
The Alchemist's Journey

49 posts in this topic

Edited. This journal somehow got a little bit out of hand, So I changed it a little to bring it back to business. This use of this hournal is to keep myself on track with my daily routine. Also it will contain some thoughts on life, the universe, enlightenment and so on. I decided to remove all unimportant imformation from my private life, because they are in fact, silly and unimportant. Also not every Schmoe-Joe should read my stupid private shit. :P

So anyway, I'm The Alchemist and on my journey to a amazing, sucessfull life and ultimately to enlightenment. I'm a hardcore personal development junkie and a huge fan of Leo, this is why I'm here. I'm rising and you gonna witness ;) 

Edited by The Alchemist

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This was a stupid pre-routine post

Edited by The Alchemist

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Thx Leo for this Forum!

Edited by The Alchemist

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I'm also a Life Coach. Hire me?

Hire me tho!

Edited by The Alchemist

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This was a first post about routines and stuff...proto routine. Keep on scrolling.

Edited by The Alchemist

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I'm also a Personal Trainer btw...

Edited by The Alchemist

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Fine topic! Next time new profile picture! Where does this journey go? I don't know, hopefully to Maimi ;) and to riches and happiness and enlightenment. Am I even an Alchemist for real? I'm glad I asked. What is your spirit animal? A bear. What does it mean? Means I got the powers of a true leader. I got strength and I'm grounded. I'm a healer and I help people. Peacefull, only attack when provoked. A beautiful, tender huge mass of meat and muscles and fur. A NATURAL BORN LIFE COACH AND GURU! What are you eating right now? Brown rice with eggs and black beans and salsa sauce. You completed all your daily tasks today? Okay give it a rest agony-aunt, who are mother? If yes then sorry mommy, I love you.

Edited by The Alchemist

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You are really inspiring to me right now. You are doing all this personal development stuff while I say to myself that I don't have the time. But I could have the time.

Thanks ^_^

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7 minutes ago, quantum said:

You are really inspiring to me right now. You are doing all this personal development stuff while I say to myself that I don't have the time. But I could have the time.

Thanks ^_^

Thank you :D I have cut out all the bullshit from my life to make time. Time is the biggest ego illusion...but at the same time, it's the most valuable and rare ressource we all have. The most precious thing you have is time...choose wisely how you are going to spend it...and you are going to spend it, one way or another :P Do not give your time to people or activities that do not deserve it or do not bring you forward in life. 

If you don't have the time, make the time! No excuses :P Also thanks for the cold shower idea you inspired me too! I will do cold showers from tomorrow on!

Edited by The Alchemist

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First real Routine post!

My daily routine will now consist of the following things that I must do:

  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 6 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • studying psychology
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes


Edited by The Alchemist

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Will update post this evening

  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 6 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • studying psychology
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes
  • ask for job at one place

Crossed means I sucessfully done it

Edited by The Alchemist

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  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 6 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • studying psychology
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes


Edited by The Alchemist

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Awesome job so far man! Wish you the very best on personal development! Loving those journals. Try not to spend so much time on them though. Focus on your goals :)

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On 15.2.2016 at 10:29 AM, The Alchemist said:

Also I have constructed my own formula for becoming superhuman...aka ubermensch. It is still in the testphase and maybe there are some factors missing, but the version right now looks solid already. Of course I am testing it on myself. I expect huge results within one month.

Could you tell more about this formula? It sounds interesting.

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@quantum Let me test it out for a few more days or weeks and then I'll share it. maybe on this forum, maybe in a video, who knows. Stay Tuned :P


Need to write down what I have learned from Matt Kahn so far:

1.relax's okay

3.celebrate everything

4.circulate energy


really powerfull stuff!

Edited by The Alchemist

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A small rant: I hate the way people treat animals. Especially those who claim they love animals and keep them as pets, but then the animal lives a shitty life like in a cage. Actually they live in a cage. I wonder if the animal is suffering from this or not. Still it disgusts me, it literally disgusts me. I hate it how people claim to love them and to care for them, but all they keep them for is to get comfort, to strengthen their own ego.  They mutilate them and then keep them in cages made out of metal or glass or small flats where they never can escape and are miserable.

"Ohh I love my cat, i love my dog, they love me too! We need each other, what are you saying you retard?"

Yeah, this is why you got that animal castrated and now keep it in prison. Look at it, look at "your" dog. look at "your" cat. Look how miserable it is, never knowing what's outside of it's prison, never knowing what it feels like to have a normal life. Being crippled for life and suffering from hormone imbalances, having their nature mutilated.

I truely don't think too highly of people who need the feel to keep pets who "belong" to them. Animals are not our toys or belongings, they are friends and equals. "My" cat can come and go as he pleases. He can roam outside, he can sleep inside the house, he can eat catfood, he can eat mice and birds. he is my friend, like a brother. He has maximum freedom to do what he wants, and I would never think about mutilating him. This is insane! INSANE!

