
Is TJ reeves a cult leader?

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I've watched some of his videos and some discussions on here and im still confused. Is he a cult leader? Or is it a stage Coral movement? 

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Well who knows how developed a person really is. It does seem to me though that he has a huge spiritual ego. I definitely would not call him a cult leader, he ticks basically none of the boxes Leo mentioned. Might become one though, maybe even deliberately, who knows. Be conscious, take from his teachings what you resonate with, focus on your own growth, be careful with projection.

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Yes I think so, he's made some interesting judgements on Leo before about Leo being a cult leader and his channel being just a long-form suicide note. they were really strange accusations, which led me to believe they were just projections. 

I don't believe he's coral, i don't know what that is but I do notice good amount of classic orange and resistance to green 

I liked some of his information and advice, I got some insights on SD from him (integrating lower stages) and I like the way he takes ownership of his life

That's my honest analysis

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Well he does seem to have some legit advice and knowledge, but I have not seen much, only thing that is important if you can see anything valuable to you in his content and not get stuck in ideologies.

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7 hours ago, Enizeo said:

Well who knows how developed a person really is. It does seem to me though that he has a huge spiritual ego. I definitely would not call him a cult leader, he ticks basically none of the boxes Leo mentioned. Might become one though, maybe even deliberately, who knows. Be conscious, take from his teachings what you resonate with, focus on your own growth, be careful with projection.

I only disagree with you on the point that he ticks basically none of the boxes Leo mentioned, he actually ticks many of them.

7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Let’s not gossip.  This is the con (as in pros and cons) of bringing up these kinds of topics only to have Egos throwing new labels around like ‘cult’.  

Don't you think that we can learn something from this?

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@Enizeo It's ok that you don't know :D Some of his advice is legit, but here's some stuff that I learnt about him: He has a huge ego, tells so many lies about the world, for example that he has Leo's personality test score, is reffering to some questionable studies and researches, he is a zen devil, throws people into his own social media type of thing, is all about climbing to the top, offers free coaching for young people (this could either be that he thinks, that they are easy to manipulate, or he is just trying to help them in his own way), he is just too nice to everyone (I may be paranoid, but he is just simply too nice, it's suspicious), is offering you to join his company, he monopolizes the „Truth“, is often talking about bending the rules and being ruthless, talked about the apocalypse and it seemed quite bizzare, tells everyone that he is saving the world with his all star dream team... 

You probably see where I'm going with this. I honestly think, that he doesn't currently have a cult, but his behavior and personality are very likely to drive him into that territory. He has some great insights and is a good motivator, it's really the extremity of it all and the way he is going about things. People like him, who are very very intelligent and know things, that other people don't, can easily build their identity about it and start manipulating people and even though their intentions might have been pure at the beginning, it can turn into any sort of bullshit. Even I have done a similar thing in the past, but I realized it after like a week and trust me, you won't even notice it, when you are doing it, if you aren't conscious enough, ignorance and self-deception is fucking powerful :) 

Edited by bejapuskas

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He does give legit advice because he cites well know information, but that is as far as you can get with him, everyone can talk smart and read from book, you can get some information that could be useful for you , but I would not advice to get involved with him, he is  another case of to young and in for wrong reasons, life will bring him down from clouds he is living in. 

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@Joseph Maynor I think that he fits Leo's definition quite precisely + many people on this forum are getting converted and self-decepted by his teachings, I think that it is important to learn about what he is doing and point out all the red flags. :) 

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I think what we need to do is stop looking at people in black and white terms or that they're some all knowing being. Everyone has valuable information and everyone has an ego, so just work out what information is valuable to you and dont buy into any teacher wholesale. 

Tbh I usually get a feeling whether someone is speaking from presence or not or whether they have an inflated ego. So I think just go with your gut on these things. The goal isn't to find the reincarnation of Christ it's to get the pointers you need to see what you truly are (or aren't). So get out of the idol mindset

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7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It depends on whose definition of ‘cult’ you use.

The one from the video, obviously. 

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Cult is a very loaded word.  It’s like the word narcissist.  And in the hands of Egos these words can be used to demonize and stop discourse.  After all if we label so and so a cult we can write that person off.

That’s why we use the definition from the video. Just like NPD is specified in the DSM. 

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Actually i think Ty has a very healthy ego. Although he does say some shit about leo and his work i really don’t think he is doing it to feel one up. Some of his critique of leo is very valid in my opinion. For example he often points out how depressed are the people from and you know what i am not surprised. The thing is that leos content is very high quality and is also very philosophical. And I can’t even say that it is missing anything but i can say that his content is not a guideline for happines. The content Tj puts out has a much more practical value and is better for young audience in my opinion. Leos content is great for younger audience aswell but if you are young and don’t really have much experience and no life purpose the content Tj produces can give you great pointers for your life.

But i still think Leos consciousness is much more developed than Tjs

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He used to post on the forum and exited from it with a 'I'm leaving' thread so I decided to watch one of his videos. He basically is using 'enlightenment' as another accomplishment, yes with all the spiritual terminology to adorn it but it's just another merit badge on his ego's scout vest.

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@bejapuskas yes i feel good when i’m dipping my toes into nondual awareness but this whole enlightenment is rubbing against my ego real hard so I can’t really say. 

Another thing i agree with Tj is spiritual ideology. I am not saying leo is some kind of spiritual ideologue and neither am i saying you are but leo doesn’t really emphasize this part that much which can make younger viewers deluded.

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@Conceptually-made He gives quite a big emphasis on ideology, but pure theory just is not enough, those people have to learn it by direct experience most of the time :) 

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@bejapuskas  ok he does. But what i was aiming at is that he doesn’t really give an alternative of how you should go about life. I mean he does to a degree and this is why I can’t talk any shit about leo. But he doesn’t really emphasize it much. Ty really gives you a kick in the ass as far as this goes.

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@Conceptually-made Ty thinks, that if Leo says something, all of his audience is gonna do it immediately that day, that's wrong. Some things you gotta learn yourself, Leo cannot just give you everything you need, did you forget that you need to do the work inside? TJ forgets to mention some important things as well, no one is perfect at teaching.

Some of his insights are legit and he is a REALLY good motivator, but the way he does thinks stinks. You need to take these teachers with a little bit of salt, both TJ and Leo, question them, do the practices, but stay detached, going into this ego-driven climb the hill kind of life, that TJ is proposing is a downgrade from detachment.

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@bejapuskas  Yeah some great points there! I completely agree with the fact that teacher can’t really do everything for you. And i am really not criticizing Leo since he is truly fucking amazing. 

And yeah you might be right about his downgrade from attachment. 

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