
Eating meat and getting grounded

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Is there a relationship between eating meat and getting grounded?

My doctor said I should eat meat because I would get more grounded. It's important for me because I'm diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

The problem is that eating meat is not in accordance with my values. I really love the environment and my health.

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@brugluiz what is your daily diet like ? I have been on keto for a few months short of a year and cutting out carbs has been life changing for me. In energy and mood levels. But have recently decided to eat a mostly meat diet to see what that can do for my own depression and anxiety issues. (If you have heard jordan peterson talk about curing his depression through an all meat diet.) I have done extensive research on food and health for years and have considered cutting meat and animals products out myself for health reasons, mainly, but have decided based on my research it wasnt the best route for me. My diet consists of probably 85% meat (no pork, little processed) and eggs. 15% high anti inflammatory veggies, fruits and nuts. Minimal cheese sometimes, although I may cut this out in time. Aside from that, strict no dairy, no gluten. Drink only water, flavoured water, tea and sometimes diet pop, although I will be cutting out the diet pop eventually as well. I wouldn't say to eat more meat as I appreciate and respect your reasons as to not, and I am only a little more than a week in of switching to mainly meat, so cant be certain if it will have the changes I am looking for. Although I know for sure that keto has been life changing for me. It is so hard with all of the conflicting data out there on all ways to eat. But if you are willing to add in meat i would suggest doing an elimination diet to see what foods agree and disagree with you. And cut carbs!!!! Jordan Petersons take is dirastict but intriguing. I dont think I could ever go fully meat like him, (he literally only eats beef) !!! But if it can help my anxiety or depression I will be sticking to a mainly meat diet.

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I did keto diet for more than 3 months. I lost some weight, but still had some depression and anxiety (in the first month, I was happier though).

I'm on a plant-based diet for 3 days and I'm feeling better.

I just asked myself: do I have the courage of killing an animal?

My answer is 'no', so I won't eat it for now.

Edit: before being on plant-based diet, I was eating a lot of junk food.

Edit 2: I took a look at Jordan Peterson commentaries about eating just meat. I don't know about it because I never tried it. I hope it doesn't destroy your health though.

Edited by brugluiz

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I do not know what it is based on that it makes you feel more grounded. I could see for emotional reasons for why some people, many, would feel more grounded after eating meat. For making you healthier, I don't think it's necessary

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You can try a plant-based diet if you supplement B12 and get plenty of ALA omega-3 from plants, though DHA from algae oil is preferred by a large margin.

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Eating meat will make you feel more grounded as your body requires more energy to digest this then fruits and veggies. If you don't want to eat meat, consider eating root vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets and yams. Heavier and denser and will help with grounding your energy.

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Jordan's depression was cured by meat because his digestive health is in the toilet and meat is relatively easy to digest with no inflammatory properties, at least not immediate, a sensitive gut that is inflamed will be scratched by fibre hence plant foods cause a lot of pain to these people. Carnivore diet is not a solution it masks the symptoms of impaired absorbtion, methylation disruption and potentially leaky gut and IBS. 


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I don't know about schizoaffective disorder but this carnivore veteran (who has eaten that way for 7 years or so but only initially wanted to try it for 3 weeks) had major improvements in her bipolar.

She quickly dropped all meds and cured a 20 year long depression.  She came from a history of low carb and keto dieting but still didn't get the desired relief until she dropped all plants.  Some people are very sensitive to the defense chemicals of certain plants and lots of people report significantly improving mood disorders on the zero carb diet (on the website the category of 'mental health/mood' has just about the highest entries of testimonies).

41 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Carnivore diet is not a solution it masks the symptoms of impaired absorbtion, methylation disruption and potentially leaky gut and IBS. 


I don't know how this can be said so certainly when there are many carnivore veterans out there eating only from the animal kingdom and in thriving health (some reversing serious diseases).  It seems to be one of the quickest paths to resetting the gut but in saying that a lot of people still don't have much desire to add back any plants into their diets even after healing.  So it seems to be both a solution to eat like that permanently and achieve health or to heal your gut with intent to add plants back in later...

But in saying this you could try carnivore for 30 days (it is world carnivore month right now btw :p) and then reintroduce plants back into your diet and see how you do with them.

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17 hours ago, brugluiz said:

The problem is that eating meat is not in accordance with my values. I really love the environment and my health.

Imo you should put your health first (this is how you can do the most good in the world) but even with your concern about the environment, you could source your meat sustainably and ethically.  A lot of the arguments about meat's ill effects on the environment are talking about either factory farming or third world livestock practices.

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6 minutes ago, AMS said:

I don't know how this can be said so certainly when there are many carnivore veterans out there eating only from the animal kingdom and in thriving health (some reversing serious diseases).  It seems to be one of the quickest paths to resetting the gut but in saying that a lot of people still don't have much desire to add back any plants into their diets even after healing.  So it seems to be both a solution to eat like that permanently and achieve health or to heal your gut with intent to add plants back in later...

