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WindChimes (words) in Nothingness (air)

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Had a nice experience yesterday on weed.

Sat down and did meditation and came to the present after I smoked one.


After a while and bit of a thought process, had a powerful seeing.


It felt that in the blank nothingness, all phenomena/experience appears.

What I kind of saw was like this analogy.


Right now we are all identified as a windchime. We chime all the time in the wind and make our sounds (words).

But what we are truly cannot be communicated in any way via this body/mind.


The windchime cannot chime and tell other windchimes that what we actually are is the air. Not the movement (wind) but the stillness of air all around us (which also makes Us).



I drew this picture I am attaching with this post.


The top frame shows an impossibility (meta-reality) just to illustrate that Reality is one. Don't be fooled by the cube depicted... Reality is boundless in all directions/dimensions. But this is an illustration of course.

The bottom frame is from the POV of within that "cube" of Reality from the top frame. It shows the futility of the effort of a tiny WindChime which attempts to talk about the whole of nothingness as what we are. We get focused and lost in the sound of the windchime and miss what is being pointed to (because well, it cannot be pointed to) :)



Edited by SoonHei

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