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Is it possible to completely eliminate thoughts permanently?

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Is it possible to completely eliminate thoughts like permanently or is the case that all you can do is just turn down the noise of the thoughts?

How does a Zen monk whos been meditating for 40 years thinks? 

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@SQAAD Can you imagine your mind being like a perfectly still lake?  Well that would be w-a-a-a-y more thought then a Zen monk.:D

Check out this story from Alan Watts @2:00


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It's not about having a blank mind, it's about being detached from thoughts and emotions, knowing experientially that you are which sees them.

You could have a blank mind and still be highly identified to the body mind, thus still suffering when a difficult situation comes up.

The desire to have a blank mind only arise from an ego that is tired to make itself its own hell.

The funny thing is that the more desire you have to shut your mind, the more thoughts you will have ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Some people think its about having no thoughts. Yeah you can have no thoughts. But if you wanna function you're gonna have a few non-self-referential thoughts, like for calculating. It is already an exponential difference from your current state though.

If you're interested in this topic I suggest that you search for Gary Weber on youTube.


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Don’t try to eliminate thoughts.  Instead try to understand why the Mind is using thoughts the way it does in certain contexts.  Thoughts aren’t just entirely random.  Ditto for emotions.  Thoughts and emotions  are triggered by the mind looking out for your Ego.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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