Charlotte yes it’s nice - i‘ll have a look and repeat it tomorrow and see what happens with the spine, maybe two rounds where not enough - i only get a warm spine inbetween out of nowhere or while doing yoga etc. really like that feeling, too. 

but as you say it - it’s right, spine is hotter than usually today :)

even if it might not help with the inflamation - what might be the case without the cold water, i guess it’s at least good for the prana body. (and let‘s suppose that’s everywhere the oxygen reaches)

Edited by now is forever

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The Wim Hof method as others have suggested seems to be quite neat from my experience. Cold showers are something to get used to, but when you do it becomes somewhat enjoyable since the cold water might at a certain point not feel so cold anymore, and you might even feel proud of yourself because of your willingness to go in the cold even when your body/mind goes into fight or flight mode.  

Diet is also very important, as others have mentioned. For some people going vegan, might be a good idea. Cutting out bread, wheat, dairy/lactose etc. Personally, I found that the ketogenic diet works wonders for me and my gut, when I am doing it "right". If you have IBS, gut/digestion problems, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and/or other stuff, it might be worth giving a shot. Everyone is different, so there's no single diet that works well for everyone.  You might want to check out Mikhaila Peterson, she suffered from arthritis if I remember correctly. By only eating meat, her problems diminished severely, but that's a zero carb diet, more extreme than normal keto.

Supplements are also a + if you find the right ones, for your individual body. I am considering taking some tests to see where my vitamin levels and other stuff stands, and a DNA test that can tell me more about my blood and ultimately my biology. Those might bring me more clarity into how to structure my life and my diet, maybe this might be beneficial to you too.

Edited by iTommy

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@iTommy sounds like you have symptoms, too. can i ask you what kind of symptoms?

it’s kind of interesting, there are some differences in rheumathoid arthritis and osteo arthritis - it’s really good to know which one of both it is because some things that work for osteo don’t work for rheumathoid and vise versa.

but checking the blood does not always work because you can have serum negative rheumathoid arthritis like me for example. if that’s the case they don’t believe you until the have photographed your sexy skeleton under indication of radioactive tracers. and you think you go crazy because you get treated like you where a hypochonder.

so even if you do the blood test, for diagnosis trust in the symptoms you have to figure it out. i mean how weird is it to have more than one joint involved in inflammation processes to call it ostheo arthritis - certainly i’d also dig deeper, but don’t stop if the blood shows nothing.

for reumathoid arthritis, if the inflammation is high - it’s better to take antirheumatika like sulfasalcin as it can lead to longterm damage if not. it’s really important to know, if you have strong inflammation in the joints what specifically it is...and almost everyone with arthritis can tell you a mad story on how incompetent practiced medicine is.

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever Luckily I don't have arthritis. The symptoms I have are similar to IBS and thyroid problems. Currently, I don't have a verified diagnosis, but the doctors I go to assume that I might have a gut problem, probably IBS or similar. Before keto, I used to get bloated, diarrhea, gained weight, little energy and so on, and now my gut isn't bloated and my stool looks fine if I do the diet properly. I referred to arthritis and the other stuff, since people report that this diet gave/gives them relief from many of their symptoms. Especially people that have certain thyroid or gut issues have had success with it, whereas medication didn't do much. 

The idea with a blood/DNA test for me, is to see if I might have any deficiencies, intolerances to foods and drinks, and being more prone to certain diseases such as diabetes than others. This way I would have a better structural guideline and understanding of knowing what to put into my body in regards to foods, drinks, supplements and so on. I think this could spare me some time, energy and problems (gut, mood etc.) in the long run. I can't tell much more about that DNA stuff currently, since it was a while ago I last looked it up. 

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

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@iTommy it’s interesting how many autoimmune diseases are either related to the respiratory tract or the gut... i would say almost all of them profit of rebooting the bowel system. that’s why i‘m so impressed with ayurveda, they make the tissue cleansing and bowel reboot a foundation for the whole medicine. when i say ayurveda i talk about the medical one not the wellness shi shi (well you can maybe find a hybrid). i‘d tell to anyone with autoimmune disease to start searching there, even though that sounds like i was a total believer. well yes i am - i think if you find a good ayurvedic doctor you can get almost any autoimmune disease partially under control - but therefore you need to trust in it and make sure you have a trustworthy doctor in sense of medication purity control.

just think of it from that perspective: would you rather know what you are allergic about and then skip these things or would you rather bring the system more in tune again? in the end maybe it’s both, but i would certainly get my priorities straight. what is knowledge regarding health anyways?

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever

Good point! I've wanted to dig deeper into Ayurveda myself. Are there any sites/sources about it that you'd recommend?

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

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@iTommy most knowledge i have are from german not really in english. but sometimes the sellers of ajurvedic medicine give some advice on their pages. most knowledge i got through research and crossreading and experience and talking to ajurvedic doctors - and the puls reading method i got from observation of a documentary on arte. i was in small places in sri lanka and india after thorough research for seriousness of their medicin.

just saw you are from germany - i‘d research documentaries. and have a look on the website of the university of essen.

