
The Power of Infinite Learning, Distinctions, Relativity, Creation

3 posts in this topic

I want to share 2 insights I learned from 2 videos of Ralston, which I have linked at the bottom, and something I’m quickly and rather rudely being awakened to in my own contemplations is the following: 

  • all because something isn’t metaphysically or existentially true, doesn’t mean it’s not useful. 
  • You can learn FOREVER.

This insight is piggybacks off of the deep realization I had yesterday in my own experience of how existence is difference or “this and that”. However, I still have only see the little drop of this giant iceberg of an insight. 

Everything you learn, in a sense, is a distinction. Whether it came from you or not is another matter but regardless, everything you learn you create... and this was a helluva mindfuck (my hand was over my mouth when I realized this). For example (and this was what I brought to mind when I realized this), since we’re on the forum, bring to mind everything you know, feel, have learned, your story about Actualized and of course @Leo Gura. Now... get where all of that is arising. What is the nature of all of that? It’s a thought. You and I literally created this whole narrative and story about Leo and actualized in the form of a thought that, likely, you didn’t have conscious awareness of that whole story and all the emotions that come with that story (or any example, doesn’t matter). Notice how that’s not actually true and if that’s not actually true, Leo really doesn’t exist for you... think about that. Notice this mechanism in your own experience. Notice that this mechanism, distinctions, are not thoughts per say. Now, become aware in your experience that you not only create these distinctions and worlds (unknowingly or not) but also notice that if you pay close attention, if you were to eliminate that distinction, it wouldn’t be real for you. So what that means using a tangible example, if the concept of logic never was introduced to you, logic wouldn’t exist. Which is to also say, you created this world and “thing” called logic since logic itself isn’t something floating out there in the ether. Also notice though... that these distinctions, stories, and concepts have still served you though.  

With that last point and example in mind let’s look at some examples of powerful distinctions despite them not being existentially true:

  • Logic
  • The Subconscious or Unconcious Mind
  • Morality
  • Gravity
  • The Laws of Physics
  • Mathematical Laws
  • Your life story
  • Death
  • Sentient
  • Rationality
  • Symbols
  • Language
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Pain
  • Society
  • The ego

Now... realize that this list can not only be exhausted to infinity but also that, each of these things are all different relative distinctions that are going to be interpreted differently in some way by each and every one of you because you all are going to have different relationships to these distinctions given the difference between all of your own individual upbringing (notice what I had to do there too? ;) ). I invite you to also grasp that this is also creativity at work. Creating worlds & learning for infinity, this power is available to you. Notice the power here. You can literally learn and create forever. Imagine creating a distinction like “the subconscious mind” that, yes isn’t true in the real of absolute truth of Nothingness, but becomes true in the relative world. For instance... what if you created a new world for how we become enlightened and explore the nature of consciousness and create a whole new spiritual practice?... 

I think this is why I’ve always been attracted to different athletic coaches, sages, etc. They literally created this world from scratch by (unknowingly and unconsciously most likely) using the power of distinctions. 


Edited by kieranperez

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