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Sustainable Communities as an alternative

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I was taking a look at Leo's blog and I found that video "The Anarchist Commune in the Rainforest: Poole’s Land". This video shows a kind of extreme green community where it allows many people to stay there for some days, months or even years. Also, they cultivate their own food and live in a healthier way. It doesn't seem totally easy, but seems worthy to try. They seem to have good values, they look happy, compassionate about each other and genuine.

Then, I got excited and started searching for other communities and found the one below. This one seems more strategical as they created it intentionally. Some of the people built their own houses thinking about sustainability, also cultivate their own food and have spiritual values. It seems a kind of stage green passing through stage yellow?  Anyway, I thought it so nice as an alternative for those who live in the mainstream society as it seems a healthier way of living, where we find better values and we are more aware of our impact on this planet and work towards that.  

Decided to share it as it's such an inspiring thing! I don't know if you guys have the same feeling, but being in the mainstream society doesn't feel it's the correct thing. Even if you try to be more aware and make your part, it's a system where you're inserted in and it's hard to be sure if you are really working towards what you believe to be right (if you're worried about the environment and being mentally and physically healthy) or it's the opposite. Lately, I've thought about how to live more in accordance with these values and I think checking new possibilities that already exist may inspire us to have new ideas to built or move towards new things.


Edited by Ama
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