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No more sleep (literally) ?

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Big changes I have been noticing lately.

Each day is a massive upgrade. It's like nothing changes yet everything is radically different.

I barely identify with the body. I respect it. I understand how it functions. It works flawlessly. But I do not spend much time being attached to it.

I let it float and move spontaneously. I spend a lot of time surrendering consciously.

Awareness is omnipresent. The character keeps his role. Everything is like always, except that it's completely new. There is something curled around each thought, emotion, motion, action. Something that is aware of it all.

There is a lot of emptyness. No more need to define anything.

I feel reborn. Like I woke up in Eden.

I have been noticing the experience of sleep starting to change as well. Big time.

The body falls asleep, like always. It does not stay awake. But awareness remains aware.

Aware of the body, occasionally floating thoughts, the bed, the room... Everything.

There is no time passing between me going to sleep and me waking up, so to speak. Everything is becoming a giant, eternal continuum. 

Yet the body gets the rest it needs. It gets up refreshed and ready to live. Feeling energized. Like it woke up after a century of sleep. 

Awareness rarely travels while the body sleeps. Rather it remains floating above it; observing.

When dreaming, everything is extremely vivid and has this "unreal-real" feel to it. The waking life seems to have the same vibe. 

Where am I heading with this?

Is anyone else on this forum experiencing something simular?

Will the boundary between reality and dreams; asleep and awake slowly disappear?

Will I remain counscious throughout; noticing no transitions or any shifts?

Also note; I have been fasting on and off for nearly two years now. I eat little to nothing. It might have something to do with the reason why am I so "out of body" all the time.

Not panicky or anything here, just honestly curious.

Hope I can connect with someone on the topic.



Edited by ivankiss

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Beautiful :) So happy and grateful for you and sharing this, something you don't see everyday, it resonates with me deeply. You are not alone friend <3


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@ivankiss yeah thats how i ended up lucid dreaming; the duality between sleep/ no sleep  = dream state/ no dreamstate collapsed and then i embedded the fact theres no such thing as a dream in reality and so essentially you sleep lighter and all together i slept very bad that week, because i only slept 2-3 hours a day. I've stopped it for now because i need my sleep :') 

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Thank you for reaching out @pluto

Glad we're riding them waves together :)

@Aakash Awesome! I have been going through a phase of waking up and feeling tired/fatigued as well...But now that does not seem to be the case anymore. I sleep as much or as little as my body requires. And it always seems as "just enough".

I feel like a string ready to be pulled as soon as I open my eyes heh. Excited about being here now.

I also had a few lucid dreaming experiences, but for whatever reason I got panicky in those and kinda ruined the fun part of it immediately haha. It was some time ago tho. Maybe I'll set my intention in that direction as well, soon.


Much love!

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@ivankiss What would you say contributed most to you being at this stage in your life? I would like to learn something. What kind of practices did you do?


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@Rinne It may be diffucult for me to point anything out, since all of this is happening on it's own, kinda. I ended up where I am at this moment naturally, by following my passion/excitement and transcending all obsticales/limitations.

A lot of things fell apart from my previous life. I literally cannot recognize myself from 2 years ago. Let alone more.

I had to bare through loosing everything and see nothing but my passion. I believed in the dream so hard it reveled itself to me in it's totality, so to speak.

It has not ended. More beauty is yet to come, I can sense it. And that is all I need to know. There is little to no action that needs to be taken on my behalf.

It's kinda as if the dream is now dreaming itself, being aware of itself. And it seems to have a strong purpose.

That does not mean I am not the expreiencer anymore. I still feel, think, get involved. But there is a great sense of transparency.

I do not know how everything will unfold, but I have an enormous sense of foresight. I can see the choices I am presented with and where they might lead. I also feel free to explore those. Free will is not a question anymore.

Everything is driven by pure intention and passion.

All I can recomend is to follow your heart, focus on expanding your awareness, practise mindfulness, practise radical acceptance and follow your passion. Believe in the dream until it comes true; real.

