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Without Leo I would have turned to Sicentology

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Thank God I have knew about Leo's video and his resources because without it I would probably be a Scientologist . One of his videos I keep forgetting had a link to a test about your personality and more It was a 360 question test as I remember back. I remember that I was healthy emotional but struggled a bit on putting my idealistic views to reality. Then no too long after that (p.s I took these tests many times varying answers so I could only speak on what felt right to me) I live in Hollywood so I was walking down Hollywood Blvd then I pass by the usual Scientology building by Highland and there were people giving out flyers I decided fuck it I got it and it read Free Personality test! It said this is a legitimate test that Standford University uses. So I wasn't feeling it right then but tomorrow I skateboarded up there and I talked to the lady in the desk and asked for me free test. I was so amazed on how nice and professional she was. She lead me to a seat to watch some basic videos about Scientology. I knew it was a cult but I didn't bother asking them any questions like that. She asked me what do you know about it yadayadayada. And recommended me some books that helped her about relationship and how to be successful and manage your time and money. It seemed right at first nothing bad. I saw their video about their meter to detect sins or something I don't know. She said it's a legit way to do something I forgot. Then she lead me to the room it was so many people waiting I was amazing how caring and passionate they were the staff was from different races and cultures I was shocked. I waited till it was my turn this test took me I say 20 to 25 minutes. I raised my hand indicated I'm done and waited again to talk to one of the guys that is going to evaluate the test. The test had hand eye coordination test to see if your going to be part of a car accident and math test and other psychological test. It was my turn to talk to this guy who had my results. This is when it got ugly This guy vibe was not friendly more like pessimistic and bland. He was checking me out trying to figure me out. He then said my test scores came back really low. He asked me if I took drugs and goes family and where you from and other stuff pertaining this test. I was in shock because It said that I was depressed and low self esteem. That was so weird because I never been like that well it happens to the most of us at times but not like that 24 7. He tried to give me deal on some seminars and books he reccomends he said he doesn't give this secret that this "deal" was the best. My response was basically no thank you etc.etc. He got upset and tried to put me down but I forgot what he exactly said. I was so shocked at this so I left. The only nice person that seemed genuinely trying to help people was the lady in the front and started asking me how did it go and what your results was. I brushed it of and laughed that this doesn't make any sense and I left. If it wasn't for Leo I would have been desperate enough to ask for their help. Thank you leo 

Edited by ShugendoRa

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