Edited by now is forever

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Here's a Diet I wrote for anybody who is interested:


=> Eat foods that are high in Magnesium, Potassium, Omega 3 Fats, and Antioxidants:

=> Avoid red meat, excessive alcohol, added sugar, added salt, saturated fats, high-glycemic carbs, wheat, potatoes, bread (bread often has a shit-load of salt in it as well as being made from wheat):

=> Make sure you're getting enough Calcium and Vitamin D3:

=> Make sure you're getting enough soluable and insoluable Fiber: Oatmeal, beans, apples, are good for soluable fiber (soluable fiber cleans the bad cholesterol from your blood and insoluble fiber keeps your colon from being exposed to the carcinogens in your waste):

=> Make sure to keep your cholesterol intake down.  All meat has cholesterol as well as Eggs and Dairy.  I regulate cholesterol intake like I do my salt intake.  I don't eat meat every day, and I don't eat eggs.  The only dairy I eat is Plain Non-Fat Yogurt:

=> Keep alcohol intake to 2 drinks per day max if a man and 1 drink per day max if a woman per day:

=> Eat more Nuts and Seeds because they have chemicals in them that are good for your heart.  Always go for the unsalted nuts and seeds.

  1. Supplements -- Berry supplement, Raw Cocoa Powder, Curcumin, CoQ10, Cinnamon Supplement, Garlic Supplement, Spirulina, Resveratrol, Magnesium, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Fish Oil, Pomegranate Supplement, Blueberry Supplement, Lycopene, Artichoke Supplement.
  2. Dairy -- Plain Non-fat Yogurt, Whey Protein.
  3. Meat -- Lean meats no skin.  (I avoid meat to avoid adding excess cholesterol to my bloodstream.)
  4. Beans/ Legumes -- Green Peas, Red Beans, White Beans, Pinto Beans, Black Beans, Lentils, Tofu, Soy Protein, Pea Protein.
  5. Nuts/ Seeds (everything here needs to be unsalted) -- Any kinds of seeds including pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, Almonds, Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Quinoa, Cashews, Walnuts, Pistachios.
  6. Grains -- Oats, Oatmeal, Brown Rice, 
  7. Veggies -- Kale, Spinach, Beets, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Avocado, Sweet Potato, Asparagus, Artichokes, Onions, Garlic, Ginger, Red Bell Pepper, Mushrooms, Green Vegetables, Celery, Jalapeno Peppers, Carrots, Lettuce, Broccoli, Dark Leafy Greens, Pea Protein.
  8. Fruits/ Berries -- Apples, Oranges, Watermelon, Coconut Water, Figs, Apricots, Peaches, Cantaloupe, Pomegranate Juice, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries.
  9. Oils/ Vinegar -- Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar.
  10. Herbs and Spices -- Chili powder, Ancho Chili Powder, Smoked Paprika, Hungarian Hot Paprika, Turmeric, Ginger Powder, Chipotle Powder, Paprika, Basil, Curry Powder, Garam Masala, Black Pepper (Grinder), Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Marjoram, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Rubbed Sage, Ground Coriander Seed.
  11. Alcohol -- 2 Drinks of Alcohol for a Man and 1 for a Woman Per Day is Good for You.  Red Wine like Cabernet Sauvignon is best.
  12. Tea -- Green Tea, Hibiscus Tea, Valerian Root Tea.
Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor great post, especially on the various food categories. It's probably best that everybody does their own research on supplements as high doses of some long term are not necessarily beneficial but everything else is pretty much a staple of sustainable human diet for optimal thriving. 

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@Joseph Maynor hey, maybe you are interested in looking into calcium vitamin d3 and vitamin k mechanism - as calcium is suspected to build up in the vessels it is not so important to put a lot of calcium into the body but more important to resorp it. i don’t supplement with calcium only with d3 and vit k2 that should be enough if you don’t have extreme deficiency in calcium or osteoporosis - but even then it’s more important to secure the resorption. ;)

Edited by now is forever

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@now is forever good observation, although Joseph didn't say supplement with calcium, he said "make sure you get it". Definitelly have to agree not to supplement, one of my thesis at school was on Calcium and going through all the research I was mesmerised to see that people have increased risc for heart attacks, strokes, haemorrhaging, renal stones and arthritis...this is a dangerous stuff and doctors keep recommending calcium for osteoporosis...hoping benefits outweigh those couple stroke incidents. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 oh, thanks! i don’t often meet people who completely understood that problem so it’s already like a mantra.

 sorry @Joseph Maynor - jumped to conclusions!

there is so much yummy stuff with calcium. brokkoli ? for example or poppy seeds and almonds - you could even eat them all together...:)

Edited by now is forever

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@Joseph Maynor amazing diet. but alcohol dehydrates you and prejudices your liver. you can substitute it for grape juice :D

alcohol also inhibits neurogenesis: "More moderate but chronic alcohol consumption also affects neurogenesis, suggesting that inhibition of neurogenesis may contribute to the neurodegeneration associated with chronic alcoholism. Alcohol may lead to disruptions in neurogenesis in several ways: through increased levels of glucocorticoids triggered by stress, direct inhibition of glutamate–NMDA receptors, serotonin dysregulation, and inhibition of growth factor–mediated cell proliferation. Research is needed to more directly determine the function of adult neurogenesis and how alcohol–induced inhibition of neurogenesis might contribute both to the pathology and the behavioral changes associated with alcohol abuse." (source)

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@now is forever My internet is back^^ Thanks for the links!

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

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If you are mostly vegan, that is your issue. 

You need cholesterol and saturated animal fats to rebuild your cell blocks, also bacteria and probiotics. 

Plants have loads of anti-nutrients that cause inflammation. 


I my experience i healed my hip joint wear in 1 month with raw animal products than 1 year of veganism. So, is up to you to decide what are your priorities, morality or health. 

Best of wishes

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