
why does embodiment open to love

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@Nahm gotcha! i'm actually excited to do this one and do you agree with @How to be wise  that it is a feeling. Because that saves me alot of time, this maybe my problem because i definately think of love in a conceptual way and not feeling of it! 

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@Nahm @How to be wise can i just say that when i do look at everything as myself, i start to see how beautiful everything is as a formless version of consciousness. I think to myself look how amazing this thing is , its perfect and then i get a warm sensation of just pure admiration for the thing i am looking at. previously its like i said i never thought love was a feeling but maybe this is my limiting belief as i conceptually believe its as how to be wise said and is associated with thoughts, maybe i considered it as an illusion aswell. But maybe thats the illusion itself, that infact its actually whats real! the warm sensation is fuzzy and it makes me smile, making me look longer at the object. 

what does this sound like to you two? 

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I just don't get how certain emotions can be cherry picked as part of the real Self... negative emotions are ego, as a result of disappointment in not living up to a conceptual meaning etc. Positive emotions are the true Self. I.e you and everyone simply finds nature beautiful. Isn't nature being beautiful a construct?

How do we ego-lise things such as orgasms? And why a male finds a female attractive? Moreover, why one male might find a certain female attractive, and the other doesn't. Is there NO hardwiring?

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10 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Love is practical, realistic, and empathetic

practical and empathetic in what terms? 

practical for me would be that you can manifest it by yourself ? 

emphatetic would be you feel as one with something/ someone else? 

what are your terms in a way, i'm not asking for concrete definitions. I'm just saying how would you explain what your feeling? 

@Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor :') well said ahahah my ego is jumping the gun abit , ill find it myself as i already am it! 

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@Aakash As it’s currently conceptual, then inquiring into the feeling could very well be a big step in the right direction. The mind will likely wander, looking to create the feeling from thought; looking for memories, thinking of people, movie scenes, who knows. I would think the way to go would be to label any of those as thoughts and let them float away. I’d keep relaxing into the present moment, acknowledging all is well, nothing needs to be done right now, this moment is enough, I am enough, this moment is enough, I am enough.        This is interesting. Hope it goes well!



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Thank you everyone for your comments, @Nahm definately interesting! It's one of the purposes of life for me ahah to find feel and embody what genuine love feels like. I mean who doesn't love, love 

i feel like a kid who's just been told santas real for the first time ahahah :D 

i'm so happy its actually real and i was only conceptualising it 

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@Joseph Maynor okay yeah thats a good duality to eliminate straight away. Good catch, i would have actually gone looking for whats real. Note taken, ill do some inquiring now!

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@Joseph Maynor i have a question, where am i relative to the ox herding pictures then. 

every time i assess myself, i assess myself further than i actually am :|

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35 minutes ago, Paul92 said:

I just don't get how certain emotions can be cherry picked as part of the real Self... negative emotions are ego, as a result of disappointment in not living up to a conceptual meaning etc. Positive emotions are the true Self. I.e you and everyone simply finds nature beautiful. Isn't nature being beautiful a construct?

How do we ego-lise things such as orgasms? And why a male finds a female attractive? Moreover, why one male might find a certain female attractive, and the other doesn't. Is there NO hardwiring?

Totally hear where you’re coming from. The emotion love, imo, is an echo of truth, a reassurance, like beauty, rainbows, or bubbles. You are nature, and it’s beauty is not accidental, it is all of  the same source. What you’re looking at is intelligence, yet you are convinced it is “nature”. How beautiful is that  - really!? 

It’s ‘too good to be true’. Imagine if your imagination was such that just by imagining it, you could be an ant for a few days. And snap! you’re an ant. But the ant’s intelligence is that of an ant. It doesn’t house, or, can’t fit, the entirety of what it is to be Paul - and as the ant, you totally, 100% believe you are only the ant - it’s obvious even! (as the ant). And then you’re ant buddy is like, “yeah. What’s with cherry pickin intelligence & love as “actual” “!?!?    And ant you’d be like “yeah! I think it’s bs, just Paulitual bypassing!”. 

As the ant, “intelligence” & “love” would amount to sniffing out food, working together to carry the food, feedin the queen, wrapping baby ants in saliva, etc. The ant wouldn’t readily be privy to the fact it is actually Paul’s imagination, cause it most definitly feels like an ant, for real. It’d have no idea that “it’s” ant intelligence & “it’s” ant love is actually intensely scaled down & limited, but yet the very same - love & intelligence that is Paul. The ant would never, in a million years, believe all the hardship & suffering of being an ant is actually the ant’s creation, not Paul’s. Paul is the love & intelligence. Ant ain’t hearin that though. Cause it’s ‘real’, bein an ant. It has to keep “anting” because it could “die”. 

Then eventually the ant does die... and... - snap!   Just Paul again. As Paul, the ant didn’t die, nor was it born, nor did it live, because Paul know’s full & well he just imagined it. 

It’s too good to be true that you’re actually....

Maybe love is not “a person’s emotion”. Maybe we just think it is. Maybe the you you’re used to as you, is actually the very same you imagining...and maybe you actually love being ants! 




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I'm not gonna lie, i've lost a sense of direction after today, its like yesterday i was at a stable foothold that i could walk around and now i'm just free falling. 

7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It's your own Path that really matters. 

gosh its a good thing that this is a life long search. .i think i'm going to get stable first in my life before taking this search seriously again. Thank you for your help 

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4 hours ago, Aakash said:

so what would it be inaccurate to say that there is highler levels of love, i guess what i'm asking is do i have to make the effort to love or will it come as a natural essence of being?

@Aakash First, yes there are levels or capacity to love which you will develop along with the personal development. That love would be more like metaphysical love/ mystic love. Second, yes it will come as you'll be more inclined to or ground yourself in being.

Generally speaking, the love that you feel specifically for your spouse, friends, nation is not that. Rather its the distorted version of love that is created by the egoic mind (you) or collective ego as Leo pointed out in one of his collective ego videos.

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