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Deep Inquiry into Yourself

21 posts in this topic

@lmfao yup. i also end up getting twisted in my mind often about how the time flows or how the perception is made


like you said the word CAT in your mind

is it formed all at once

or formed in parts... like first the letter/sound C then A then T and then the spelling of the full thing and concept of CAT is created


this flow of perception is also like the moving thru our world problem about travelling an infinte # of points to get from A to B


if i start at A and then walk towards B

1st i must travel 1/2 way between A and B. call that point C

before i travel to C, i must travel halfway between A and C, call that point D

and so on.. to infinity


in the grand scheme of this. this is also an infinite regress so it must collapse.. just a concept


the HOW of it though is intriguing... what you said about infinte snapshots is the case - although it's not of TIME. it's of the entire FRAME of experience.


there are infinite frames... it's all potentiality ... 


also. an idea i had from some insights was that the structure of reality is relative to "size" of forms

 for example, at the atomic level, for us. atoms come into and out of existence in a billionth of a second

zoom up to our scale, same can be said... relative to the life of the sun/earth.. we pop in and out of existence in a billionth of a second


and relative to the age of a galaxy, planets/stars come in/out of existence in a billionth of a second


that's the main pointer to all really... relativity...


the ":structure" of reality is ALL always there - infintely so..


and the light which experieince no time is the key and it is what navigates this infinte space and experieinces no time...


anyhow. lots of mind talk here... but all concepts :) 

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