
In Case Leo is Still Suffering From Chronic Fatigue

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@universe  By keeping your vibration high I mean general work on yourself to develop yourself both in life purpose and enlightenment... self actualization in general.  Following your joy, growing your peace, stuff like that.  Negativity will fall away bit by bit.  Tons of different ways to go about it, got to find what resonates with you the most, basically what excites you in a positive way.

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These are just stories pointing to the reality. None is necessarily true, none necessarily false. Part of being openminded is being openminded to the idea that you are deluded right.

So that being said, I see it more like this. Every one of the below talks essentially about the same phenomenon, who knows what the reality is, but the labels help to build understanding around it.

  • The Shadow
  • Negative Energies
  • Low Vibration
  • Demonic Entities
  • Harmful Other Dimensional Beings
  • Satan / Devil

So yeah, by reading up on how people recommend to exorcise demons, or cast of negative energies, or work with the shadow you are essentially researching the different aspects of what is experienced as basically the same phenomenon. Though, I have no clue what the fuck I'm talking about so don't take my word for it.

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@Bluebird Great point .. differnt views of the same one phenomenon.  Some may generally refer to it as your "inner demons". 

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Entities are not a part of your shadow. Nor are they your inner demons.

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@Arhattobe  Maybe so, but with your shadow and inner demons integrated and healed they would not have anything to feed off I think :) 

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There's like 20pages about disembodied beings and how sadhguru is talking about these beings and gives explanations how they come and where they come from everything is explaned.

I photographed only one sentence because nobody would want to read 20pages.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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The most dangerous thing in the universe is the belief system.


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Thought = form. Form doesn't nessarily need to be matter. Be very careful of what you think of guys! 


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Emotions and feelings too.

Everything we experience


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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44 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

There's like 20pages about disembodied beings and how sadhguru is talking about these beings and gives explanations how they come and where they come from everything is explaned.

I photographed only one sentence because nobody would want to read 20pages.


I'm going to have to get that book,,,

It brings to mind when I read about a medium watching disincarnate beings who were inhabiting drunks at a bar. Most likely people who spent years with the routine of drinking at a bar everyday for years. They remained in a sense gravity bound,,,because they were still craving their drink and routine,,,

Almaas -

All Spiritual Work Would be Pointless if There Were Such a Thing as Ultimate Evil

If your orientation is that you love truth so that it will change you and make you a happier person, your orientation is out of sync with how things objectively are; if you see reality as it is, you can’t help but love it. It follows, then, that objectively there is no evil. We see evil only when we perceive reality through a filter. A person who behaves in what we consider evil ways is a person acting through a distortion. In spiritual work, concepts of a devil, of dark forces, of some evil that exists on its own outside of the goodness of reality are considered manifestations of ignorance, both in terms of believing in such concepts and in terms of the manifestations attributed to such forces. All spiritual work would be pointless if there were such a thing as ultimate evil.

Facets of Unity, pg. 215


Although I see the truth in what Almaas says, it doesn't mean we cannot create and perpetuate shadow and illusion.

@cetus56 Yes! I agree very much!

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

@Epsilon_The_Imperial i know people will call you crazy and woo woo but I support you 100%.

Also. Keeping high vibrations is not going to help because it also attracts beings but of a different nature. Sadhguru says the best way is to have a rudraksha around your neck. It creates a cacoon of your own energies so other beings don't tauch you.

@cetus56 look. Even mooji is talking about this. 

Watch first 40sec of the video.

"Many forces visit this body. From different dimensions also" -Mooji.


I'm not against what is being said so much as how its being argued, I love mooji and sadghuru has a lot of great things to say, but I dont think we should use them believing something as a proof that those ideas are correct.  We should be able to argue points without using enlightened people as our champions.  This seems like it could very well be placebo, but I have an open mind. How does this rudraksha create a cocoon of energy?  Who are these other beings that want to touch me?  Are they concious?    If they have the power to enter my awareness, how is a cocoon of energy going to stop them?  Also it doesnt make sense to just say energy, there are many types of energy, what type of energy is this cocoon made out of and why does that kind of energy stop these beings in their track?  Finally, how did you come to these conclusions?