Only because of this I got him, because I can give him the life he deserves being an amazing creation of god. He can go out and stay away for as long he fucking wants to, because I don't own him, but I respect the animal. And I protect him.

IF YOU CANNOT GIVE AN ANIMAL THE FREEDOM IT NEEDS TO LIVE THEN DONT KEEP AN ANIMAL FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING PLEASURE. What makes me truely sick is that they claim to love THEIR PETS and animals. That's just perverted.

And yeah, I know I should not judge, and I should not hate people, and I should not care about other people lives. This is why I vent out here in my personal journal. I don't actually bother people with this in real life, but the issue bothers me. The dogs of my ex, they rarely even go out of the flat. They look depressed and sad, all day long they only lie on the floor and wait until someone finally walks out with them, like once a month. Or the neighbors cat, that always want's to go out but can't, because it's a "indoor cat". It's not even with cats and dogs, but really with any animal.

Freedom is my highest value, for everyone, except for sick egos. Rant over.

Edit: I love you brother, thank you for being with me. (this goes to cat)

Edited by The Alchemist

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  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 6 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

This post is only mildly edited

  • Monday: Legday, studying psychology 
  • Tuesday: Backday, studying philosophy
  • Wednesday: Chest and abs, studying extra Spanish
  • Thursday: Arms, studying coding and programming
  • Friday: Shoulders, creating content and youtube videos
  • Saturday: walking outside, socializing, pick-up practicing
  • Sunday: ???secret??? #illuminati

of course every day will be with my daily routine, and the rest of the time goes to waste for other stuff like more reading, working a job (lol), coaching or whatever. When I find a job I will incorporate it into this plan.

So today again some gymbro approached me and tried to share his broscience with me. I have enough of this, every week one or two dudes come along who think they know best and must teach me. I know perfectly fine what the fuck I'm doing and why. Previously I was always nice to them, but today, with this last dude that changed. I told him I don't wanna hear his shit and that I'm gonna do what I'm doing. I looked like 20 times better than him, he had a terrible posture and was the manifestation of a fucking dadbod. I decided that it's time to wake up, time to get authentic and stop all the gymbros telling me how to do my lifts. Always hilarious how some completely unqualified dudes are trying to teach me something and they insist they're right. If I would listen to everyone of them, I would have a thousand different varieties for every single exercise.

Now I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is a new, awesome day that is waiting for me to do gods work. Pumping arms! BI myself some steak dinner! TRI stop me! #biclops #triceratops

Edited by The Alchemist

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  • Sleeping on floor
  • waking up at 6 am, drink water
  • taking cold shower
  • drinking green tea and stretching
  • affirmations for 5 minutes and meditation for 20 minutes
  • journaling
  • breakfast
  • Gym (with preworkout coffee)
  • Reading
  • Watching Leos videos(at least one) and summarizing them and act upon them
  • visualisation for 10 minutes
  • learning spanish 20 minutes
  • meditating again for 20 minutes
  • being active on this forum and updating this online journal
  • affirmations again for 5 minutes

Today I didn't do the full routine, especially not the morning part. I decided to give me a rest and to see if I get fitter again and improve my performance in the gym when I don't wake up at 6 am. So I had a terrible night, often woke up, but at the end I have risen at 10 am. And also I didn't sleep on the floor, but in my bed, and I felt like a king. It really helped, I feel my nervous system recharging and my performance in the gym improved also today. I took a hot bath also and drank a lot of water, more than usual. It's like my body needed it. I feel better now. Tomorrow I will wake up at 8 am and do the usual routine. I don't want to return to 6 am right away because I wanna get some more rest, also this night I will again sleep in my bed. I think 8 am is a good balance between 6 am and 10 am, and I certainly will feel better and well rested from it. Tomorrow is shoulder work out, and I will be fit for it. I don't feel bad about the messed up routine today, because I needed the rest. I was to harsh on myself too fast, and homeostatis is unforgiving. You can't go from 0 to 100 instantly, or the results will be contra-productive.

Also I decided today only to eat meat when it's really well done and worth it. I rarely eat meat, and yesterday I ate some meatballs with rice which tasted terrible, and honestly I felt terrible after eating them. I wish I didn't. Now the time has come that I'm almost a full vegetarian. I will only eat supreme meat-meals like a medium rumpsteak or chili con carne or duck at the chinese. And it will be very rarely.

Now I'm off meditating.

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When do you usually go to sleep? I would still try to wake up at 6am. After a few days I will be tired early and it won't be a problem anymore. I go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 6:00. Some days I sleep until 7am and feel like a god with 9h+ of sleep.

But your way might also be fine.

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