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How do I love humanity more?

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At my job I deal with men some could describe as "unfit for mankind." I am surrounded by the most immature manifestations of spiral dynamics, orange, blue, and maybe even some red. This is the perfect training ground because I'd like to be more loving and compassionate toward mankind and the people I deal with, but they really don't make it easy. Any suggestions?

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There are multiple ways of thinking about this situation 

But the most heartfelt one is that there is something in each of these men that you dislike

find the thing you dislike in each of them specifically and then know that 

it is you creating that perception of them 

if you want to be more loving and kind to them, then just learn to accept the way they talk, their actions and learn to stop back rationing the decision they make as good or bad, 

this will allow you to recontextualise your thoughts and ideas and just stay in the moment 

you might even find that you will start to have a laugh with them because you understand their views on a matter 

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An adult is not better than a child. In value, in anything. An adult would not look at a child and look down on them. An adult wouldn’t make a post about why children are less than him. Even if the children in question can be horrid in their behaviour.

A sign of true progress and development, and “adulthood” is just that. If you can not love them and remain unjedgemental in emotion, maybe not thought regarding these co workers. 

You have much work to do. So instead of looking down on them. Pull yourself up to a level where you can no longer do so.


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@Onecirrus If it was easy then there wouldn't be any opportunity to grow. 

The fact that its hard to love them is a great sign, it means there is a big door open for you grow through.

All you really have to do is watch your emotions when interacting with them--anger, irritation, observe these emotions and be aware of when and why they are happening. And then let them be. In time, you should grow to accept them for what they are, and as the users above me have stated, see them for where they are--its not their fault per say, it just is what it is.

Edited by VictorB02

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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