But in saying this you could try carnivore for 30 days (it is world carnivore month right now btw :p) and then reintroduce plants back into your diet and see how you do with them.

Agreed, there is army of people thriving on this type of diet healing anything from arthritis to diabetes. So are people on plant based, keto, paleo, name it. The interesting thing is that it appears that these people are afraid to introduce plants because it triggers back their symptoms. Kasey on Vegetable Police has introduced grapes and his gut got fucked up again, I think something similar happened to Jordan.  This tells me that meat diet is a masking diet, like pharmaceuticals and the core issue remains unattended. But I am open to being wrong, absolutely. 

Carni has only been around for relatively short time so we don't have a lot of evidence as to how this effects longevity however we have solid data on preferably plant based diets (with some meat) that show very positive benefits. Guess we'll have to wait another 50 years till some solid evidence is presented from observational studies that are most likely already going on. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Kasey on Vegetable Police has introduced grapes and his gut got fucked up again, I think something similar happened to Jordan.  This tells me that meat diet is a masking diet, like pharmaceuticals and the core issue remains unattended. But I am open to being wrong, absolutely.

I've been somewhat following VP and I think his major problem is that he didn't give strict carnivore a long enough crack before he started adding in plants.  He complains about his colon and attempts hectic fasts etc but I think what he best could have done is just stick out carnivore for some months or so more (carni serves as a basic fast anyway because you are abstaining from plant toxins and at least in this case you have fuel to power the healing).  The thing is, on my carnivore group, certain cases (including mine) need much more time to heal completely and some will even need to go just beef and water (when usually ZC means any food from the animal kingdom with the logic being the antinutrients, high glucose intake and fiber from plants being problematic for some but also in certain meats histamines being a factor for an extra sensitive gut).  Some cases on there have taken years for complete healing (one lady took 5 years of meat and water to cure lyme disease).  A lot notice significant improvements in a month or two however.

But yeah who knows, maybe there are people who really should be eating near strictly carnivorously due to their genetics.  I would think more likely their baseline of health has something to do with it and that eventually they would be able to add back in at least some plants.  I also know a lot of people in the ZC community don't add back any plants because there are certain benefits to eating meat only such as killing sugar cravings once and for all because your taste buds change completely, they are also under the impression that they are not missing out on any health benefits from missing plants in their diet.  Others can include some plants, whatever they tolerate but still generally eat ketogenic.

As you said the carni movement is pretty new in the mainstream and I think it is ideal for sick people (or anyone curious, such as athletes).  I guess if OP really is hesitant to eat all meat (because it is perceived pretty crazy in today's world and could come with certain ethical issues for some, although I feel a deeper look into it can actually even somewhat level the playing field on this factor even) then they should try a whole foods paleo like diet (I think that is ideal for most, or even better keto...and maybe for longer if he already tried it though that is probably a good sign that he may need to go full carnivore if he didn't get the full benefits he hoped for, this was also my progression).  Personally I think it's a mistake turning vegan/vegetarian because really there is a lot of evidence (such as the carni movement) piling up showing the health benefits of meat at the moment and evidence showing vegan/vegetarian diets not being great for some.  I think certain ailments are sometimes corrected on veg diets because they are more regimented in general but not great long term (for most).  That's how I see it at least.


Edited by AMS

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Eat a balanced WHOLE food diet that includes high quality meat and fish, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. 

I don't know if meat will ground you, but it is a healthy and nutritious

Edited by SgtPepper

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@Faye, I did some research about chakras and how to balance the root chakra (Muladhara). The root chakra has relationship to fear and depression and we need to get grounded in order to heal it. Meat and every rooted and red food will help you to get grounded.

Some examples of food that help you to get grounded and heal the root chakra:

  • Carrots;
  • Potatoes;
  • Parsnips;
  • Radishes;
  • Beets;
  • Onions;
  • Garlic;
  • Protein rich foods like meat and eggs;
  • Beans;
  • Tofu;
  • Soy products;
  • Chives;
  • Paprika.
  • Pepper.

But there are also other ways to get grounded and heal the root chakra:

  • Physical exercises (walk for 40 minutes everyday);
  • Connecting intimately with the earth (walk on earth and dig your hands in it);
  • Learning self-reliance;
  • Discoreving your true needs and aspirations;
  • Going from a psychology of scarcity to personal abundance.

I'm going to follow these tips and I post here the results (I still won't eat meat though).

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I've lived on a ranch all my life, so I've ate my fair share.

i used to love to eat steaks cooked rare but not anymore. I don't eat much beef anymore and if I do it has to be cooked thourghly or I don't digest it well. What is said by some about it causing a heavy vibration feels correct to me. Eating beef makes me feel heavy. I also believe it depends on the individual person and their collection of variables, worldview, occupation, emotional tuning, etc.,, 

I digest chicken pretty good.

To me, in the 'spiritual' world, it's simply violence. But we live in this physical dimension that's an inherently violent place.

To each, thier own. However they need to juggle it.  -- Is basically how I feel about it.

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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