
Eckhart Tolle

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Interesting. I'm in a game, only 'I'm not'. I'm a thing of flesh and blood that I sort of inhabit, but I am not it, and I only am when I'm not. Which is when I have no thoughts. But anyway, I'm in a game that was created by someone who doesn't exist, but does, in me. 

This doesn't really help. I'm in a game that isn't real, that's essentially all in my mind, but my mind isn't me. So when I'm the real me, with no thoughts, emotions, opinions, idea etc, I wouldn't be able to recognise anything anyway. 

All my life I've believed in the big bang. Are you telling me this is a creation too? 

The thing is I find so many parts absurd, clearly. But there is so much that you can't dispute. I just wish people wouldn't pick the parts that they find palatable. 

If someone gets raped and they suffer, isn't it their problem? Who says the rapist is doing anything wrong? Why was Adolf Hitler evil? These are the questions this all poses. The rape victim chooses to suffer. If they were in their ultimate consciousness, they wouldn't realise what was happening to them. They wouldn't associate it with being bad. 

You all know this is true. What I'm getting at is, this is bigger than you know. Nothing is real. I have no morals, no thoughts, feelings, emotions. I am a thing, in terms of matter only. 


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@Paul92 You are conflating relative with absolute. That is a source of your confusion.

Imagine the picture that is an optical illusion of an old woman and a young woman. Your whole life has been conditioned to only see the young woman. You just got a glimpse of the old woman and are saying things like “the young woman doesn’t exist! The young woman is actually an old woman! The young woman isn’t real!!!”

It seems like your mind is making all sorts of assumptions and trying to define and make sense of things, causing confusion.

I think it’s best to let go of pre-conceived beliefs and assumptions. Relax and open the mind and explore. This goes much deeper than you are aware. You've barely scratched the surface and making up all these stories isn’t helpful. Observe and be aware of what is actual in your own direct experience right now. Meditation is great practice for this.

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Change can only happen from within now.  There is nothing further that can be said.

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