I've had experiences where I feel like puking negative energy and I sit there throwing up energy that feels like it's in my stomach, that doesn't mean I actually have a vat of negative emotions physically residing there.  To me it just seems that I kind of intuitively knew I needed some emotions purged from my awareness and both spiritually purging and actually puking play off the same neural pathways of feeling like I have to get something out.  But that's just how it appears to me in my experience, and I dont think it should be taken literally, it's not like if I physically cut open my stomach these emotions would ooze out.  In the same way that maybe it appears as though some beings are being expelled, when this isnt to be taken literally, it's just how you experience it.  Thoughts?

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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1 hour ago, pluto said:

The most dangerous thing in the universe is the belief system.

Best answer so far, even though this is what @cetus56is getting to as well, I think

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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Only thing that is dangerous here , is believing in anything you said, as mind can start playing tricks on you! :D 

Moji was not saying he believes it , watch further, people have serious problem of cherry picking parts of video without watching whole thing. 

Edited by purerogue

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I've experienced negative entities in astral projection, so I say that it's potentially true that this is the case if I'm to assume that he reality is astral is a real reality. 

In astral, I've had invisible entities drag me off the bed, pose as people that I know and try to get me to go into a room with several of them (all of whom took on the form of a family member of mine), and when I was a teenager, one of the entities posed as my then-boyfriend and bit me really hard on the shoulder. Then, one of them, I saw but he didn't do anything... like he was not really interested in me.

That said, I do think it's important to look into physiological reasons for things like chronic fatigue as well. But it certainly couldn't hurt to do some practices to raise the vibration in case there really are dark entities that can have parasitic attachments to us.


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@Epsilon_The_Imperial I have used psychedelics very successfully at detaching from attachments and accepting aversions. Psychedelics can be very powerful spiritual purifiers if used correctly.

That is my direct experience. I consider any statements that contradict my direct experience as false for obvious reasons, regardless of who is making the claim. That philosophical approach has worked exceptionally well for me.

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2 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

@Epsilon_The_Imperial I have used psychedelics very successfully at detaching from attachments and accepting aversions. Psychedelics can be very powerful spiritual purifiers if used correctly.

That is my direct experience. I consider any statements that contradict my direct experience as false for obvious reasons, regardless of who is making the claim. That philosophical approach has worked exceptionally well for me.

Your direct experience is True, but that doesnt mean your interpretation of a direct experience you had is true.  I feel like this is a common misconception people have, for example people who believe God wanted them to kill their children in really horrific ways claiming that they felt a sign and a voice saying to do it.  I dont doubt the experience, I doubt interpretations of those experiences, especially when people try to use their interpretations of their experiences to make assumptions about other people

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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"As one of your great Actors  Edmund Kean once said, Dying is easy, Comedy is hard." -Twilight Zone. (a small talent for war). So many facets to that quote I wasn't initially aware of.

I suppose there are other dimensions, then the 5 or so initially aware of. Kind of disturbed.

Where is Commander Keen when you need him.


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4 hours ago, zambize said:

Your direct experience is True, but that doesnt mean your interpretation of a direct experience you had is true.  I feel like this is a common misconception people have, for example people who believe God wanted them to kill their children in really horrific ways claiming that they felt a sign and a voice saying to do it.  I dont doubt the experience, I doubt interpretations of those experiences, especially when people try to use their interpretations of their experiences to make assumptions about other people

Neither does it mean that it is false or I should take someone else's interpretation of my experience over my own. The fruit that psychedelics has produced in my life speaks for itself.

Just because some are delusional does not mean that you shouldnt make the decisions to direct your life.

That is why it is my responsibility alone to interpret my experience. Never relinquish the responsibility to make your own spiritual decisions. So far, my approach to my spiritual path has been working exceptionally well for me so I'll stick with it.

I once read about Lahiri Mahasaya (prominent figure in Kriya yoga) extolled people to listen very carefully to their inner guru. That is some of the best advice Ive received and followed.

Edited by Matt8800

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