
Question Time: What would happen if Leo, Teal Swan, Eckhart and - You - would meet?

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I know that this is somewhat of a distracting shitpost, but nonetheless the initial thought happened to cross my mind while I was looking up on Teal Swan earlier to see how she's doing, since I don't actively follow her or her teachings at all basically. Because I was re-watching some of Leo's videos prior to her content I had to think of what it would be like if the two would meet and sit down to talk for a while, since they're just so different.

To spice things up a little and to make this post just ever so marginaly more relevant (through the addition of self-reflection perhaps), I thought I'd throw Uncle Eckhart and You into the mix. So, what would you think would happen?xD I personally would be very observing and just picking up on the energy that would be created by such an intriguing mixture of personalities. I don't even think that I would want to ask anybody any particular questions about spirituality or enlightenment etc. What a huge powder barrel that would be... Because the energy would be so amazingly high in a situation like that, the thing I'd probably want to do most is simply meditating with them for a while - nothing great would actually even need to be said probably, it would all happen on a nonverbal energetic level most likely. Fascinating to think about it like that...

Edited by DocHoliday
Reason for edit: typos and stuff

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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@Joseph Maynor You think so? Perhaps it may be like that, who knows:)

But have you had conversations with, let’s say, “high-consciousness” people face to face before? (Just asking out of curiosity) Because in the rare occasions I have met such people, the conversations certainly were anything but ordinary. 

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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I don't think I'd want to talk about spirituality with them, I'd like to see how they are on a personal level, I'd roll a joint if they smoke and talk about our non-spirituality related passions.  They all have books and plenty of material out there for times when I want to learn theory, I'd be more interested in the stuff that doesn't get put into the books.  I'm starting to feel theoried out a bit, there aren't really any questions I have that I want answered, just kind of working on surrendering more and more to the moment while pursuing my goals

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

At the end of the day we are all just humans looking for a way to manage primarily our own suffering.

I agree, we are so often ready to point the finger at people who dare say something like this, but it's true and it should be this way imo.  We know our own suffering more than anyone else, we all have to manage our own suffering, we are the only ones that really can.  If you fail to manage your own suffering, you make others suffer.  It's beautiful to me that being selfish is often the least selfish thing you can do paradoxically

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2 minutes ago, theking00 said:

what causes suffering?

I can only answer what it seems like to me.  Two things kind of come to mind, first is a belief that a particular emotion is negative.  I'm just kind of programmed seemingly to not want to feel my anxiety, and to not want to feel my embarrassment.  It's like I believe subconsciously that if I push it to the side, I'm saving myself from suffering.  But this refusal to accept the suffering causes this tension and lack of awareness which takes a toll on me.  So I think a combination of having an emotion your ego doesn't like, and refusing to feel that emotion

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2 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It can also be caused by experiencing an event your Ego doesn’t like.  If I threw you in prison that would cause you a lot of suffering.

Absolutely would, please don't throw me in prison

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

And until you experience that it’s easy to minimize the suffering caused by it.  It’s only when you’re going through something really horrible that you can know and even appreciate what suffering is.

Video on point to watch:


When I get the chance, Ill be watching that video for sure, or at least a large portion of it as I have a lot of spare time traveling atm, thank you

Edited by zambize

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I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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4 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

But a high-consciousness person is still a person though right?  On some level it would be no different than talking to any random stranger on the street.

Yes, on some level they’re still “just” a person, but then again, on some level they’re very literally not (if you know what I mean-_-

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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@non_nothing A wise choice!

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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18 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

[...] it would be just like talking to a random senior citizen from your perspective.  

And that I do doubt rather intensely. If one were on the same page with him, it would be quite difficult, if not impossible, to notice that “particular something” about him that sets him apart from the average senior citizen. 

At least to me, in any conversations I have, it is very noticeable where people are on that general scale of overall consciousness. I can feel it through their presence. That’s why I’d be so excited being able to participate in a get-together of such personalities. 

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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@Ampresus Hah, well, I know this sucks but could you explain why? I don’t really know him at all. 

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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10 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

It would be no different than four random people chatting on a bus.

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Fun post!

I've met Teal Swan a couple years ago at a workshop she was putting on. I joined a small group at a park of about 20 people, and she was answering various questions. I got a chance to talk with her for a while. But I was very conflicted. I was very grateful for everything that she shared in her videos but I also have a lot of resistance to her because of her demeanor and the rumors surrounding her. But I have a lot of dreams with her in it where I'm always trying to get involved with something she's already got going on with other people. So, I suspect that the resistance has a lot more to do with what she represents to me than how she actually is... like a shadow thing. 

I've talked to Leo a bunch of times on here. But I suspect that in person our interaction would be pretty chilled out and nonchalant. Maybe talk about consciousness work, maybe not. My guess is that he'd be a bit less intense than in his videos, and that it would be a pretty calm interaction. 

With Eckhart Tolle, I've never met him, but I just enjoy his jolly but quiet demeanor. I feel like I would have a lot of questions for him, and would almost be wanting more of a mentor/student interaction than a one to one friendly sort of interaction. And I feel like I'd really want to just be around him.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@DocHoliday if there is one guy who understands “love” it is Matt Kahn. Imagine how the converstations would be :D

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@Ampresus Hah, okay, now I got it :D Thanks.

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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