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A Little Experiment

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To burst your little bubble of ”spirituality”


Set a timer of 5 mins, only 5!

Close your eyes

Notice how many thoughts you have

Can you stop them?

Try to stop them!

Is it working?

Are you thinking about stopping your thoughts now?

Open your eyes and try to recap how many thoughts you had

Was your mind silent? Really? Honestly?

Can the ”mind” be silenced? Who is silencing it? 




Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Thoughts are ever present. 

It is simply a matter of what one's awareness is focused upon.

Awareness can be aware of all thoughts at once or let them all go and merge with the eternal silence.

One can think at will.

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2 hours ago, Rilles said:

To burst your little bubble of ”spirituality”


Set a timer of 5 mins, only 5!

Close your eyes

Notice how many thoughts you have

Can you stop them?

Try to stop them!

Is it working?

Are you thinking about stopping your thoughts now?

Open your eyes and try to recap how many thoughts you had

Was your mind silent? Really? Honestly?

Can the ”mind” be silenced? Who is silencing it? 





You can't stop the thoughts. But it is understanding that no thoughts are real. Nothing then, is real. Every single thing you see, hear, feel, is an illusion.

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8 hours ago, Rilles said:

To burst your little bubble of ”spirituality”


Set a timer of 5 mins, only 5!

Close your eyes

Notice how many thoughts you have

Can you stop them?

Try to stop them!

Is it working?

Are you thinking about stopping your thoughts now?

Open your eyes and try to recap how many thoughts you had

Was your mind silent? Really? Honestly?

Can the ”mind” be silenced? Who is silencing it? 




@Rilles bro, you have 1900 you not understand what true spirituality is? Your not meant to try to stop your thoughts. Actually if you do your creating ideas...the idea that your ideas are false. The only thing you need to be concerned with is "who is the one who observes (in your direct experience). 

And plus "spirituality" isint meant to be a 'thing' you live by like a religion. Spirituality is nothing. There is no teaching, I don't believe any of it. Just more ideas entangling you more deeply into the web of beliefs you already have yourself in. Don't try to stop your thoughts

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@Rilles Close your eyes and observe your thoughts. Notice tiny gaps between thoughts. Relax and rest in those gaps. Over time, notice how those gaps become longer. 

Although thoughtless meditation is not a goal, when thoughtless being arises it can be like experiencing magic. 

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"How can you stop the thoughts if you're yourself just a thought? It's like trying to stop the wind with a kite"


I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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12 hours ago, Rilles said:

To burst your little bubble of ”spirituality”


Set a timer of 5 mins, only 5!

Close your eyes

Notice how many thoughts you have

Can you stop them?

Try to stop them!

Is it working?

Are you thinking about stopping your thoughts now?

Open your eyes and try to recap how many thoughts you had

Was your mind silent? Really? Honestly?

Can the ”mind” be silenced? Who is silencing it? 




As someone that has a dedicated daily meditation practice, I can stop my thoughts. Anyone that reaches states of Samadhi can confirm this. 

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I can actually stop my thoughts at WILL. I have free will. I created myself and designed the entire fabric of reality including the notion of self/no-self.

I am infinite. Now stop with your futile thought experiments and do more contemplation.

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14 hours ago, Aaron p said:

@Rilles bro, you have 1900 you not understand what true spirituality is? Your not meant to try to stop your thoughts. Actually if you do your creating ideas...the idea that your ideas are false. The only thing you need to be concerned with is "who is the one who observes (in your direct experience). 

And plus "spirituality" isint meant to be a 'thing' you live by like a religion. Spirituality is nothing. There is no teaching, I don't believe any of it. Just more ideas entangling you more deeply into the web of beliefs you already have yourself in. Don't try to stop your thoughts

Who said I was trying to stop my thoughts? Why are you projecting a bunch of ideas about my “spiritual progress” onto me? I was just sharing an eye opening moment I had after a year of daily meditation.

14 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Rilles Close your eyes and observe your thoughts. Notice tiny gaps between thoughts. Relax and rest in those gaps. Over time, notice how those gaps become longer. 

Although thoughtless meditation is not a goal, when thoughtless being arises it can be like experiencing magic. 

Thats beautiful! ?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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