Wish you luck on your journey.


Edited by ivankiss

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Welcome to the Enlightened :) I am surprised you can still interact and communicate. When i experienced something similar years ago i was in my own world for a long while before i could interact with anyone or anything else for that matter. Enjoy!


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@pluto what do you mean, what was so difficult about interacting and doing things? 

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1 hour ago, Aakash said:

@pluto what do you mean, what was so difficult about interacting and doing things? 

Hard to explain really, especially since it was a very long time ago. At the time it just felt pointless/meaningless to do anything or interact with anything/anyone at all and as soon as i interacted it would somewhat dull the purity of the eternal state, the beingness, the knowingness, the understanding ect... All i could do was just be in that moment for quite a while.

Its sorta like high end DMT experience, you can never really explain/express its depth, you can only witness/experience it and just be with it. Don't get me wrong, i was still doing things but i wasn't really there, i was everywhere/everyone, life just played itself out and i was just the awareness behind it all.



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@pluto side joke: it make pluto the perfect username for you lol 

but yeah i get what your saying, i'm basically going through that patch now, but still forcing myself to interact. you stop seeing people as individuals and stop labelling them unlike others, it's kind of difficult to keep up with trying to generate thoughts based on such dualities. Thats the bit i find really difficult

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@ivankiss Sounds like you are having a pretty intense spiritual awakening

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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I am in my own world for a while now as well haha. I am designing it, so to speak.

This forum is the first form of interactions that I included in my experience only recently. Communication seems to occur on higher levels here; I really like it.

I live far away from my home-town. On the other side of the world. I barely have any contact with anyone from my past. 

The only one I share everything with is my partner. One could say she is my soulmate. We went through this intense period of becoming our true selves together, yet by ourselves. We completely isolated ourselves from everyone. We lived extremely minimalisticly.

Now, at this point, we seem to understand unity and do not question things anymore. We are aware of the mirror and how it works. We respect each-other's realities and give our best to cocreate a pleasant third reality, for both of us to enjoy. 

I went through a phase where I wondered too much about who is real, what is real yadayada. Thank God I was assisted by some amazing people and those questions no longer arise. The heart only desires to experience more love. Has no need for evidence. 

I look at it this way:

We 're all One, right?

There's an infinite amount of unique expressions of the One.

I am one of those.

Why not explore and meet more of myself, by meeting others? Why not love the crap out of every moment? It is pure perfection and magic. Way beyond our human understandings.

I enjoy the ride now. There is a lot more to come. I am so excited to express the One. To create, to build, to move.

If you were to tell me two years ago that I will literally become infinite, I'd probably laugh at you.

But now... Now is all I have left. And it is infinite.

Love you all, hope you're having a kickass dream :)

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@ivankiss  Sounds awesome! It´s probably nothing but just a word of caution since you said you were fasting: Keep check of your BMI + weight and that you eat enough. Depriving the body of sleep, food etc can produce "spiritual" or extraordinary states. Have had two friends in serious eating disorders and it´s horrible so just want to check :)

Edited by luckieluuke

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@ivankiss My experience is that the dreams that used to come with sleeping has subsided completely. The world seems more dreamlike however. There is a softness to it now and not hard and rigid as it used to be.

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Thanks @luckieluuke

I am in fact shifting my focus onto those things, slowly. One could say I was neglecting my body to some extent in the past two years, but it does not seem to be complaining at the moment. I lost some weight indeed, but I feel like I'm closer to the highest version of my body now. I feel like I need just a bit effort and some consistancy in that direction. There is a desire to pack some healthy muscles heh :)

I wouldn's say I am depriving myself of sleep, food or anything tho. It is happening on it's own. I just give my best not to resist anything.

@WelcometoReality I feel you. It seems like I'm headed that way as well.

Although I also feel like going to bed will become a portal of some kind.

The body shall rest while awareness explores other dreams, shapes and forms. 

Until it decides to return to the body :)


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