
The Alchemist's Journey

49 posts in this topic


Coach Corey Wayne answers two emails from women and helps them getting their shit together :P Thought I post this here, because really this man is a genius when you want to learn about relationships. It's very worth watching the whole video. Will update my post later in the night :D 



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I discovered one new amazing song today made by DJ Splash. Yeah I listen to everything.


Yeah I don't know either whats up will all those stupid anime covers. Good music is literally raped by this weaboo bullshit. But the sound is still amazing. I want the music without the stupid nightcore voice, would be so much better. DJ Splash is one of the best DJs out there. But sometimes he puts this stupid voice in his best music...and then some fan gives it a cover like that. What the fuck are you doing people xD

Morning routine, evening routine and daily tasks all done. I forgot to update my journal yesterday because I was tired and too busy.

I feel amazing and wasted at the same time. It's still fucking hard to go without coffee and milk and sugary stuff like chocolate but I feel like the worst is managed. I only drink green tea and water the whole day and I only eat vegetabes and fruits and a few random cooked meals without milk or sugar. As if it wasn't hard enough my wow addiction is still pulling at me and I want to play it. But I won't of course. I wonder how long it takes until I'm over it. The effects of drinking no coffee and no milk and even no wheyshake...I believe that my skin is getting better. Maybe I fool myself. But the withdrawal symptoms from the lack of coffee are still strong. Who cares, green tea is my friend now. I think in a few days I will be detoxed and won't suffer from the coffee addiction any more.


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the title of the song is in hungarian. i love speaking so many languages.. i love understanding them...oh not only the title... it's in hungarian...whoop whoop for second nationality


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I don't understand it, I only love the music. Can you translate it?



Edited by The Son

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Title:  Between clouds

Ha felhők közt jársz álmod repít tovább
Olyan régóta várom azt ki hasonlít rád
Nem számit a múlt mert már veled vagyok 
Szemed örülten csillog szívem érted dobog

Egyszer felhők közt jársz máskor végleg kiszállsz 
Tudod többé nem érzem már a szíved dalát 
Hozhat bármit a vég s közben tiéd lennék
Hát döntsön az élet tudd meg kívánlak még

If you walk between could, your dream makes you fly
I'm waiting so long ago for someone like you,
The past doesn't matter since I am with you,
Your eyes are sparkling crazy, my heart beats for you

Once you walk between between clouds,
You know, I do not feel your heart's song anymore
You can bring anything,  while i am dying i would be yours,
So let the life decide, You should know i still want you

Ps sorry not good with rhyme translation


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@Rosie Thank you angel :) Every day you surprise me which how much ass you kick!


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Also  I'm happy to translate: dutch, italian, french and englsh stuff if you need it.

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@Rosie I surely can use all of those abilities. The offer is very appreciated ;) 

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