
This is what healthy orange looks like

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Just came across this video and found it to be pretty shareable!

In my opinion this is what healthy orange looks like. I also believe that this guy has some amount of yellow in him. A lot of people will disagree with this, but there is clearly some notion of stage-awareness in the way he talks. Nevertheless, its a great video if you feel stuck.


What do you guys think?

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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He just upgraded to green haha

Although he still has some big orange parts within him it is fascinating to see how he develops.

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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17:49 that's just typical stage orange delusion.

Edited by tenta

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Why do we always need to look at each other as stage yellow, or stage blue or stage orange or whatever, is this a new form of discriminating or Labeling people, why can't people just be wholesome and just unique as to how they are and appreciated for that. 

Does it always have to be boxed category? 

What if a stage turquoise person said something that is more like stage Orange and a stage blue  person said something that is stage turquoise. 

I mean perspectives can radically change and orient thoughts. 

I don't think anything is ever static in life. Everything is always in a constant state of Flux. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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17 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Why do we always need to look at each other as stage yellow, or stage blue or stage orange or whatever, is this a new form of discriminating or Labeling people, why can't people just be wholesome and just unique as to how they are and appreciated for that. 

Does it always have to be boxed category? 

What if a stage turquoise person said something that is more like stage Orange and a stage blue  person said something that is stage turquoise. 

I mean perspectives can radically change and orient thoughts. 

I don't think anything is ever static in life. Everything is always in a constant state of Flux. 


Smart post! 

The question I have is why did someone dig up my post from a year ago? :D

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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@Spiral Wizard has been digging up very old topics. Some are being locked down. There is a prompt that advises you not to do this but he might be ignoring that. 

And I totally agree with Preety on this. There is an obsession with this whole spiral dynamics. I can see the sense on working on your own level but to continue to diagnose others their allotted colour is just people conforming to their instincts of judging and labelling things. 

Drop the analyse of others. I mean what is the point? Unless you do it for a living and are a therapist or certified coach ?

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@Bill W

Self actualization is the point Bill. You’re on a Self actualization forum right now. It’s about discovering the Self. Not reinforcing an idea of you, and an idea of God, but the actuality of Self. 

Does that make sense, logically? 




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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Bill W

Self actualization is the point Bill. You’re on a Self actualization forum right now. It’s about discovering the Self. Not reinforcing an idea of you, and an idea of God, but the actuality of Self. 

Does that make sense, logically? 


It doesn't need to make sense to me Nahm.

I respect your beliefs and ideas.

There is a lot of wisdom on here for sure. I guess we are at different stages of self-development and many of us will have very different ideas to what this self-development is or should be, and how we might get there, or make progress towards getting there. 

Speculation about where famous people are on the Spiral Dynamics seems worthless to me, but it might be me who is missing out and others who do this might be benefiting. In a few months time I might even be flooding the forum with YouTube clips and assigning colours to them, calling them orange or yellow or a mix! 

Certain ideas I thought were hokum a few years back, I'm now love and am all over like a rash :)

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SD is just a theory promulgated by people such as Ken Wilber who are stuck in the Cosmic Consciousness stage, where they embrace these grand theories of development which are not about realizing the self, but rather are about endless seeking.

These are the type of people who refuse to give up their ego identity as "knowers" so they cling to these systems of knowledge.


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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What beliefs and ideas are you talking about?

Nonduality beliefs and ideas

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5 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

SD is just a theory promulgated by people such as Ken Wilber who are stuck in the Cosmic Consciousness stage, where they embrace these grand theories of development which are not about realizing the self, but rather are about endless seeking.

These are the type of people who refuse to give up their ego identity as "knowers" so they cling to these systems of knowledge.


Most people cling to something and some are very precious about what they cling to, often referring to it as Truth. 

EDIT: That's not to do with your post Nahm. 

Edited by Bill W

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Just now, Nahm said:

@Bill W

Your understanding is that non-duality is an idea a person came up with?

That it does not point to the actual Truth? 

Yes Nahm. I believe it to be a concept. If it makes sense to you and helps you and/or others, run with it. 

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4 minutes ago, Bill W said:

Yes Nahm. I believe it to be a concept. If it makes sense to you and helps you and/or others, run with it. 

What is non-duality without that belief about it?



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59 minutes ago, Bill W said:

Most people cling to something and some are very precious about what they cling to, often referring to it as Truth. 

EDIT: That's not to do with your post Nahm. 

And that's the irony of spiritual seeking.

Clinging to spiritual beliefs doesn't make one more enlightened.

It's preventing oneself from being enlightened.

Spiritual beliefs are a parachute, but enlightenment means jumping out of the plane without one.

It's addition by subtraction, not piling on more knowledge, more experiences, more beliefs.

Wanting "more" spirituality is just fine with the ego, it's all about the idea of "more."

Try telling your ego that you don't need ANY beliefs, see if it agrees lol.

Edited by Haumea2018

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@Haumea2018 Man, that's good stuff there. It's taken me about 20 years to work out that I won't overcome my suffering by trying to add the right things. I used to think i just hadn't read the right self-help book yet, or once I escaped by parents I'd be okay, or if I just had the "right" employment, or the right antidepressant/anti-anxiety drug. Finally the penny dropped, and I realised I have a lot of shit to let go, surrender and jettison. There needs to be wholesale clear out. Makes me think of installing a new antivirus. You wouldn't install something like that new over the old one would you? You have to remove the old one first for the new one to work. Thanks for your post

@Nahm I will quit while I'm behind if it's all the same with you. Appreciate your efforts though. Will get back to you I am sure :)

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1 hour ago, Haumea2018 said:

SD is just a theory promulgated by people such as Ken Wilber who are stuck in the Cosmic Consciousness stage, where they embrace these grand theories of development which are not about realizing the self, but rather are about endless seeking.

These are the type of people who refuse to give up their ego identity as "knowers" so they cling to these systems of knowledge.


stuck in cosmic consiousness? ?

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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@Preety_India Integral theory covers this.


In very short, people are a mix of many stages depending on the subject. 

In General doe, people are not unique, we all strongly follow our genetic programming wired into us from birth. 

It like trying to tell 2 squirrels apart, sure there different...

Humans are more complex but not to an unknowable degree, the patterns are very clear and loud. 

We are still profoundly simple and impaired apes living on a rock. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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