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Tony 845

Can you get physcosis through Kundalini? & can Kundalini really kill you?

2 posts in this topic

Are there any confirmed cases of either of these or are they folklore? 

There is also a theory phscosis isnt real? 

But then again I've never been in a physc ward so what do I know...

also leo if you read this don't be afraid to make a video breaking down Kundalini, would of loved to have known about it before energy shot out of my crown chakra unexpectedly, I thought I was the damn Buddha for a minute..??‍♂️

Not sure the level of which my kundalini is awakened but it's for sure awakened, both of these topics have me a little concerned though...

Edited by Tony 845

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One of my kundalini teachers told me I could go into psychosis if I did a lot of psychedelics. He told me this while I was on mushrooms. Coming down.

I already decided kundalini and psychedelics were way too much and counterproductive together so never touched psychedelics. 

Now to answer your question. Not going to get into psychosis, but you can develop a very unhealthy relationship towards the world from a functional perspective if your not careful, and can get sucked in to mental projections which would result in something you want to stay away from.

In short if you have kundalini. Chill with the psychedelics, meditate, eat healthy, and maybe find a good teacher.

I recommend sat shree. For most folks here, he is a great gateway teacher towards higher levels of non duality and nuance❣️

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